PrankDS (NDS misc)

PrankDS has 3 pranks that you can pull on other people.

Release notes:

I would like to release a small homebrew app, that I made. Its called: PrankDS. It has 3 pranks that you can pull on other people.
Version 1.0 has:

2 Working pranks:

A sound player that you can add your own .raw files to. To learn how to do this, read on.
The scary maze game that has the image that jumps out at the end. (You may also change both the music and screaming sound on this too)

1 Half Working prank:

An unsolvable maze. Graphics load, but collision map only sort-of works.

It was created in about 3-4 days and shows helped me learn how to do the following better:

Collision Maps
Splash Screens

Here is how to set it up:

Download the game along with the appropriate dldi patch. (As I said, it uses FAT)

Put the folder titled “pdsfiles” (no quotes) into the root of your homebrew device.

Patch the game with the dldi and then put it on you device.

Have fun

Just on the side note: It will work in version 0.7.2 of DeSmuMe AS LONG AS the ds game and the folder “pdsfiles” are in the same place. No dldi patch required.

Finally here are the credits:

Game Made by: GEMISIS
Unsolvable Maze background graphic thanks to:
Scary Maze Game Idea thanks to: Creators of the Scary Maze Game
Splash Screen Music thanks to: DC Comics (you will see why)
Maze Game (both of them) Music thanks to: Kikaimaster
Finally, special thanks to: The palib creators, for palib.

Download Link:

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DSHobro v0.4 (NDS Application)

DSHobro is a homebrew web browser for the Nintendo DS. It requires a PC application to work.


* Multi-line text support. To insert a line break, just type /n in DSHobro.
* Upgraded DSWifi library to the latest version: connecting to Wifi AP now works a lot better. Transfer rates apparently haven’t improved though.
* Manual configuration is now possible. You may enter your IP & port manually — for those who had problems with the automatic configuration.
* Improved graphics slightly and corrected a few bugs.


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Auto Lock (CSDEVCTRL) v3.21 (r2) (PPC Application)

Auto Lock (CSDEVCTRL) is another auto locking program which utilizes the Windows Locking for partial locking (phone related keys are active) or complete locking (no keys are active).


Updated 3.21 to include a fix for in-call locking

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Launch Manager v1.28b (Beta) (PPC Application)

A new beta of “Launch Manager” is out…


* 1.28b Fixed a minor release bug in 1.28 and improved UI slightly.

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Colored Gravity (27-07-2008) (Coleco Vision Game)

PkK updated his game Colored Gravity.

There are two spaceships, each steered by a ColecoVision controller. At the top of the screen there are two numbers. The upper one is energy left. Energy is lost when firing, changing color or being hit by a missile. Energy recharges while the spaceship isn’t accelerating or decelerating. The other number is the reload. You can’t fire or change color while it’s nonzero. There are three colors. Objects of different color attract each other.

Left fire button: Fire missile of your current color.
Right fire button: Try to change color.
Joystick: Accelerate / Decelerate, turn spaceship.

Spaceships and missiles bounce when hitting the border of the playing area.

Release notes:

I added some eye candy and improved the speed.

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iPlay Pong (Alpha 2) (PSP Game)


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Totitoes v2 (NDS Game)

We’ve missed the update of Cortes48’s homebrew game Totitoes.

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Splash Screen Randomizer v1.3.0 (PPC Application)

Splash Screen Randomizer is a simple tool that launches in the background at startup and swaps out the Welcome Splash screen with a random splash screen from a folder that can be defined by you.

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PockeTwit (r06) (PPC Application)

PockeTwit is a twitter client for the Windows Mobile Professional platform.

– A unique user interface
– Display public, user, and friends timelines
– Update status
– URL shortining with
– Reply to tweets
– Show profiles
– Clickable @names and URLs


Create Favorites. Fix wait cursor after setting status. Background auto-update.


By with 0 comments v2.2.5 (NES emu for iPhone) emulates the hardware in a Nintendo entertainment system, allowing you to play games on your iPhone. There are many public domain, home-brew games available which have been written for the Nintendo platform, and depending on your country of origin, you may be entitled to play images of commercial games which you rightfully own.


[No changelog at time of posting available]

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