PDRoms Coding Competition 3.99 – Update (misc)

Due to request NEO GEO CD is now allowed. As we don’t have the raw files of the banner anymore, we will not change the banner but go ahead if you love Neo Geo CD coding!

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Battle Star v0.2 (PSP Lua Game)

kingromain released a space shooter written in Lua around one week ago. Grab it from it’s release thread.

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Quick Tuning Flasher v1 for CF 3.80M33 (PSP Application)

Quick Flasher is a simple application for Fat an Slims PSPs with custom firmware 3.71m33 and 3.80m33. This application gives you the possibility of keeping 6 themes in your memory stick and flash them wherever you want simply and confortably. Remember that this software touches files in flash0.

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OpenIntents v0.1.2 (Android misc)

Imagine your Android “cookbook” application tells you to buy eggs, ginger, and cardamom, your “birthday reminder” application suggests you to buy a blue tulip (for a friend who loves the color blue), and your computer at home notifies your mobile phone that the color cartridge of your printer is almost empty. Would you like to receive three notifications by three different programs next time you are close to a supermarket? Or rather have them all store that information in your central shopping list? (by the way, your internet auction application that watches the central shopping list has already found an interesting offer for that blue tulip…)

Imagine you have to specify for a handful of programs (the favorite “ring-tone selector” application, your “answering machine”, your “smart to-do list”, your “calendar”, your “work time log”, …) where your “home”, your “office”, “gym”, “music school”, etc. is located by specifying the latitude and longitude or the corresponding street address for each of these applications. Would you not rather have a central place for your favorite locations that all applications can easily share?

(Many more ideas can be found on our list of ideas)

Keep your one great idea a secret that could make you win the Android Developer Challenge, but share those obvious and common ideas that you encounter while implementing and that you think could be used in many other applications as well. We will develop the most-required components together (e.g. a central shopping list), so you can concentrate on implementing your core idea (e.g. the weight-watching cookbook) while having interoperability with many other great OpenIntents applications built in right from the start.

Join this project if you have great ideas to share or if you are a good developer and look for a low-risk project.

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Scrabble Assistant DS v0.6 (NDS misc)

Scrabble Assistant DS is a utility program designed to run on the Nintendo DS platform. It has been programmed to run on homebrew-enabled flash carts. A simple “DS homebrew” google search will give you pointers if you have no idea what these things mean.

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Spider Solitaire DS v3.1.0 (NDS Game)

Spider Solitaire is a One-player card game that has gained popularity since being included as a default game on the Windows Operating System.

The basic idea of the game is to get piles of cards from K to A of the same suit. There are 104 cards with the possibility of playing with either 1 suit, 2 suits, or 4 suits.

Thanks to for the news.


– This release
– Added a Particle-system for Fireworks when completing a game
– Added animation when Dealing
– Added animation when selected cards are dropped on an invalid pile
– Fixed bug; Clicking to deal when no cards left to deal would still go through the motions, playing the sound and internally updating the deal data
– Fixed bug; Black squares appearing when too many cards on screen
– Fixed bug; Flashed white before smooth-fading out after win
– Fixed bug; Dealing an Ace onto a King-2 pile would not release the pile as complete
– Compiled under DevkitARM r21 and libnds 20071023

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BITS 2001 – Sine Dots (GBA Techdemo)

BITS announce their second production for Gameboy Advance: Sine Dots.

It is a little sine dots effect with 8 presets and changing colors, logotype graphics and some functional/random music.

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FBA2x (Beta 7) (CPS1 emu for GP2x)

headoverheels improved the CPS1 emulator FBA2x once again. The changelog is currently only available in spanish language, we will update this posting as soon as someone translated those into english.

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Game and Watch Fantasies v2.0 (PSP Game)

Game&Watch Fantasies is a puzzle/platform game for the PSP, inspired by the Game&Watch LCD games.


– New levels, some of them with LCD digits as platforms.
– New music: Beyond Love by Fat Jon, one of my favorite music artists.
– Title and pause menus, with some options.
– Auto-save feature: you can now quit the game at any time, and continue later.
– Easy mode: “Moon” gravity (change in the pause menu).
– Minor adjustments.

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PSPTube (29-01-2008) (PSP Application)

A new progress version of PSPTube is out. Watch Youtube Videos on your PSP easily and comfortable.

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