Positron v0.8 (Alpha) (Android Application misc)

Android instrumentations are powerful tools for automating android applications and make a nice fit for automated acceptance testing.

Positron provides an instrumentation and some support classes to help writing acceptance tests. It is provided as a jar that gets bundled with your application.

Right now acceptance tests are written in junit. Support for running scripts from resources is planned…

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DroidDraw r1b7 (Android misc)

DroidDraw is a graphical user interface (GUI) builder for the Android platform.

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OpenIntents v0.1.3 (Android misc)

Imagine your Android “cookbook” application tells you to buy eggs, ginger, and cardamom, your “birthday reminder” application suggests you to buy a blue tulip (for a friend who loves the color blue), and your computer at home notifies your mobile phone that the color cartridge of your printer is almost empty. Would you like to receive three notifications by three different programs next time you are close to a supermarket? Or rather have them all store that information in your central shopping list? (by the way, your internet auction application that watches the central shopping list has already found an interesting offer for that blue tulip…)

Imagine you have to specify for a handful of programs (the favorite “ring-tone selector” application, your “answering machine”, your “smart to-do list”, your “calendar”, your “work time log”, …) where your “home”, your “office”, “gym”, “music school”, etc. is located by specifying the latitude and longitude or the corresponding street address for each of these applications. Would you not rather have a central place for your favorite locations that all applications can easily share?

(Many more ideas can be found on our list of ideas)

Keep your one great idea a secret that could make you win the Android Developer Challenge, but share those obvious and common ideas that you encounter while implementing and that you think could be used in many other applications as well. We will develop the most-required components together (e.g. a central shopping list), so you can concentrate on implementing your core idea (e.g. the weight-watching cookbook) while having interoperability with many other great OpenIntents applications built in right from the start.

Join this project if you have great ideas to share or if you are a good developer and look for a low-risk project.

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SNES9x v1.43 v0.0.8 (Unofficial) (SNES emu for GC)

Askot has updated his modified port of SNES9X a Super Nintendo emulator for the Nintendo Wii/GameCube. Using this emulator allows you to enjoy your classic collection of games on your next generation console.


* Fixed displaying information about a ROM file.
* Added saving SRAM file in SD Card with CRC32 ROM data, no LFN format
(Must create snes9xsaves folders in your SD card, my mistake sorry).
* Menu in saving SRAM file changed to choose SLOT and DEVICE to Save/Load SRAM.

Thanks to brakken – – for the news.

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GC-Linux (Wii Application)

The GC-Linux team managed to run Linux in Wii mode – a proof of concept has been released.

Instead of writing dozens of lines, just head to the original source and enjoy.

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Ants4PSP (26-02-2008) (PSP Game)

Ants4PSP by Joppy Furr is based on the PC game Ants (also known as Castle Wars).


– Cards used by the computer are now shown for a longer time
– Cards now have a tick or a cross in the top right corner, to show if you can use them or not.

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Alternative VSHMenu v4.0 (PSP Application)

What’s it? It is an Alternative VSHMenu that has ALL same functions of the M33 VshMenu and other utilities such as the possibility to change the background color, to power off and to sleep the console, to activate and to disactivate M33 VshMenù from dashboard or to make screenshot of XMB!


-Added a security check to the plugin.
This because of a lamer team, called “Team Just Dead”, creator (but I have some doubt about it too…) of the “JD-Battery”, that when I released the v3.5 they diffused a hex-edit spanish version of my Alternative VSHMenù saying that they were its programmers and creators…
-Added the NO PIC0 AND PIC1 function
-Added the GAME KERNEL function for PSP Fat
-Added the USB CHARGE function for PSP Slim.
-GAME KERNEL and USBCHARGE functions share the same line, so if you use Alternative VSHMenù on a PSP Fat the GAME KERNEL function will appear, otherwise on a Slim the function USB CHEARGE will appear.
-Now when you change one of the functions that requires the reboot of the console to be applied (Game Kernel, USB Charge, M33 Network Update, No Pic1.png and Pic0.png), Dashboard will be restarted automatically, applying the change!
-Some minor bugfix and improvement to the code.

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PSP iTunes Controller (PSP Application)

iTunes Controller is an application that allows you to control iTunes wirelessly from your PSP. It supports multiple connections so you can use more than one PSP to control iTunes.

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LightMP3 v2.0.0 (Alpha 2) (PSP Application)

sakya released a second alpha of his upcomming audio format player LightMP3.

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TetriAbeties WIP (PSP Game)

dragula96 is known for a bunch of PSP Lua games. Now he has touched C++ and is working on a Tetris game called TetriAbeties.

There is no release yet, but a video:

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