Mr Drillux v1.0 (Dingoo Linux Game Port)

Mr Drillux is a port of Drill2x wich is a port of Miss Driller (a clone of Mr Driller).


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GamePark Holdings at GCO 2009 (Wiz misc)

As most of you know GamePark Holdings has been at the Games Convention Online 2009 ( ), recently held in Leipzig / Germany.

For those who did not had a chance to be there, above is a picture of the GPH stand, which looked pretty nice.

In the upper picture you can spot EvilDragon / amongst the helping hands and a bunch of guests, trying to peak at the GP2x Wiz – and some of them also having the chance to try ’em.

The lower picture shows the korean GamePark Holdings staff, along with the Korean Deputy Minister of Culture. It’s always great to see faces and supporters of a project!

From left to right:
Ms Lee, GPH A/S Center, Germany
Mr Tony Han, GPH Overseas Sale Manager
Korean Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism
Ms Jane, GPH Overseas Sale Assistance Manage

Thanks to Tony Han, GPH Overseas Sale Manager, for the pictures!

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News From GPH (Wiz misc)

EvilDragon, who has been with GamePark Holdings, at the recently held Games Convention Online (GCO) 2009 in Leipzig, has some interesting news.


* FunGP:
The Appstore FunGP will go online sometime between October and December (the date is not fixed yet).

You can download games using GP Points. First you buy GP Points from one of the distributors which you can then use at FunGP to get the games.

Thy not directly from GPH, you might wonder? Well, it’s pretty complicated in Korea to accept foreign credt card payments. Therefore, this is the best way to get those games.

Additionally, some distributors offer different payment systems (German Bank Transfer, etc.) which you can also use to buy these points, no credit card needed.

While the first releases at FunGP will most probably be games from partner developers, it’s also possible for independent- or homebrew-game-developers to sell their games via FunGP for a few bucks.

Of course, the free File Archive will stay, this is just an opportunity for indie game developers to sell more complex games they would not want to release for free.

FunGP will need ActiveX for the first months. In Korea, about 99% are using Internet Explorer. Linux or even Firefox are not very common there, so it’s not that easy to get developers that DON’T use ActiveX.

However, GPH does want to make it compatible with every browser and OS in the future.

Every registered user at FunGP can write reviews for the games.

Here are a few of the first games that will be released: Propis (Puzzlegame), Deicide 3 (basically a visual novel / movie where you can decide how the plot will continue), Break Through (Her Knights 2), an enhanced version of Blood Cross (adding Multiplayer) and Wiz Party (similar to Mario Party).

GPH will announce more games soon.

FunGP will also offer a multiplayernetwork, which can be used with the WiFi-Dongle. This allows playing games like Blood Cross, Wiz Party or Propis agains other users worldwide… we really should do some game competitions here at the board!

Another interesting thing is that GPH plans to license some ROMS for emulators. I doubt Sega or Nintendo might license anything, but some Arcade-companies already licensed some of their games to other companies, so it might work out here.
This could make it possible to legally emulate some Arcade classics!

Many did ask for the SDK – but it’s not ready yet. Tony promised me to release an official SDK until the end of the year.

They also plan on selling the devboards (serial out, TV out, USB Host on a board, which can be connected to the EXT Port. Similar to the F100/F200 cradle).

* WiFi Dongle
The WiFi Dongle is basically finished and should be released within the next months. It does offer WiFi and using FunGP multiplayer gaming.

I don’t have a price yet.

* F300 and other WIZs
The F300 (a WIZ in an F200 case) is currently being worked on. It should be released just in time for christmas.

It might also happen, that the WIZ will be available in different colors shortly before christmas.

The same text, just in german, can be found here:

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Around The Clock (NDS Game)

The game is based on the darts pub game around the clock.

You must work your way around the board starting for 1 through to 20; then you must hit the outer bull, then the bull to finish.,5675.0.html

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libwiigui v1.04 (Wii misc)

libwiigui is a GUI library for the Wii, created to help structure the design of a complicated GUI interface, and to enable an author to create a sophisticated, feature-rich GUI. It uses GX for drawing, and makes use of PNGU for displaying images and FreeTypeGX for text. It was designed to be flexible and is easy to modify – don’t be afraid to change the way it works or expand it to suit your GUI’s purposes! If you do, and you think your changes might benefit others, please share them so they might be added to the project!


* Rewritten ogg player – fixed a crashing bug
* Improved text rendering performance
* Improved logic for option browser and file browser classes
* Onscreen keyboard class improvements
* GuiText: Added SetScroll and SetWrap and changed behavior of SetMaxWidth
* Other minor GUI logic corrections and code cleanup

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GP2Xpectrum (04-08-2009) (Spectrum emu for Wiz)

GP2Xpectrum is a Spectrum emulator for Wiz.

Authors: Hermes, Metalbrain & Seleuco; Wiz Port: SplinterGU,0,0,0,72,175

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Ball Breaker v1.1 (Dingoo Linux Game)

Ball Breaker is a remake of Arkanoid, using graphics from the Atari ST version.


Thanks to for the news!,0,0,0,9,124

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You Have To Burn The Rope DS (02-08-2009) (NDS Game)

“You Have To Burn The Rope DS” is a remake of a Flash platform game. Link:

Thanks to for the news.

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WiiXplorer (04-08-2009) (Wii Application)

A multi device file explorer for the Wii by dimok and a GUI made with LibWiiGui by Tantric with graphics by NeoRame.

*SMB/USB/SD recursive copy/move/delete of files/directories with all files in it
*Rename files
*Properties of files/directories
*Browse through SD/USB/SMB
*Addressbar with path

Coming soon (Wishlist):
*Booting .dol/.elf files by double click
*New Style/Pictures by NeoRame
*Multiple Windows (Minimize/Maximize Windows)
*Opening TXT/PNG/JPEG/MP3/OGG files
*Better SMB handle

Thanks to djdynamite123 / for the news and illustration picture!

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Board Games (29-07-2009) (NDS Games)

frodonag has updated his “Board Games” collection, which includes three games: Sator, Arepo and Tenet.

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