Android hacked to run on real hardware (Android misc)

Google told us that we wouldn’t see any Android devices until the end of the year, but a funny thing happens when you put up the entire SDK and an emulator for a platform — all them crazy hackers start hacking…

[read more by following the link below]

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PuzzleManiak goes PPC? (PPC misc)

Alex, coder of PuzzleManiak, a collection of minigames previously coded for the Nintendo DS, is thinking about a Pocket PC version.

Go and leave your opinion at the votesheet to get it ported to Pocket PC.

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SD-Boot v0.3 (GC Application)

Emu_Kidid has released a new version of his SD-Boot homebrew application. Using this application along with an SD->GC adapter you can boot .GCM files from your SD card using either your Nintendo GameCube or Nintendo Wii.


* Compatibility Increased greatly (possibly a slight loss of stability though)
* Recoded the SD card reads (patch codes)
* Fixed file browser
* Fixed the issue of sector finding
* Fixed build process

Thanks to brakken for the news.

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OpenIntents v0.1.1 (Android misc)

Imagine your Android “cookbook” application tells you to buy eggs, ginger, and cardamom, your “birthday reminder” application suggests you to buy a blue tulip (for a friend who loves the color blue), and your computer at home notifies your mobile phone that the color cartridge of your printer is almost empty. Would you like to receive three notifications by three different programs next time you are close to a supermarket? Or rather have them all store that information in your central shopping list? (by the way, your internet auction application that watches the central shopping list has already found an interesting offer for that blue tulip…)

Imagine you have to specify for a handful of programs (the favorite “ring-tone selector” application, your “answering machine”, your “smart to-do list”, your “calendar”, your “work time log”, …) where your “home”, your “office”, “gym”, “music school”, etc. is located by specifying the latitude and longitude or the corresponding street address for each of these applications. Would you not rather have a central place for your favorite locations that all applications can easily share?

(Many more ideas can be found on our list of ideas)

Keep your one great idea a secret that could make you win the Android Developer Challenge, but share those obvious and common ideas that you encounter while implementing and that you think could be used in many other applications as well. We will develop the most-required components together (e.g. a central shopping list), so you can concentrate on implementing your core idea (e.g. the weight-watching cookbook) while having interoperability with many other great OpenIntents applications built in right from the start.

Join this project if you have great ideas to share or if you are a good developer and look for a low-risk project.

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Scrambled Net v1.1 (Android Game)

This is a port of the KDE game “knetwalk”, by Andi Peredri, Thomas Nagy, and Reinhold Kainhofer. Ported to Android by Ian Cameron Smith (headstay); released under GPL. Includes MTRandom by David Beaumont, released under LGPL.

The player is given a network diagram with the parts of the network randomly rotated; he/she must rotate them to connect all the terminals to the server.

Scrambled Net detects the screen size of the device it’s running in, and configures the board appropriately. This makes the game a bit easier on smaller phones — we don’t want to make the cells too small, because it’s difficult to tap on a tiny cell on a phone’s touchscreen. Portrait and landscape phones are handled automatically.

Tile rotation is smoothly animated; highlighted tiles show the user’s progress.

The game is designed to be usable with 12-key keypad or QWERTY keypad, or by tapping the screen.

The game has 5 difficulty levels; the first 3 use different board sizes; then wrap-around is introduced for “Master” level; then “Insane” level adds invisible cells. In case you’re wondering, yes, I can solve “Insane” puzzles, usually in 10-12 minutes on a large (HVGA) phone.

Release notes:

New in 1.1: selecting cells with the arrow keys now wraps around. There is no high-score tracking as yet. The game has not been tested on an actual phone.

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APlogger v1.0.5 (iPhone Application)

APlogger is a native iPhone/iPod Touch application that scans and logs visible WiFi Access Points (APs).

NOTE: APlogger is not an application to crack WiFi WEP or WPA passwords, does not retain or inject any WiFi packets, and will not be extended to support this.


v1.0.5, 10th Jan – the auto-scanning setting is now retained between invocations.

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The Ur-quan Masters 2x Add-on Language Pack v1.1 (GP2x misc)

This language pack adds support to The Ur-Quan Masters 2X for the following languages: Suomen kieli (Finnish), (Russian), Espanol (Spanish), & Deutsch Sprache (German). The game itself is downloadable here:,0,0,0,29,2390


* Replaced German translation with slightly different version I found. German translation now works! Wunderbar! Thanks to fusion_power for testing.

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Birdhunt GP (09-01-2008) (GP2x-F200 Game)

Imerion has released a GP2x-F200 game, but he himself, hasn’t one. If anyone wants to help beta testing, feel free to do so.

Release notes:

Hello everyone! I just finished a touch-screen based game for the F200. Problem is, I don’t have one myself so I am not certain if it works. Could someone help me test it and tell me how the touch-screen controls work?

I also need ideas for the game. It was mostly made as a test, but if people like it I might continue to work on it for a while. Here are the stuff I am still planning to implement :

* Non-touchscreen controls for all other GP2X units.
* Background music.
* Some better graphics. Especially the birds needs a redo.

And here are a few ideas of what could be implemented, if anyone wants it :

* Different levels with different backdrops and obstacles.
* Different types of birds, or perhaps something else to shoot at. (Targets, balloons, etc)

Any feedback is appreciated. More info can be found in the included ReadMe.

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Japanese Training v0.5 (NDS misc)

Japanese Training is a french educational software for the Nintendo DS to train your japanese skills.

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Skinz Sudoku v1.12 (PPC Game)

Mollusk has updated his Sudoku game for PPC’s once again.


– Writing small numbers in Write mode sets the mini numbers on
– Mini number touching in Wheel mode should be easier

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