Server overload (misc)

Major french webpages are currently linking to PDRoms. This started at about 10:20am. The server was not able to handle the requests.

EvilDragon of OpenPandora fame ( ) gave us a helping hand to sort things out. Everything should at least run a lot better than before!

Happy browsing 🙂

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USB-Ethernet for Wiz (Wiz misc)

Wiz developers will be happy to read that their life is getting a bit easier. Read on:

Quote from EvilDragon:

hcf did it – although it only was a small patch, it makes developing for the WIZ so much more comfortable!

hcf created a small program for the WIZ, which enables USB-Ethernet using the stock WIZ USB cable. This does mean, that it is now possible to copy files over directly to the WIZ, run them via command line and see the debug output. The same way it worked on the GP2X F100.


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TimeBatteryPercent v1.0 (PSP Application)

TimeBatteryPercent is a plugin for PSP. It allows you to show the percentage amout of available battery energy left, directly next to the battery icon.

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2600Tris (18-11-2009 v2) (A2600 Game)

atari2600land has updated his single and two player simultaneous play variant of a very well known russian block game. The game was previously known as “Tetris”.

Release notes:

Added a special “Easter egg” if you get 100 or more lines in 1-player mode.

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GP32 – In Development (GP32 misc)

Slaanesh has mentioned at DCemu that he is still working on two GP32 projects.


GP32? Yes I know it’s been quiet but I’ve been beavering away and there will be some a new release of MAME4ALL and a BRAND NEW emulator coming soon! 🙂

Quite good news for a pretty much death starving handheld. Lets hope that few more developers can be convinced to get their GP32 consoles out of their dusty cupboard.


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AnKFood v1.8 (Pre-Alpha) (Android Application)

Have you ever wanted a personal diet maker in your mobile phone? Now you have it! With application “AnKFood” you are provided with a daily menu plan that will help you to control your weight or even fight with some deseases.

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FCEUX320 v0.1 (NES emu for Dingoo Linux)

FCEUX is a cross platform, NTSC and PAL Famicom/NES emulator that is an evolution of the original FCE Ultra emulator. Over time FCE Ultra had separated into many separate branches.

the_gama gave the source a go and now we have it compiled and ready to use for Dingux.


Hi, this is a port of FCEUX for Dingux.
I was working on the NESEMU port but i found about fceux and decided to give
it a try since it was a more mature emulator.

You can download it here.

If you don’t know how to install an app for dmenu, you can read the INSTALL file or search
in the forums for a more complete tutorial.

This is what i have done so far:


– Based on fceux version 2.1.2
– Great compatibility
– Builtin nsf player
– FDS support
NOTE: You must put a copy of your fds bios (disksys.rom)
in the /local/home/.fceux folder.
– Fullscreen support
– Zipped roms


Dingoo Nes
Pad Pad
Y TurboB
X TurboA
Select Select
Start Start

L Shoulder Change FDS disk
R Shoulder Insert/Eject FDS disk
Select + Up Increase cpu rate
Select + Down Decrease cpu rate
Select + Start Exit emulator
Select + L Shoulder Save State
Select + R Shoulder Load State


– FDS save states are not working.
– Small gameplay lag.

Not supported

– Movie record/playback
– Frameskip
– Screen filters
– Hight quality sound
– New ppu core (It is just too heavy )
– Custom palettes (Not really tested)
– Nes apu volume settings.


– Create gui for rom browsing and configuration
– Add support for custom palette
– Fix fds save states.

Well see ya!

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Android Midi Pad v1.0 (Android Application)

Android Midi Pad is a midi touch pad for Android devices.

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Handy Wiz v001 (Alpha) (Lynx emu for Wiz)

This is a very alpha port of Handy SDL, using GPH’s SDL (ie: several layers of slowdowns in there), but it performs alright.


This one is for DaveC.

Well, maybe not so much for poor Dave, since I did add scaling in so he might be PO’d, but its a start 😉

This is a very alpha port of stock Handy for SDL, using GPH’s SDL (ie: several layers of slowdowns in there), but it performs alright. I should move it to run right on the harsware which would make it perform much better and fix sound, but I’ve not had much time and thought a quick port woudl be better than no-port, right? That said, it works, but don’t expect much. If you like it, I can fix it up 😉 Sound is choppy, no ROM picker, but you can see if it works 😉

Grab it here for now:

I included a brief INSTALL.txt or somesuch, copied here:

This is your alpha-hack; it works alright, but no frills yet 🙂

1) There is no UI yet; a Lynx ROM must be specified upon on the command line,
for which I’m supplying handy.gpe for — edit that to specify a ROM.

2) Invoke handy.gpe from the Wiz -> Launcher menu item

3) You will need to obtain Lynx Boot ROM and name it “lynxboot.img” — any
other filename and you’re out of luck.

4) libiconv is included; keep it in the same directory or it will not run.

5) By default, handy.gpe runs the ROM file “foo.lnx”, so you can just
drop in a replacement ROM-file, named that.



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The Detective Game WIP (NDS Game)

headkaze known to be involved in quality NDS homebrews such as Warhawk DS and Manic Miner – The lost Levels, is up to new heights!

Currently a remake of the C64 classic “The Detective Game” is in work for Nintendo DS. You can find out about the classic C64 game here ->

Soon another great release, for another great system!

Thanks to Nintendomax ( ) for the news hint.

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