They Did Arrive (Pandora misc)

More progress on the OpenPandora project!


Wow. Actually, there’s something that happened earlier than expected: The cases did arrive, including the final keymats.

Here’s a picture of the final keymat. Now please give Michael some time to thoroughly test everything out.

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All Good Things Come To An End (Pandora misc)

Pandora news, straight from the source!


All good things come to an end
And I’m really sure the Pandora is a good thing.

Here are some updates for you. The guys following the boards or my twitter account will most probably know all of this already.

The Cases
The case moulds have been finished and samples were shipped. They will arrive on Monday and if all is okay, themass production of the cases can start immediately.
They can do about 1000 a day and chinese holidays do start on February 14th. Therefore, to be on the safe side, they will probably do 1000 cases and ship them to the assembly factory. Assembling and testing will take a while anyways, there will not be much time between the time when the first 1000 are finished and the next cases will be ready to ship.

The Boards
Another 1000 boards have been populated and are ready to be put into a case. Therefore, as soon as those 1000 cases do arrive, there’s no reason to wait for mass production already!

Let’s keep hoping all goes well!

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2600Tris (06-02-2010) (A2600 Game)

atari2600land has updated his single and two player simultaneous play variant of a very well known russian block game. The game was previously known as “Tetris”.

Release notes:

Was test-playing this and kept finding a bug which made the game freeze sometimes if you’re on level 9. So I just removed level 9 altogether. Now if you get 80 blocks, that’s the fastest speed there is. And it’s still pretty hard on that speed (at least for me.)

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Dingoo A320 Firmware v1.22 (Dingoo OS)

For all of those who own a Dingoo, it might be of interest that FW version 1.22 is out!,0,0,0,42,265

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OpenAL Soft Library v1.11.753 (Wiz misc)

Wiz build of the OpenAL Soft Library (source included).,0,0,0,19,313

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Connect a NDSL with ARDUINO (NDS misc)

Transmit data between Arduino and NDSL.

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FB4NDS v1.0 (NDS Application)

“FB4NDS” (Facebook for Nintendo DS) is a Facebook application for Nintendo DS.

Release notes:

First release for this homebrew. More fixes and changes. Finally the chat is working well. If you have the expansion ram like 3in1 you can view your friends’s avatar.


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wBubbleWrap (08-02-2010) (PPC misc)

wBubbleWrap is very simple, time wasting program, with two goals: Pop some bubbles and make noise.


– menu is opened on single tap in top left corner
– new icon
– some graphics improvements

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IMDb Mobile v0.45 (Beta) (PPC Application)

Unlike other IMDb apps which parse IMDb pages for information, this app uses the iPhone IMDb API to retrieve information from and display it on your Windows Mobile.


– Search Movies/TV/Video Games/Actors
– Finger-friendly interface
– DVD Covers
– Actor Headshots
– Trivia
– Quotes
– Photos
– Top 250
– Coming Soon List
– Videos/Trailers
– Goofs
– App-To-Date Support

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Taskbar Launcher v0.4 (Beta) (PPC Application)

Taskbar Launcher is a little tool that shows a customizeable launch pad when you hit the taskbar.

Attention: Current version is designed for newer 6.5.x builds of Windows Mobile with the start menu on bottom. Taskbar Launcher is blocking all other applications from the taskbar, so it might be a bad idea to use it when your Start menu is still on top.


Fixed bug: Taskbar launcher showed instead of HTC Volume Control (tested on Touch Diamond)
Fixed bug: Selected icons stayed selected when moving out of the icon
Taskbar is split up into 3 areas, each of them can launch something (see INI file)
Supported commands: switch to Start menu, switch to Manila
Added switch to deactive Taskbar launcher (workaround if “Stop Taskbar launcher” leads to problems….)
Finally there’s link in Startmenu to Taskbar launcher (configuration tool automatically starts Taskbar launcher when finished)
More options in popup menu (see screenshot)
Added first-stage configuration GUI (see other screenshot

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