WiFi Chat v0.90 (Beta) (NDS Application)

Image provided by: BafioBafio has updated his WiFi chat program for the NDS. It allows you chatting with other NDS users using a WiFi connection. Changes:

Version 0.9* New default skin, designed by Rat (Ben) of Drunken Coders* New keyboard with support for all the keys, shift and caps.* Multiple messages view (press X to change from 1 message to 4 messages view)* Menus (back to bootloader, turn off the ds…)* Settings (change nickname)* Changable font for the drawings* Changable skins (simple JPG images, located in the /skins folder)TODO:** fix some bugs still present in the server** Update to the new Wifi library (when out). That will add support for WEP, etc.* Saving and loading messages from the CF* Save settings on server and/or on the CF * Possibly colors and TCP version… not in the near future though

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Sumdoku (NDS Game)

Image provided by: UnknownThis is another number puzzle game. Sumdoku is a variant of the Sudoku puzzle in which the clues are provided in the form of sums of cell groups. Despite the name, Sumdoku can be easier to solve than regular sudokus, depending on the solver’s skill at mental arithmetic.

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Stella DS v0.7 (A2600 emu for NDS)

thechuckster has released a new version of Stella DS. It’s a port of the famous Atari 2600 emulator Stella to the Nintendo DS platform. Release notes:

I finally got the sound to work by doing away with some of the unnecessary Stella code (like register write queues) and trimming things down. Best enjoyed with E.T. 🙂

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PSPDizaster Lua Paint (PLDP) v3.0 (PSP Lua Application)

PSPDizaster Lua Paint is a paint program for the Playstation Portable written using Lua.

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Textreader v1.0 (GP2x Application)

Hermes has updated his Textreader for the GP2x.

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Alien Arena (05-03-2006) (Williams Arcade Hardware Game)

The arcade game Alien Arena by Duncan Brown is available for non-commercial use.

Alien Arena was developed by Duncan Brown in 1984 to run on the classic Williams hardware. It is a”capture the flag”style game with a number of interesting twists.

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NeoGeo CDZ Emulator v0.3.0 (NeoGeo CD emu for PSP)

NJ has updated his work on the Neo Geo CD emulator NeoGeo CDZ.

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Wave Effect 2 (NDS Techdemo)

Infantile Paralysiser has released a new techdemo using glib. Now it’s”Wave Effect 2″. Get it from his page.

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DSOrganize v1.62 (NDS Application)

DSOrganize is an organizer suite for the Nintendo DS with lots of useful functions. Changes:

  • Fixed issue where cursor would disappear after last character on addressbook.
  • Fixed issue with length of some fields being one less than needed.

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    MAME GP2X v1.8 (Arcade emu for GP2x)

    Franxis has updated his MAME (Multiple Arcarde Machine Emulator) port for the GP2x. Changes in this release:

  • Auto-fire support.
  • Volume control really fixed. Also press VolUp+VolDown simultaneously to go back to default volume level.
  • New YM3812 sound core with better quality (MAME 0.35b6): Snow Bros, Hellfire, Gemini Wing, Bubble Bobble, etc.
  • Improvements in DrZ80 core: Now is compatible with Neo
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