Adv v1.56 (A2600 Game)

Atarius Maximus has released another preview of his upcomming Adventure game for A2600.

Thanks to for the news.

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PSPCAP32 v1.2.0 (CPC emu for PSP)

Here is a MAJOR update of PSPCAP32 the CPC Emulator for PSP.


– Major Speed improvements, it’s really fullspeed !
– Import CRT emulation part of older version of Caprice32
(less accurate, but much faster)
– Add two new render modes : Fast and Ultra.
– Sound is now played in 16 bits and stereo !
– IR keyboard support !
– Display and save thumbnail images for each save state
– New speed limiter function
– Add option to display fps rate
– Option to prevent the blue led to be displayed when
L or R are pressed
– Now compatible with custom firmwares 3.x and PSP-slim
– Add a simple intro splash screen
– Support iso8859-1 fonts in print text functions
(might be useful to translate menus in german, french …)
– Bug fix and code cleaning

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Mobile RSS v2.0 WIP (iPhone Application)

Dallas Brown, coder of Mobile RSS is giving us more information about the upcomming Mobile RSS release:

For those of you Mobile RSS fans out there, I just wanted to let you know that even though things have been quiet on the Mobile RSS front, that things are not standing still. In fact it is the complete opposite. Things have been moving so quickly that I haven’t had the time to post a lot.

Mobile RSS v2.0 is underway. v2.0 is set to be the biggest release of Mobile RSS since, wel.l.. ever!

With version 2.0, Mobile RSS will go from a decent mobile RSS client, to a full fledge desktop like RSS reader in your pocket!

I am extremely excited about this release. Unfortunately I do not have a timeline for the release yet. Just know that I am moving as fast as I can.

My current GUESS, and trust me it is only a guess, is it should be ready in 2 weeks. Do not even try to hold me to that date though.

I will try and give you all some sneak peaks in the next little while, so be looking for that.

Show your support by donating to the project

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What you are missing if you update your iPhone (iPhone misc)

One picture, thousand words:

Picture credits go to

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aSMS v0.2.2 (iPhone Web Application)

aSMS provide forward, mailto,batch send(todo) features and can read the PhoneBook from SIM card. aSMS is a browser based program, so you can use it on a pc remotely. Important For CJK language users, they can use a javascript IME to input their characters.

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Why you should not update your iPhone FW to v1.1.1 (iPhone misc)

Here is a small but nice article, which you should read before considering any update to your iPhone with the recent v1.1.1 Firmware.

In a probably vain attempt to clarify and stop iPhone slaughterings, as well as repetitive questions, here’s the facts about updating to 1.1.1. as of today, 28th September 2007.

1) If you have unlocked your phone at all, regardless of whether it’s to use another sim / carrier or even just for fun and you’re still using the AT&T sim, DO NOT UPDATE to 1.1.1 unless you want to render your phone useless. It will not work afterwards as things stand at the moment.

2) If you haven’t unlocked your phone and you haven’t jailbroken it and want to update to 1.1.1, you will not be able to jailbreak it afterwards as things stand. Until someone does Jailbreak 1.1.1, this will not change.

3) If you are still using Firmware 1.0.2, you can still synch with iTunes. If iTunes suggests you update your iPhone, just say no. In Preferences, you can turn off the setting to look for updates automatically so iTunes won’t even bother asking.

4) Your 1.0.2 Phone will not just brick itself. Apple can’t beam an auto bricker to your phone….You have to help them by trying to update to 1.1.1 after you’ve hacked it. Apple warned you, there’s countless tales of woe on these forums that should serve as a warning….JUST DON”T DO IT!!!

5) If you haven’t hacked your phone in anyway whatsoever and you want a cute Starbucks logo to appear everytime you’re near one (as well as the other updates) then you should be fine, as long as you’re aware of point 2.

Comments and other thoughts can be found via the linked page.

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Browsr (PSP Application)

Browsr is a mini-shell application for the Sony PSP, designed to replace the Lowser file-browser program that comes with Luaplayer. Browsr does essentially the same task as Lowser, but with loads more – and a nicer interface. Browsr will be released open-source.

Image/Photo viewer (PNG and JPG supported)
Launch LUA scripts
Battery information
Configuration/Settings menu
USB toggle
Easy to use theming system
Wallpaper changing
Exit to XMB with press of a button
MP3/WAV playback

Mini applications, like stopwatch and alarm clock
EBOOT launching (i can do this if i can get my custom luaplayer compiled properly)
Better MP3 playback

To Do (from features list)
MP3 playback – MP3 playback is too choppy with the current configuration

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XMB Destroyer v0.98 (PSP misc)

This is the release of XMB Destroyer, it is like those programs for windows that you may have seen that let you destroy your desktop, well this is a little like that only it your psp’s XMB. This release contains 11 weapons of destruction each wiht its own sound for you to destroy the sony XMB featuring most of the weapons from the desktop version and a few of our own.

By with 0 comments v1.6.2 (NES emu for iPhone) lets you play Nintendo games on your iPhone. It is a fully functional, feature-rich Nintendo emulator. uses an emulator core we call NESCore, which we’ve forked from pNESx and InfoNES and re-engineered as a highly-portable and high-performance Nintendo emulator core. started as a fork of iPhoneNES v0.01, but has been completely rewritten to run very fast, and with many additional features including sound, multitouch support, full-screen, landscape mode, game genie codes, saved games and much more. It now contains zero code from the original iPhoneNES project.


[nervegas] Addressed crashing issues on orientation change

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PSPMancala v1.03 (Slim) (PSP Game)

Here is a new version of PSPMancala the mancala board game familly for the PSP.


– Compatible with custom 3.x firmwares (and i hope with psp slim)
– New graphics and eboot icons
– Add Intro Splash screen
– Support iso8859-1 fonts in print text functions
(might be useful to translate menus in german, french …)

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