VDJTable v1.0 (PSP Lua Application)

DragonKnight has released a DJ scratchtable written in LUA for PSP.

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Rubiks Cube WIP (NDS Game)

Some progress news of MorganDS’ Rubiks Cube game for Nintendo DS.


Here are some updated screens. I’ll probably finish up graphics and add some features and then release v1.0 in a few weeks. Later, if I can figure out how to use libn3d, I’ll try to create a real 3D cube on the bottom screen.

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Eponasoft Multimedia Codec (NDS misc)

News from Eponasoft:

Since no one seems to be able to understand Moonshell’s pasta-code enough to put together a working DPG playback library (seriously, that source tree is a mess!). My offering is EMC, the Eponasoft Multimedia Codec. It is still a working prototype, but it is mostly functional.

This zip file contains a demo application that uses the format, and a conversion tool to make EMC files. Both contain complete source code, the demo application is coded in straight C and requires PAlib, the conversion utility is coded in Visual Basic 6 with Service Pack 6 applied. It is released under a BSD-like license, the license details are included. Note that the conversion tool is basically a complex frontend for several other tools, which can be obtained from the URLs listed in the documentation.

There is a minor timing problem with the format, and I’m not yet sure if it’s in the sampling size or somewhere in the demo code. Any assistance in hunting down this glitch is greatly appreciated.

PLEASE read the documentation before using, as it covers a great deal of information. I spent quite a long time writing it and tried to cover everything. If there’s something not covered by the documentation though, feel free to bug me.

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Win2DS v0.8 (Unofficial) (NDS Application)

This is an unofficial build of the Win2DS client and server, both the client and server have been up!


client – updated code to compile with devkitpro r21 and dswifi 0.3.4
client – optimised wifi code to greatly speed up throughput
client – can move zoom screen with keyboard active
keyboard – exit key now works correctly
keyboard – lower screen updates disabled to enhance keyboard responsiveness
server – mouse control now works perfectly with zoomed screen
server/client – increased accuracy of touch screen aligning with mouse pointer
server – changed scaling algorithm to halftone colors for much higher quality fullscreen image

Thanks to mooney ( //phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=399 ) for the news.

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ucLinux v2.6.22-UC1 (PSP misc)

Jackson Mo has ported ucLinux to the PSP. Get all the information plus downloads you need from it’s release page.

Thanks to for the news.

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Car Crash v3 (PSP Lua Game)

Grafele has updated his LUA game Car Crash again. Avoid crashing into police cars and survive as long as possible.

Changes (translated from german to english by Kojote):

* You can not drive on the meadow anymore
* The code recieved a cleanup
* The analogue stick can be used for moving now
* Police appears randomly
* Collsion detection has improved a lot
* Speed is a lot higher now (more difficult)

Thanks to once again for the news.

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Blobby Volley PSP v0.3 (PSP Lua Game)

Blobby Volley is a volleyball game for Playstation Portable written in Lua by Alois.

Thanks to for the news.

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Nintendo gets more active against Flashcards? (NDS misc)

I’ve just visited brakkens marvellous page and have found the following:

MaxConsole is reporting that Datel has also been hit in the raids that are going on in France/Germany. It seems Datel’s Flash Cart used some of Nintendo’s copyrighted material to load, thus under French law making it illegal. Nintendo is really putting pressure around the Globe on Flash Carts as I agree with Zeus that they are most likely doing this to remove the competition to their own Flash Cart they will be brining out.

If you haven’t heard Max Louran the owner of Divineo, Supreme Factory and MaxConsole has been arrested due to his sale of modification devices in France. Since then all of the Flash Carts from both retail sites have been removed. While we haven’t been able to obtain any press material regarding the arrest, various customers, friends, associates and enemies of Max from around the Globe are stating he has indeed been arrested. Read more about the arrest here.

This is very distributing news – not that Max has been arrested, God knows the jerk along with his flunkies deserve a lot more then being arrested for their activities in the scene, but it’s bad news for all Flash Cart owners.

Flash Carts have a lot of legitimate uses which outweigh their illegitimate use. They are designed for amateur programmers to develop software for a console they own without having to pay Nintendo’s outrageous licensing fees. Nintendo from day one has always wanted to control the market, but there is nothing wrong with developing legal software for a device that you own. Nintendo is just money hungry.

Of course Flash Carts can be used in an illegal manner, but this doesn’t mean that they are developed to be used illegally and the blame should lie on the people who do illegal things with them and not the companies who produce them.

One lingering question now in my mind is do all Flash Carts, like Datel’s use some sort of copyrighted code in them?

To add my thoughts as well: Flashcards enable the owner of a console or handheld to use homebrew and extend the handhelds features. It’s everyones right to code on a console he/she owns. This page should be basically the proof that not everything is illegal. Of course we do not support piracy and urge everyone to pay for a commercial game you like. Everyone of the PDRoms-Team handles it this way and YOU should too.


By with 0 comments v2.0.1 (NES emu for iPhone) is a fully functional, feature-rich Nintendo emulator for Apple’s iPhone. uses a heavily modified version of the InfoNES emulation core to mimic the 6502 processor in a Nintendo Entertainment System, allowing you to play ROM dumps of games designed for the NES console. ROM dumps are files containing the dumped instruction code from a physical cartridge. In many cases, you are legally entitled to posess a ROM dump of any game that you presently own. ROM images for NES are widely available online, or with the appropriate hardware, you can dump them yourself directly from the cartridge. started as a fork of iPhoneNES v0.01, but has been completely rewritten to run very fast, and with many additional features including sound, multitouch support, full-screen, landscape mode, game genie codes, saved games and much more.


[jonz] Fixed preference groups to appear with correct headings
[jonz] Cleaned up orientation changes and fixed scrambled screen bug
[jonz] Added NSAutoreleasePool
[jonz] Added LayerKit transitions for aesthetics

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Squish Em (10-12-2007) (A2600 Game)

You are climbing a building, trying to reach the suitcase of cash at the top. Watch out for all the nasty critters that are trying to knock you off, and watch out for the falling bricks as well. If you can’t avoid the critters, or you need to relieve a little stress, you can always Squish ‘Em instead!

A PAL and NTSC version is available!

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