Cubicle Shooter v0.2 (Wii Game)

Cubicle Shooter is a first person shooter with a focus on highly destructible environments. It is very incomplete and is really just a tech demo right now.

Cubicle Shooter v0.2


* You can now shoot and hurt the people. They get pushed back when shot.
* When the people get too close to you they push you and hurt you.
* Both you and the other people bleed when hurt and the blood paints the ground and walls.
* Your health regenerates (up to one hundred) but if it ever drops to zero then the game will reset.
* There is a scoring system which rewards you with 25 points every time you shoot one of the people and an additional 100 when you kill one of them (they die after four hits).
* You can now save the game and load a previously saved game. Saving and loading is extremely slow on Wii.
* You are taller now but can crouch back down. Just like in the PS3 version you will automatically crouch if you don’t have enough room to stand.
* There have been changes to the controls.
* There have been some bug fixes.–-wii-windows/

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ImageViewer v1.0.0.0 (Pandora Application)

ImageViewer is a fast image viewer for Pandora by StreaK.

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Repository News v1.0.0.0 (Pandora Application)

Repository News is a simple Application like RSSReader. It’s browser based and created only for viewing news content from

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Battle for Wesnoth v1.9.8.1 (Pandora Game Port)

The Battle for Wesnoth is a turn-based strategy game with a fantasy theme.

Build up a great army, gradually turning raw recruits into hardened veterans. In later games, recall your toughest warriors and form a deadly host against whom none can stand! Choose units from a large pool of specialists, and hand-pick a force with the right strengths to fight well on different terrains against all manner of opposition.


* All upstream changes.

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BFRunner v1.0.0.0 (Pandora misc)

BFRunner by pedromlm is an Interpreter for Brainfuck, the esoteric programming language. Ported to Pandora by StreaK.

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muCommander v1.0.0.0 (Pandora Application Port)

muCommander is a lightweight, cross-platform file manager with a dual-pane interface. It runs on any operating system with Java support. WizardStan’s JAVA.PND required to run muCommander.

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DS2x86 v0.20 (DOS emu for NDS)

DS2x86 by Patrick Aalto is a PC emulator for Nintendo DS. It’s purpose is to allow you to run old DOS games on your Nintendo DS game console. DS2x86 is a port of DSx86 port using the SuperCard DSTwo’s MIPS processor, therefor it will just run with such a card.


– FPU support! Only in 32-bit protected mode, and not all opcodes are yet completely supported, though.
– Fixed an unaligned memory access crash in EMS function 0x57 (Aladdin)
– Built with SDK version 0.13, which hopefully helps with the audio problems in the previous version. I had not noticed I still used older SDK version.
– Compiled with flag -no-long-jumps, which makes the C code smaller & faster.

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ColEm v2.6.5 (Coleco Vision emu for Android)

Marat Fayzullin ported his very own Coleco Vision emulator ColEm for Android devices. As the program is still in beta testing, it’s free for the moment.


* Now saving screenshots and showing them in the file selector.
* On-screen joystick now fully usable inside builtin menu.
* Made virtual keyboard key labels bigger.
* Fixed virtual keyboard functional and special keys.
* Made About box disappear after the first couple of runs.
* Fixed display and audio settings that sometimes were ignored on startup.

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Symbolica (24-07-2011) (Caanoo Game)

Symbolica – The symbols on the screen represent a numeric value in the order as they are displayed on the right. As you move over a symbol, it is decrements to the next lower symbol or disappears.,0,0,0,71,754

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FlashBack DS v1.0 (NDS misc)

FlashBack DS initial release by Alekmaul, based on REminiscence engine. Original datafiles are required.


Thanks to for the news.

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