DSwiki v0.2 (Alpha 1) (NDS Application)

DSwiki is an offline viewer for Wiki markup, for example for the Wikipedia, Wikibooks, Wiktionaries, …


– DSwiki has a very, very cool title screen, designed by my beloved wife. You can find other works of her an her website , which is very much worth a visit.
– The filesize grew a little, because fonts for all combination (normal/bold/italic/bold-italic) are integrated in the EFS in the binary. I don’t use them, except for the titlebar, but they are already there, sleeping until a future version needs them.
– The search mask was improved, in graphic and usability. Realtime searching can be disabled, allowing faster searches on the english version of the wikipedia (suggested by C. in private communication).
– Filenames of dumps are case insensitive now. I think that will remove a lot of these annoying ‘No wikis found’ messages (found with very good help from GreenShadow)
– Much more unicode rules for upper/lowercasing and replacing diacritical characters were added. You will need dumps that were compiled with at least version 1.0.2 of the indexer (released a day ago), to have the best possible index sorting, but DSwiki will always be backward compatible, so you can continue using your older dumps.
– The previous point also applies to other languages or written scripts than the latin alphabet, such as greek or cyrillic. Wikis in these scripts seem to work very good (as far as I can tell, because I can’t read anything that was written there 😉 ).
– Wikibooks with relative links and subpages are supported now.
– The keyboard was improved, and these changes were backported into the PAlib-SVN-trunk, so other users will benefit from that too, sooner or later.
– and many smaller or bigger bugfixes

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VITO Weather v1.2 (PPC Application)

Weather is a Windows Mobile software for getting weather forecast right on your device. It has intuitive and finger-friendly interface. In Winterface weather icon shows either the degrees of the first city in the list or the image that shows whether it is cloudy, snowy, windy etc.

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Pocket Weather (PPC Application)

Pocket Weather is another weather information tool for Pocket PC’s.


1. Multiple locations
2. Cached weather feeds
3. Skinnable themes (work in progress)
4. Uses Yahoo/ RSS feed – see to look up location codes (also uses U.S. zip codes)
5. Open source (code posted on forums)
6. Configurable interval for updating weather feed

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MobileMute (14-11-2008) (PPC Application)

MobileMute is a little program that allows you to mute/unmute phone calls via a hardware button. It will also launch any other program of choice if a call is not in progress (that way your hardware button doesn’t get wasted).

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Puzzle Magic v1.2 (PSP Game)

Eskema has updated his game Puzzle Magic for PlayStation Portable.


Updated to version 1.2, with one new tileset and the gameover bug fixed, now u can play forever

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Instant Rimshot PSP (12-11-2008) (PSP misc)

Hideous released “Instant Rimshot PSP”.

Release notes:

So, inspired by the awesome site by the name of, I thought I wanted something similar, but portable. This was my cue to get into C++ programming with the PSP (previously made games using Allegro and C++ on my PC). So, I am GOING to present to you my first PSP homebrew, which took 2 months to make because of those darned linking orders and such. (actual coding took like 2 or 3 hours).

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UMD Operator v0.0.2 (PSP Application)

With UMD Operator you can rip your UMD to the root of your memory stick.


– Added Credits Screen
– Get UMD Size bug fixed
– PSP’s name is now displayed as: ‘Welcome (Name Of Your PSP)
– Your PSP’s Firmware is shown
– You can activate usb
– ISO are ripped directly to ISO folder now
– You can rip UMD Movie’s directly to ISO/VIDEO folder
– Battery’s life percent is shown at the right top of the screen

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Tehskeen Wii Coding Competition Deadline Draws Near (Wii misc)

News from Brakken about his Wii Coding Competition.


We’ve got two days to go for homebrew authors around the world to submit their entries in our Nintendo Wii Coding Competition. We’ve lined up a bunch of sponsors and are offering not only a monetary bounty, but also store credit and a lot of goodies! If you happen to be another “scene site” owner I would encourage you to post news about this contest – your support won’t be overlooked!

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Timeless (GP2x Demo Port)

Marq has picked up the demo Timeless by Tran ( ) and ported it over to PSP, GP2x and Dreamcast.

This release is about two months old but has been spotted right now to make its way to the main page, where it should get it’s deserved attention.

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Timeless (DC Demo Port)

Marq has picked up the demo Timeless by Tran ( ) and ported it over to PSP, GP2x and Dreamcast.

This release is about two months old but has been spotted right now to make its way to the main page, where it should get it’s deserved attention.

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