SquidgeSNES v0.33 (SNES emu for GP2x)

Squidge comes up with another update for SquidgeSNES, a Super Nintendo Entertainment emulator for the GP2x. Changes:

  • Made the non-scaled mode a little prettier – it?s now centered and you can use a background image
  • You can now using the L/R buttons to scroll the file selector faster
  • Filenames are now sorted

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    Laserix 2 (PSP Game)

    Image provided by: fafensteinLaserix is a laser that should go through all diamonds on the grid. The only way to do it, is to use mirrors, in the right position and adjust them to define the right laser path. Laserix is a real ?Chinese puzzle?. There is no need for 3D or video. Now you can play 52 levels (incuding the 13 orignals masterpiece).

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    PMP Mod v1.00 m3 (PSP Application)

    PMP is a PlaystationPortable Media Player. This one is a modification of a modification. This time by malloc. Get more information at PS2dev.org

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    Quake II (PSP Game Port Patch)

    McZonk creator of the PSP port of Quake II has released a patch to fix a few known problems. Notes:

    Quake II PSP – Patch Day
    The first patch is finished. It will just fix little bugs. It not contains sound, no full singleplayer or multiplayer support and nothing of all the other missing stuff.Download: fix invert analog nub (was not working)- go to menu after first loop of intro- fix network game crash- added gpl to zip- removed the iso protectionI have not added an osk. I didn’t found a good one that was installable into Quake II.I still think the iso protection was a good idea. There was a lot of discussion about that. I know I cannot stop piracy, but perhaps you think about it now and buy games instead of steal them.I removed the protection because it will be removed as soon as I release the sources. In fact it is just a #define :)I’ll setup a source code package with Quake 2 PSP the next days. I have to fix some stuff so it will compile without problems. It will include all sources as well as a tutorial for mod porting. But I cannot support anyone until my first final release. Sorry, it would handicap my own development.

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    Learn Words (PSP Lua misc)

    This small utility is there to help the children to learn the words by associating them images. For the moment this software is adapted for the game console PSP. This game is open, you can add new topics by creatinga new repertory or adding pictures in an existing subject. One of the advantages of this play is that it is for all langages. All the file is to be placed in the PSPGAMEluaplayerApplications repertory of your console.

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    Super Mario Portable Demo v0115 (PSP game)

    Super Mario Portable has been updated by Plain boiled water.…

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    WWII (GP2x Fenix Game)

    Oscar Braindead has made a GP2x Fenix conversation of his shooter game WWII.

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    Snakman v0.3b (PSP Game)

    Snakman is a hybrid of Snake and Pacman. This time, Yeldarb ported it especially for 2.00 t0 2.60 users.…

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    NeoCD PSP v0.7.1 (NeoGeo CD emu for PSP)

    Zelurker has updated NeoCD PSP. It is a Neogeo-CD emulator for the PSP. Changes:

    Just a fix for a stupid bug which made quite a few games to crash in 0.7. Thanks to the quick tests which allowed to spot this one very quickly…

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    PLynx v0.3b (Atari Lynx emu for PSP)

    PLynx an Atari Lynx emulator based on the Handy sources has been updated and now found it’s own home at Changes:

    In this v0.3b release :

  • Speed improvement, now, most of the games run at normal speed, without”overclocking”the PSP.
  • Support zip compression format for cartbridge images.
  • Option to change the control keys.
  • Some add to to GUI.

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