Game Categories Revised v8 (PSP Application)

The “Game Categories” plugin allows you to categorize your homebrew and games.

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Mootjes API for LPHMv2 (PSP misc)

mootjeuh has decided to write a library that will simplify all the functions of LPHM. They will be even easier than the old LPHMs’ ones!

So, here’s a list of what is already done:

initColors() | initiates all the LPHMv2 colors (white, green, black, …)
initButtons() | initiates all the buttons so you don’t have to keep calling “pad =” or pad:cross(), it’s just cross or x or circle or up…
initCursor(speed,cursor image path) | speaks for itself
initiate() | will load all the functions that start with “init”
cursor() | will show the a cursor with the specs from initCursor()
print(x,y,text,color) | will print “text” to the screen with the original XMB font, if there’s no color it will automatically print in black
f:init(font path,font size) | load a font
f:print(x,y,text,color) | will print “text” with the f:init() specs,if there’s no color it will automatically print in black
f:term() | unloads the font
load(file type,file path) | there are 10 different file types:
1: PBP
2: PSX
3: PRX
4: ELF
5: LUA
6: sound (eg: wav)
7: MP3
8: OGG
9: AA3
10: AAC

blit(x,y,image path) | speaks for itself
read(path) | will load the “path” file and show it’s content
assign(flash) | will assign a flash. eg: assign(2) will assign flash2:/
pause(seconds) | will freeze the homebrew for the number of seconds given
usb(device,mode) | will activate the usb with the specified device and mode, eg: usb(“ms0:”,true)
osk(title,input) | speaks for itself
encrypt(file path,new name) | since LPHMv2 can’t read encrypted scripts I’ve decided to make my own code encrypter
execute(file) | will execute the previously encrypted “file”
get.nick() | will search for the PSPs nickname and will return “nickname” as it’s nickname (I felt like making my own one :P)
browser(device,mode) | will show a browser that will explore “device” in the selected mode, there are two modes:
1: tile map
2: list
eg: browser(“flash0:”,2)

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PCEP v0.83a4 (PCE emu for PSP)

PCEP is a PC Engine / TG-16 emulator for PSP.

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MoonPhase v1.2 (Android Application)

MoonPhase widget displays the current phase of the moon depending on your location. View the moon daily for one month or more.

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SDL_Vorbereitung (Pandora misc)

Source Code for the first chapter of the SDL tutorial of the German Pandora Wiki.,0,0,0,46,26

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GLBasic Source Codes for Pandora (Pandora misc)

Thrake had uploaded severall code examples on how to use GLBasic on the Pandora. Most tutorials are mainly german.

GLBasic Intro & Menu Source Code –,0,0,0,46,27
GLBasic Levelschleife & Scrolling Source Code –,0,0,0,46,28
GLBasic Steuerung & Schießen Source Code –,0,0,0,46,29
GLBasic Gegnger & Objekte Source Code –,0,0,0,46,30
GLBasic Powerups & Sound Source Code –,0,0,0,46,31
GLBasic Objekte & Kollisionsabfrage Source Code –,0,0,0,46,32

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SDL Hello World Part 1 (Pandora misc)

Source Code for the SDL tutorial of the German Pandora Wiki,0,0,0,46,33

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Yabause Wii UO v0.9.10 (Alpha 5) (Saturn emu for Wii)

Yabause Wii is a Sega Saturn emulator for Wii and is the first of its kind as emulating the complex processes of the Sega Saturn is much harder then it looks and now even harder to run it on the limited hardware of the Wii.

Yabause Wii can now run a small number of commercial games at usable speeds (5-10fps) were it is still possible to play the game.


fix displaying

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GooPlayer v1.0 (Dingoo Application)

Harteex released a simple Ogg Vorbis player for the Dingoo.

Sources are here:,0,0,0,6,201,0,0,0,6,200

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Dingux-7800 v1.1.0 (A7800 emu for Dingoo Linux)

Dingux-7800 is an Atari 7800 emulator based upon ProSystem.

Many new features have been added compared to original version, have a look to the README for details.

Sources are included, and this package is under the GNU public licence v2, read COPYING.txt file for more information about it.

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