SDL v1.2.9 (NDS misc)

Release notes:

OK finally uploaded the newer version of SDL 1.2.9, SDL_image1.2.6 and SDL_mixer-1.2.6 , the precompiled libs and examples have not been updated with the new version yet though. Thanks to parrot from #dsdev for the help upgrading SDL.

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Commander Keen PSP v0.99 (PSP Game)

Release notes:

Just a little new Version of Commander Keen for PSP. I thought I can release a final version but there are problems with episode 2&3. So it version 0.99 instead of 1.0. I hope to fix this bug soon. Or there next version will be 0.999 🙂 Now loading and saving is supported. You can use the triangle to open save menu and you have 2 safe slots (left and right trigger). You can load via main menu (get back to main menu is also supported now).Thanks to all old school gamers who love this game.…

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Solitaire2x v1.4 (GP2x Game)

Image provided by: archive.gp2x.deThis simple and classic Solitaire remake for the GP2x by S?stien has been updated. Thanks to GP32x for the news. Changes:

  • Compile with a new toolchain and optimized libraries who made the game faster, Big thanks to oopo ! (
  • Rewrite a Makefile to reduce the executable size : now 2Mo
  • Added choice of cards graphics between the old a new one I think much better, Big Big thanks to MichaelA ! (,0,0,0,50,1213)
  • Added a small png icon for the executable

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    Duke Nukem v0.3 (GP2x Game Port)

    The Duke Nukem 3D Port for the GP2x by woogal has been updated. Changes:

    Compatible with readonly filesystems(like theoddbot’s fw1.4), and the save bug seems to have gone.

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    Basilisk II (04-03-2006) (680

    Basilisk has been ported to the GP2x. You still need a copy of MacOS and a Macintosh ROM image to use this program. Release notes:

    Basilisk II compiled for gp2x. Mouse&keyboard doesn’t work and I don’t know how to make it work.,0,0,0,5,1351

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    Textreader v1.1 (GP2x Application)

    Hermes has updated his Textreader for the GP2x.

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    PSPChat v1.0 (PSP Lua Application)

    youresam has released an update to PSPChat. Read the readme.txt for more details.

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    Run UMD v0.01 (PSP Application)

    RunUMD allows you to run some games which would normaly require a 2.0 PSP on a 1.5 PSP, similar to MPH’s”Game Loader”. This is an experimental release, use at your own risk.

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    Dragon Fighter (PSP Lua Game Preview)

    Image provided by: Gary13579Gary13579 has released a preview of his new Lua RPG game”Dragon Fighter”. Here are his release notes:

    Here it is! The first version of my RPG for the PSP. This version doesn’t include much, just a simple map/player engine with hints of Inn’s and message-boxes. It works pretty well, and the framerate is nice, but I cannot seem to get MP3 support without overclocking and/or lagging. If you have a nice and optimized MP3 player, please please send me some code :).

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    NesterJ PSP v1.10 Beta (NES emu for PSP)

    After a long while Ruka has updated NesterJ PSP. This a port of the Nintendo Entertainment System emulator NesterJ to the PSP. You can get the update at it’s page.

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