Zombiepox2x v1.1.2 (GP2x Game Port)

Zombiepox2x is an Allegro game where you have to save your friends from zombies.


– The menu is a lot better and far more usable
– Added the original readme
– Put a more correct version number on it
– You only have one gpe file to execute
– The pause button problem is fixed (press A to pause, Press B to continue and press X to quit the game
– The map is remapped to the L button but isn’t fully toggable yet
– The top part of the map is now more fully viewable

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MobileTetris v0.7.6b (iPhone Game)

MobileTetris is a Tetris clone for the iPhone. MobileTetris is currently in beta development. It’s in a very playable state right now, but there are still many more features to add!


Version 0.7.6 had a capitalization error in one of the filenames, leading to rather undesired behavior. Make sure to grab 0.7.6b!

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iSwitcher v1.2 (iPhone Application)

iSwitcher is a theme swapping iPhone application.


Cleaned up some iSwitcher coding. I also enhanced the cgOEM theme to include 87 original icons to help reset all your apps to original state. I will publish the .pxl package in a bit.

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Mobile RSS v1.4.1 (iPhone Application)

The goal of Mobile-RSS is to create a native iPhone application which will remember all your feeds and give you an easy interface for viewing, adding, and removing.

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Gril-M (Beta 3) (iPhone Application)

Gril-M is a web-based multi-languages POS for Managing restaurant which has many uses like taking an order, calculating the bill, organising the cartes. You can use the iPod Touch or iPhone to take the orders.

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Mister Block v1.0 (GP2x Game)

Mister Block has lost all his favourite blue blocks! Help him find them by navigating various levels, each dotted with traps and pitfalls.

Information on playing the game and creating levels (it’s easy, try it) is in readme.txt.

If you want to keep your progress/highscores for new versions of Mister Block, simply backup the data/user directory from your old copy, then overwrite the new data/user in the new copy.


New in 1.0:
Levels are now .png files, so they can be edited in normal graphics editor programs.
More level sizes supported – 40×30, 80×60, 20×15, and many more.
Some bugfixes.

More new stuff:
Improved controls
Clock set to 120MHz
Highscores set by yours truly – see if you can beat them!

New stuff:
Power time visible
Level selector
Level editor (courtesy of mrsnature)
Various bugfixes,0,0,0,27,2231

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MobileTetris v0.7.6 (iPhone Game)

MobileTetris is a Tetris clone for the iPhone. MobileTetris is currently in beta development. It’s in a very playable state right now, but there are still many more features to add!


MobileTetris 0.7.6 – Phantom tile problem resolved!

By with 0 comments v1.2.1 (NES emu for iPhone) is a Nintendo emulator for Apple’s iPhone. uses a modified version of the popular InfoNES emulation core to mimic the 6502 processor in a Nintendo Entertainment System, allowing you to play ROM dumps of games designed for the NES console. ROM dumps are files containing the dumped instruction code from a physical cartridge. In many cases, you are legally entitled to posess a ROM dump of any game that you presently own. ROM images for NES are widely available online, or with the appropriate hardware, you can dump them yourself directly from the cartridge. started as a fork of iPhoneNES v0.01, but has been completely rewritten to run very fast, and with many additional features including full sound, game genie codes, saved games, battery-saved ram support, and full screen support.

Changes since v1.2.0:

Fixed scanline processing
Should notice improvement in speed and sound sync

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TehSkeen Returns (misc)

Brakken, owner of returns, tho in a modified way.

Welcome to my new personal “scene” blog. With the closing of TehSkeen, one of the Internet’s most unbiased, uncensored, independent news and development sources I’ve been left with a yearning for something to write about. If you’ve been around for the last three years you are probably aware of the rise and fall of my activities and the aggressors that tried to keep me down. Unfortunately, TehSkeen had to close and these “other” entities are still flourishing. Although, I find it ironic that an honest site had to close while others whom feed off of the talented authors in the various homebrew console development scenes flourish.

My new blog will retain TehSkeen’s name, but you won’t find scene news here. What you will find is my personal opinions on various political developments in the scene and the reporting of dubious activities that these “other” scene sites participate in to fill their own pockets at the communities expense.

You may recall my Anti-PS2NFO site humbly named “PS2BANZ”. In good faith that things would get better I took the page down. At the time I believed this was a right course of action. If I was going to be running my own scene news site I wanted to distance myself from the trouble the page stirred up to clear TehSkeen’s name of any actions that were taking place due to the page. Even though I was taking an unbiased stance on both pages I believed that running an anti-PS2NFO site and a scene site would cause the public to be confused.

If you weren’t around to see the pre-mentioned page I will briefly explain it’s purpose. PS2NFO, now calling themselves PS3NEWS (the name change was to try to wash their bad image down the drain) is a self proclaimed scene site that feeds off of the work of others. After analyzing their business model I aggressively monitored and reported on their various activities including, but not limited to censoring forum posts, blatantly plagiarizing other peoples work, removing the authors credits and legal documentation from homebrew releases and replacing them with their own unwarranted website address and name.

As you can tell those are some pretty harsh accusations, but I had screen shots, binary dumps and authors of the stolen programs to back me up. Sadly, Mr. Serafin, the owner of PS2NFO hired a lawyer who drafted a letter stating I was violating his clients rights by using his sites name, likeness and images without permission. Other then using the images, which I believed were covered under the Fair Use Act (title 17, U. S. Code) I was doing nothing illegal, but my web hosting company (the same one I’m using now) was frankly scared to defend it’s own customer and sided with Mr. Serafin. After this happened I moved the page to a Russian hosting company who in all reality deleted the correspondence that PS2NFO, Maxconsole and PS2-SCENE were sending to them (I’ll get to the other mentioned pages here shortly).

So here I am three years later. Running my own scene news site for two years led me to learn a lot about the internal politics and helped me forge valuable relationships with fellow site owners, homebrew coders and console hackers. During this time, as I’ve stated already, various scene sites that use the public lack of awareness to profit have flourished. This sickens me. My new blog will be dedicated to revealing, to the best of my knowledge, the truth about these various sites. Don’t expect any fancy screen shots to back up my claims, but what you should expect from me is my honesty and what you should expect from yourself is to keep an open mind with your eyes wide open.

You can digg the news here:

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PuzzleManiak v2.3 (NDS Game)

PuzzleManiak is a partial port of the Simon Tatham’s Portable Puzzle Collection on Nintendo DS.


2 new games integrated: Filling, Solitaire (aka Pegs)
New language integrated: Portugese (thanks Rafael)
All scores are now in hundredths of a second and not in seconds anymore

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