Powder (Release 090) (GBA Game)

POWDER is a roguelike game, which is not a port of an existing roguelike like.


Floating eyes will now track your position on a succesful attack, making them much more dangerous as other enemies will be able to find you.
When you save/reload your quiver order will stay the same.
Reclaim Soul no longer costs piety with Tlosh. Honest.
Character dump no longer lists skills as their corresponding spell name.
Two new skills: Charge and Leap Attack. These are in H’ruth’s book which is now large enough that the traditional melee skills have been removed from it.
Last move direction no longer lost when you look at your inventory.
Creatures created with artifact wands of create monster will be imbued with the relevant intrinsics.
Removed buffer from stack in chainlightning to hopefully reduce stack pressure on GBA. (hotpoo)
New spell: Fetch. Broke Blink out of Teleport and reduced mana cost of all the teleport spells.
New spells: Summon Familiar and Transfer Knowledge. These are to address the proper Pax playstyle in the early game. Along with this is a new spellbook to house these spells: The Familiar Tome.

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Powder (Release 090) (NDS Game)

POWDER is a roguelike game, which is not a port of an existing roguelike like.


Floating eyes will now track your position on a succesful attack, making them much more dangerous as other enemies will be able to find you.
When you save/reload your quiver order will stay the same.
Reclaim Soul no longer costs piety with Tlosh. Honest.
Character dump no longer lists skills as their corresponding spell name.
Two new skills: Charge and Leap Attack. These are in H’ruth’s book which is now large enough that the traditional melee skills have been removed from it.
Last move direction no longer lost when you look at your inventory.
Creatures created with artifact wands of create monster will be imbued with the relevant intrinsics.
Removed buffer from stack in chainlightning to hopefully reduce stack pressure on GBA. (hotpoo)
New spell: Fetch. Broke Blink out of Teleport and reduced mana cost of all the teleport spells.
New spells: Summon Familiar and Transfer Knowledge. These are to address the proper Pax playstyle in the early game. Along with this is a new spellbook to house these spells: The Familiar Tome.

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Graffiti (GP2x-F200 Application)

This is a small touchscreen Graffiti app for the GP2x-F200 (touchscreen one).

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Biohazard 2 (GP2x Game)

Biohazard 2 is an action game where the objective is to escape the city of zombies.,0,0,0,27,2367

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DadaS v0.1 (NDS Game)

cid2mizard released a horse race bet game, which horse is the fastest?

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Pong with Colour Mapping (PSP Game)

Sony PSP Player has made a small Pong game with a customiseable background. The ball avoids black pixels and can’t go over them. You can make your own bg.png and draw some black lines onto it to make a custom map. There is an english and a german EBOOT.PBP in the 7zip. The game runs on the 3xx Kernel and on the Slim PSP.

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PSPcw (Beta 3) (PSP Application)

With PSPcw you can write a documents on a PSP itself and save it on the memory stick.


– Erase button now is R.
– Using square button , PSPcw will write special C characters.

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Galaxy Player v0.1 (PSP Lua Application)

Galaxy Player is a Lua application featuring:

-Play Music
-Watch Pictures
-File Manager
-Lotto Generator
-Battery Options
-CPU Options

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Dungeons Engine 2 – Stairs Demo (PSP Techdemo)

Here is a technical demo for PSP based upon Dungeons Engine 2 called “Stairs Demo”.

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Hide Folders v2 (PSP Application)

This application hides specified folders of your PSP.

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