Spirits DS (01-08-2007) (NDS Game)

Spirits DS is a game inspired of Spirits, a spanish videogame from Topo Soft. All is in early stages, just working with dual screen engine, and using original graphics to code colision maps.


– Now you can play in 2 modes, with “original” or “new” graphics.
– Animation for player (walk one)
– Animation for enemies
– You can open all doors
– You can walk arround whole first castle
– All enemies on 1st castle are set-up
– You can change map on bottom screen
– You can move map on bottom screen

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PDRoms Coding Competition 3.667 has started! (misc)

Competition running time: 3rd August 2007 to Sunday, 16th September 2007

Deadline: Sunday, 16th September 2007 23:59, in YOUR timezone!
Systems allowed: Gameboy Advance only
Topic: “Backport” a Nintendo DS homebrew to Gameboy Advance!

[*]You must own all RIGHTS to your submission, this includes sound, graphics, code, simply everything! The use of copyrighted names and characteres should be avoided, unless you have an official permission, which should be forwarded along with your entry. We reserve the right to refuse or disqualify entries, which break any rule(s)!!!
[*]In case of VERY OLD GAMES (+10y), which do not seem to have a copyright holder anymore and which are not distributed commercially anymore, we can make an exception, but you must be still able to proofe that you tried to get in touch with the responsible copyrightholders.
[*]Keep in mind you OWN ALL RIGHTS to your production, this means you are also fully reliable for it. By submitting your production you declare that you did not break any copyright.

#1 – One GBA Micro (new, unused) + One 2004 Compo Cartridge (new, unused)
#2 – One Qwak GBA Cartridge (new, unused) + 1 x GBAccelerometer (new, unused) + One HAMLib license
#3 – One HAMLib license + One GBAccelerometer (new, unused)

[Special Prize:]
One GBA Micro (new, unused) + One 2004 Compo Cartridge (new, unused) + One GBAccelerometer (new, unused) + One HAMlib license

The HAMlib licenses are sponsored by Emanual Schleussinger HAMlib is a software development enviroment for the Gameboy Advance. The HAMLib license will be registered to the winners name, so of course we will require your real name, adress and stuff like this (just to let you know in advance). The prize can not be paid out in cash.

The GBAccelerometers are sponsored by Keith E. The GBAccelerometer is a 3-axis Kionix accelerometer that plugs into the Gameboy Advance link port to enable full motion sensing on the Gameboy Advance compatible with GBA and GBA SP, NOT with GBA Micro! – Those prizes are sent by Keith E. directly, we will forward your name and postal adress for this! The prize can not be paid out in cash!

The two GBA Micros and the real GBA cartridges (2 x 2004 Competition Cartridge + 1 x Qwak) are sponsored by Kojote of PDRoms. Those cartridges are pretty RARE!!! Prizes can not be paid out in cash!

[*]Prizes can not be paid out in cash
[*]In case of entries having the same jury-end-score, the entry which has been submitted earlier will be the winner.
[*]In case of teamwork, the team-leader has to make sure the prizes are split proper within the team itself.
[*]The special prize is given to the person with the most “ports”. If there should be a person with equal amount of ports, the one who was sending in things fastest, will win this special prize.

[*]Submit as many entries as you like and have an extra chance to win the “special prize”
[*]No Splash-Screen required, you keep all your rights – even no need to mention PDRoms.
[*]The “ported” homebrew NDS game should be “brandnew” for GBA, already existing ports which were available for the public before 2nd August 2007 are not allowed, unless they are heavily major updated!
[*]You are not allowed to spread your GBA entry to the public before the official results!
[*]You grant PDRoms and its staff members the right to spread your entry freely (we won’t make money with it). We have connections to other important scene pages, so we’ll make sure you get proper attention for your production
[*]Entry should run on a REAL GBA
[*]Write a README with information about your game, this text will be used to present your entry, also add a screenshot!
[*]Please state out, which NDS game you were porting and send the NDS binary along (will not be published)!
[*]Package each submission in ONE compressed file archive and send it to shahzad.sahaib(at) AND kojote(at) (just to be on the save side, due to agressive spam-filters – each entry will be CONFIRMED after max. 2 days)
[*]Entries can be updated by sending an updated archive ANYTIME before the deadline.

[*]To be announced 🙂

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Fenix Engine v0.93 (DC misc)

After quite a while being offline, is back online. Swat also posted about a small update of Fenix v0.9.3:


Emulation of the keyboard now same as at chui, for the best compatibility with your projects..

Thanks to Christuserloeser for the news!

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Image Viewer v0.7 (NDS Application)

Image Viewer by Infantile Paralysiser is an “Image Viewer” for the NDS.

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Bunjalloo v0.2 (NDS Application)

Bunjalloo is a web browser for the Nintendo DS. It is still under development, but can already display simple pages and follow links. An alpha-quality release is available for download. The code builds for the DS or Linux/SDL.

By with 0 comments Webboard (misc)

Just a few minutes ago, we have changed our board software from phpBB 2.0.22 to phpBB 3 RC4. This piece of software seems quite stable and pretty much useable and offers many more features than the old phpBB2. Enjoy!

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nesDS (31-07-2007) (NES emu for NDS)

Loopy has updated his NES emulator for the NDS.


(7/31/2007)Touch screen problems fixed?

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The german main retailer of GP2x’s had a major redesign of their homepage. This page also hosts the worlds biggest GP2x file-archive along with GP2x news in german language.

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Happy Halloween (28-07-2007) (A2600 Game)

atari2600land has update his game Happy Halloween.


Added a new maze (level 26).

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Bee Ball v3.9 (A2600 Game)

This game is a mix of volleyball and tennis, you are one bee, and need throw the “honey ball” to opponent side, using the raquet. If ball touch the floor, you score 1 point. After X poits you are a winner.


– Added Score numbers
– Added a function for bee judge – He throw new balls.
– Partial game rules. The score roll up after 10 points.
– Changed bee’s animation speed. The wings looks good for me now.

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