Animanatee v1.4a (NDS Application)

DekuTree64 has updated his art program Animanatee.


NEW in v1.4
– Full undo system rewrite to fix bugs.
– Zoom (1x, 2x, 4x, 8x).
– Copy/paste.
– Brush size up to 16 pixels, plus pressure sensitivity.
– Calibration tweak, if the draw position feels a couple pixels off.
– 1 and 2 pixel gap tolerance for fill, because tiny gaps are annoying.
– Layer visibility controls.
– Scroll (offsets a layer, handy for moving backgrounds over time).
– Top screen preview for load/save menus.
– Mask/remask (mask=don’t draw on a specific color, remask=don’t draw on any other).
– Fix for Save As not setting the selected save slot unless exporting an AVI.
– Frames before/frames after, to loop a small portion of the animation near the current frame. Much quicker to check movement when working on a long animation.

Changes in v1.4a:
– Fixed crash when trying to preview an empty slot.
– Added an OK button to load/save menu, so you click a slot to preview, then OK to actually load/save.
– Fixed frame corruption when drawing at the bottom of the BG layer with a large brush.

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Homebrew Browser v0.3.3 (Wii Application)

The Homebrew Browser allows you to download the latest homebrew applications and games all through your Wii. You don’t need to take your SD card out. You don’t even need a computer! You can also delete homebrew you no longer want.

No more dead links, no more extracting files, no more finding out that the homebrew application doesn’t include an icon.png and meta.xml in the zip file!


Speed up extracting using updated libfat (speeds up download too, but it’s not noticeable)
Added USB support (plug in your USB device before booting HBB and turn off “Use SD” in settings)
Added sorting of applications by name
Added delete functionality to the queue (press minus to queue an application to be deleted)
Added download and extract information (MB downloaded/MB total, Extracted files/Files to extract)
Added a check to make sure Wii Network is initialised and active before downloading applications
Fixed bug where you couldn’t cancel the download queue if you had download prompt enabled
Fixed bug where the meta.xml file name would change back to normal when you updated an application (this allows you to keep your custom name of applications)

Release notes:

The Homebrew Browser has now been upgraded to v0.3.3. The main features are you can now download apps to USB and the speed of extracting has improved too.

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Balance Board Pro v1.1 (Wii Application)

Balance Board Pro is a full-featured toolset for use with the Wii Balance Board.


Redesigned GUI, new graphics!
Target practice mode is now more interactive! Get a Bull’s-Eye to clear the targets!
New BBPRO rotary scale added as part of the Weight mode!

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Revolution Engine v0.4 (Alpha 1) (Wii misc)

Revolution Engine is the very First homebrew 3D Game Engine for Wii. It is directly based on GX without any GL wrapper or anything similar. Natively designed for Wii, is capable of generating best homebrew graphics ever seen on this games console.

This is not a game itself, but a library you can use to make your own 3D games for Wii in a very easy way

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Jumba v1.2 (PPC Game)

Jumba is a quite addictive puzzle game, but the best thing is the online highscore system. You can compete with all the other players in daily/weekly/monthly and all-times highscore list. The download contains a German and English version.

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FacebookIM (FIM) v2.2.8.2 (PPC Application)

FacebookIM or short FIM is a facebook chat client for Windows Mobile.


No Changelog

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Stargrazer (23-07-2009) (NDS Game)

SwedishFish released his first Nintendo DS game to the public. It’s called “Stargrazer” and you’ve to shoot various objects and make them explode. The game also features three game modes!


fixed minor bug, now compatible with the R4 again

Thanks to for the news.

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SDLFighter (23-07-2009) (DC Game)

SDLFighter is a space shooter for Dreamcast (untested on real hardware) by Maturion.

Thanks to Maturion himself for the news!

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FacebookIM (FIM) v2.2.8.1 (PPC Application)

FacebookIM or short FIM is a facebook chat client for Windows Mobile.


No Changelog

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The Calm Before The Storm (Pandora misc)

More news from the official Pandora blog!

Here we go:

Hiya folks!

It’s been a bit calm around here in the blog, right?

Well, that’s for one good reason: Everything is going smoothly right now.

The first check of the case data is finished, the company started creating the moulds. As soon as the first rough mould is finished (which will surely take a while, the case is a pretty complicated mesh), they are gonna do a first rough case and check that everything fits (with a final board, so that nothing can go wrong here!)

In the meantime, the PCBs are still in production. It will take them a few days longer, as they optimized the machines a bit more in the beginning. This does mean, that the boards will probably ship 10 days later (beginning of August). But it does also mean, that the build quality will be better and the failure rate is way lower. No time lost, as the case company won’t need the board before August. And if the failure rate is lower in the beginning, mass production itself will be faster. So when the cases are ready, we can go full speed ahead!

So everything is going pretty well at the moment. Seems like Murphy is on holidays – which is something, we’re really glad of 🙂

Of course, we used the waiting time for other stuff.
The first prototype of the TV Out cable is working, we are now designing that thing and optimizing it (i.e. put IN and OUT on the connectors, decide for the colors, etc.)

Another thing we’re working at is CE / FCC. You might have seen the discussion on the boards. One guy said, that you need a final PROTOTYPE for FCC. The company I did ask said, the final UNIT is needed. I’m going to find out, if a prototype is enough – as that would mean, we can do FCC and CE at the same time and do have all the needed certificates when the Pandora is ready for shipping!

That should speed up everything 🙂

Michael also did some quick checks already, the Pandora doesn’t do any bad things, radiation seems to be within the allowed areas. It’s just a rough test, but if there was something really wrong, we could certainly find it out that way.

The only really critical part for radiation might be the WiFi antenna. But that is something that can be fixed within a few days, so we’re positive CE / FCC will go smoothly.

That’s it for todays posting. I’ll make sure to keep you informed!

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