Bomber Mario (Concept Demo) (GBA Game)

Another old project from BennyRebirth is this concept/idea of a game called “Bomber Mario”.

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Thunder Force 3 (1 Level Demo) (GBA Game)

BennyRebirth has added a pretty old GBA project to his page. This one is a remake of Thunder Force 3, but has only one level.

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Arc Angel (PSP Game)

Arc Angel is a shoot-em up inspired by Gynoug!

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Blubb 3D (25-03-2007) (NDS Game)

Blubb 3D is an Online-Multiplayer game.

– Draw-Routine is called in V-Blank now – that should make the drawing fluid regardless of the 3D’s framerate.
– Included output of SGIP_errno when sending / receiving fails. that might help me bugfixing the communication.
– Included animated ships (nothing to write home about – the 3d-Designer (me) sucks…)
– Fixed the slow-down when many “move-markers” where shown (e.g. moving the green ship) – the game should run constantly at 60 FPS now.

Thanks to for the news.

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DS-GPS BramBram v1.1 (NDS Application)

DS-GPS BramBram is a yet UNRELEASED GPS/Navigating application for the Nintendo DS.

Version 1.1 got adjustable zoom-levels and a nice looking interface. Things are coming together now. The maps are still pre-compiled into the ROM. The next phase will be to find out how to setup a proper filesystem that will work.

Thanks to for the news.

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Paladin (25-03-2007) (A2600 Game)

This is a Telengard style game. The working title is Paladin (as the only class available is a warrior/monk hybrid).

What’s new:
– A few simple sounds.
– There are now 10 levels.
– Lightning bolt spell.
– The 1st doorway. Eventually certain levels will have a doorway at a strategic point. You can only pass if you have the corresponding key (same color as the level). You don’t have to do anything to open the door. Having the key is all that is required.
– The monsters now sometimes drop things when you kill them. At the moment, there is 1 key which will give you passage through the door on level 3. There are also scrolls of wisdom. These will restore spell points. You don’t have to do anything, you will automatically pick up anything useful. It is displayed briefly so you can see what it was. There will be at least 1 interactive object in the future.

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Developpement Amateur Francophone (misc)

French homebrews devers for GBA/NDS/PSP/Wii and GC might be interested in this brandnew development portal “Developpement Amateur Francophone”.

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FlowFlowMania v0.3 (GP2x Game)

FlowFlowMania is a remake of the classical puzzle game Pipe Mania on Linux with GP2X compliance. Version 0.3 of FlowFlowMania has just been released with the following features or bug fix:

– the GP2X ‘B’ and ‘X’ button are now associated with the “put piece” action
– the ‘w’ keyboard key is now allowing to start the inflows stream before the countdown’s end
– the ‘A’ GP2X button do so
– a level file parser has been implemented and a sample file is featured, with three levels
– the “Game Over” and “Level OK” messages are now more visible
– the “Game Over”/”Level OK” bug has been fixed (now you cannot move the cursor anymore between two levels)

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Tv ON (GP2x Application)

This is an application to enable TV-Out. It can be used as an autorun.gpu to boot directly into TV mode. Source at,0,0,0,8,2096

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GMath3D v1.3 Library (GP2x misc)

A 3D Engine, with point model editor. No filters (yet). Easy to use.

The image shown above is the editor the author packaged with the source code. It produces three files which contain polygon data and texture information.,0,0,0,46,2071

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