News from smkd:
My small thrust inspired game is mostly complete. Can’t think of anything major to add to it at the moment, except for the horrible lack of a title. Five levels with a mostly introductory first level and a few additional enemies. It’s not much on presentation or audio but I think it’s reasonably playable. What do you think?
There was a randomly occurring bug (good god I hate these) where it would glitch on loading a strip of graphics in the level, but I think I’ve patched that up.
Thanks for reading
Maximus32 got combined 2D/3D rendering and texture mapping working on a GameBoy Advance!!
Notes from Maximus32:
Looks cool doesn’t it? But since I can’t get this one to work on all supported consoles yet, I’m not going to release it.
Dark_Alex has updated his M33 custom firmware for Playstation Portable.
Thanks to trilobit the Atari 2600 is richer of one more high quality demo. Amazing effects for a pretty limited hardware, a must see!
Jompe71 is currently working on a remake of the C64 version of Deflektor for Android.
As he does not own the real device yet, he is looking for beta testers with a G1 device. If you got time on your hands and if you own a G1, you know what to do now 🙂
WordMate is an universal dictionary application running on Google Android platform. The applicatoin itself doesn’t contain any data, instead you can download different databases on the Internet or even make your own dictionarywith the generator provided along with WordMate.
WordMate uses it’s own format (.dwm) as dictionary data file. Alternatively, it can read the Stardict format as well(decompresses into .dict, .idx and .ifo files).
This app is a simple touch chronograph, with split time support for the moment. More features to come…
With Route Tracker you can create routes and add several route points containing text and/or images from your current position. If gps is available it will take the current longitude, latitude and altitude. Without a gps module information of the current cell id and the location area code are saved. For each route a report can be created which can be saved as a html file.
additional settings: check gps, vibrate on saving
saving settings: seconds, minutes and vibrate on saving
show time with date in the grid
This small program allows customizing vibration incoming call alerts. Windows based phones vibrate either before the ring or constantly during the ring. Having a short ringtone can possibly solve this problem, but with long mp3 ringtone the phone will constantly vibrate during the ring.
This program will enable Windows Mobile phones to produce short vibrations when the phone rings. Vibration patterns can be easily changed by the user. Possibly to match vibration patterns to the ringtone, so the phone will vibrate in a rhythm.
This new version supports more devices, including non-HTC. The installer runs the program upon installation.
TouchLaunch is simple application launcher, which scans startmenu shortcuts, and list them alphabetically.
+Icon caching ( program starts in 4-5 secs, depended on amount of your shortcuts, first start takes about 10 secs )
+New Option dialog ( not polished, but fully functionable )
+AlphabetGrid can be modified in Option dialog
+”Start in certain category” in Option dialog
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