LuaArcade (PSP Lua Game)

Here comes a new game coded in Lua for PSP…

Author release notes:

I’ve been working on this for a while, but sadly enough I never had much time to finish it. Because its been too long since I worked on it and I don’t have the caurage right now to pick it up again I’m going to post what I have. Its not really a game yet, its playable though… but far from what I was planning to do with it. I’m not sure if I would call it a alpha release or a proof of concept, but leave it what it is and take a look at it yourself.

What I was trying to do is proof to people that Lua can be powerfull enough to make a decent game. The game still has a lot to be coded and recoded, but I guess it could amuse some people for a little while already.

Everything is drawn by myself, although the design of the chicken itself is borowed from New Zealand Story. Why? well… I figured that they drew it exacly like I wanted to draw it, so I started from one of there sprites.

The code is a bit messy… and wasn’t ment to be released like this, but I promise that it’ll be more readable once it’s finished. A lot of stuff could be written better and more effective, but when I started coding this I was using lua for about 2 weeks… so I guess thats a good excuse.

There are some elements that other people could use if they want, like the font writing script, debug script and debug menu script… but if you borrow stuff from my code then please give me credit for it.

Thats about it for now… I’ll drop by again soon to see what you guys think of it.

PS: I didn’t make the music… I’m not good with music… if someone would make me suitable music to use then I would greatly appriciate it. The music I’m using now is something I found on the net and then adapted it a bit.

PPS: the right shoulder button opens up the debug menu… One feature ‘the key’ isn’t accessable in the game yet… so if you wanna see that then you’ll have to obtain it through the debug feature

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Powder (Release 88) (NDS Game)

POWDER is a roguelike game. It is not a port of an existing roguelike. It is built around replayability and long term ergonomics, not short term learning. It uses actual graphic tiles (16×16) rather than the traditional characters. You may wish it didn’t as I drew the tiles and am not an artist.


* Accruements is spelled properly (David Damerell)
* Dove into the tile cache code to try and cleanup various tile errors people have been reporting.
o Double lock fixed that would keep inventory tiles allocated
o Minimap releases its tiles after displaying and has had its maximum cache size unbounded.
o Void and Notile tiles have been special cased to never be freed as if we keep them around damage is mitigated.
o When a tile lock failed I still updated the map with the tile, meaning that if a later alloc succeeded, that tile would be double freed.
o The avatar tile was relocked on every new game, resulting in a slow tile leak. This showed up after over 65,000 continuous games so I really hope no one out there encountered it.
* New intrinsic, Amnesia, stolen from the recent Vanilla Angband implementation. You lose access to all your skills and spells while it is in effect.
* New spell: Soul Suck.
* New monster: The soul sucker. No points for guessing what its spell is.
* New mode: Tutorial. Selecting this from the main screen starts a special tutorial level for training people in basic POWDER gameplay.
* No longer use profanity in the death message if you spent more than a year playing the game.
* You can breathe again has the second e in breathe. (Clare Boothby)
* Blizzard was missing its second round of physical damage
* Sleeping while tired will lead to a deeper sleep. It also will have a chance to clear the tired flag.
* Monsters will not walk onto lava or acid if it will damage them. (hotpoo)
* Monsters will not be generated on squares that harm them
* New flag to prevent monster generation on squares. Also stops it being a target of holes, a target of tele, etc.
* Text for dual wield explains that off weapon must be smaller than main weapon (hotpoo)
* Some groups of monsters now have a leader which they are tame followers of. While following their leader, do not expect them to fight amongst themselves.
* Monsters will cast Force Wall if they know it.

Thanks to for the screenshot 🙂

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Powder (Release 88) (GBA Game)

POWDER is a roguelike game. It is not a port of an existing roguelike. It is built around replayability and long term ergonomics, not short term learning. It uses actual graphic tiles (16×16) rather than the traditional characters. You may wish it didn’t as I drew the tiles and am not an artist.


* Accruements is spelled properly (David Damerell)
* Dove into the tile cache code to try and cleanup various tile errors people have been reporting.
o Double lock fixed that would keep inventory tiles allocated
o Minimap releases its tiles after displaying and has had its maximum cache size unbounded.
o Void and Notile tiles have been special cased to never be freed as if we keep them around damage is mitigated.
o When a tile lock failed I still updated the map with the tile, meaning that if a later alloc succeeded, that tile would be double freed.
o The avatar tile was relocked on every new game, resulting in a slow tile leak. This showed up after over 65,000 continuous games so I really hope no one out there encountered it.
* New intrinsic, Amnesia, stolen from the recent Vanilla Angband implementation. You lose access to all your skills and spells while it is in effect.
* New spell: Soul Suck.
* New monster: The soul sucker. No points for guessing what its spell is.
* New mode: Tutorial. Selecting this from the main screen starts a special tutorial level for training people in basic POWDER gameplay.
* No longer use profanity in the death message if you spent more than a year playing the game.
* You can breathe again has the second e in breathe. (Clare Boothby)
* Blizzard was missing its second round of physical damage
* Sleeping while tired will lead to a deeper sleep. It also will have a chance to clear the tired flag.
* Monsters will not walk onto lava or acid if it will damage them. (hotpoo)
* Monsters will not be generated on squares that harm them
* New flag to prevent monster generation on squares. Also stops it being a target of holes, a target of tele, etc.
* Text for dual wield explains that off weapon must be smaller than main weapon (hotpoo)
* Some groups of monsters now have a leader which they are tame followers of. While following their leader, do not expect them to fight amongst themselves.
* Monsters will cast Force Wall if they know it.

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PuzzleManiak v2.0 (NDS Game)

PuzzleManiak is a partial port of the Simon Tatham’s Portable Puzzle Collection on Nintendo DS. 11 games are ported on NDS now: Tents, Dominosa, Mines, Bridges, Light Up aka Akari), Pattern (aka Picross), Net (aka Netwalk), Untangle (aka Planarity), Sudoku (aka Solo), Galaxies and Slitherlink (Loopy).


* DLDI patching is now mandatory.
* Some bugs in game saving have been fixed.
* Bridges bug has been fixed.
* Double buffering has been implemented in Untangle, so that gameplay is really better now.
* Dutch language has been integrated
* In Net game, it’s now possible to lock a tile when you think it’s in the right position (this is done in the ‘right click’ mode).
* Pressing “start” button while playing will exit any game in progress (useful in Untangle, as the menus are not available while playing, due to the double buffering implementation).
* Addition of new levels in Net game (with a Wall wrap around mode)
* 2 new games have been integrated: Mastermind and Blackbox
* Graphic themes are now available. Switching from one theme to another is possible from the game, and this choice is saved locally. 4 themes are available in the release. You can easily modify them (especially the background). We’re looking forward to seeing your best creations.

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mpdDS v0.3.3 (NDS Application)

mpdDS is an open-source mpd client developed for the Nintendo DS console.

Release notes:

I have uploaded a new build, compiled against dswifi 0.3.3. So MPDDS should now work fine on all Nintendo DS, even the latest Nintendo DS Lite models with the new firmware, and work with all router setups too.

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PSP Wave Changer v1.3 (PSP Application)

Author release notes:

I created this homebrew app so i could flash my own waves to my psp. It is fairly easy to use and it shouldnt brick your psp unless the file you select to copy is not a system_plugin_bg.rco file.

If anyone does use this then use it at your own risk and make sure you know how to change the system_plugin_bg.rco file in flash0 using the recovery menu.


The bug in the previous version is now fixed.
Also i have made the application look better by adding a background image, etc.

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MapThis v0.5.01 (PSP Application)

deniska has updated his GPS application MapThis to v0.5.01 (Beta).


-disabled map boundry restrictions:
you should be able to follow a route off the map w/o annoing popup mesage..
– better shared objects handling (seems to be very robust under 3.51 FW – no crushes yet)
-fixed relaxed lookup bug
– better zoom in/out logic
– new sounds
– better “speed limit” logic / graphics

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Yet Another Operating System (PSP Lua Application)

Yet Another Operating System runs like an Operating System for the PSP. Using the file browser you can view PNG and JPG files as well as Run LUA Files.

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Cave Story v1.04 (GP2x Game Port)

Cave Storyis a traditional action-adventure game, reminiscent of the Castlevania and Metroid games. [Taken from wikipedia]


Fixed the “Rest Area” bug,0,0,0,26,2291

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Mobile RSS v1.0 (iPhone Application)

The goal of Mobile-RSS is to create a native iPhone application which will remember all your feeds and give you an easy interface for viewing, adding, and removing.


Main new features are multiple feed support and complete code rewrite

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