Image provided by: blue2kMbSheel is a module based Shell for the Playstation Portable. This is a first development build, functionality will be added soon.http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=14931
Image provided by: blue2kMbSheel is a module based Shell for the Playstation Portable. This is a first development build, functionality will be added soon.http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=14931
Image provided by: birslipOh yes! Spout is now available for the Nintendo DS. This game seems to be heavily ported to all possible systems at the moment. For those who do not know about Spout. It’s a very simple but abstract shooter. Thanks to wraggster for the news.http://birslip.pizz.biz/
Image provided by: GP32xJochang has released Sterm for the GP2x. It is a terminal emulation program with virtual keyboard input.
Hi. Here is a simple terminal emulator for gp2x, sterm. Through it, you can access shell and other terminal programs. I think it may be useful for exploring your gp2x linux system, Enjoy!
Image provided by: joanvrjoanvr has released a new single effect demo called hell. It’s avaliable for the GP32 and the GP2x.http://www.gp32spain.com/foros/showthread.php?t=25070
Guyfawkes has updated his GP2x User Guide which is the most comprehensive information for starters. Release notes:
I have released a new version of the GP2X User Guide. This update is mostly minor changes to various parts of the guide and an update to the GP2X dev introduction which should be more complete now (still not finished though) as I forgot to mention you need MinSys installed. Thanks to everyone that helped out and emailed me additions or changes, I have added you to the Thanks page in the guide. In the next few days I will be giving the guide to a few people who will translate the guide to German and French, if you would like to translate to another language please let me know at guyfawkes@NOSPAMgbaemu.com or PM me.
Image provided by: GP32xPySlide, a sliding puzzle game for the GP2x, has been released by Barnesy.
Here’s my first attempt at writing a game (or anything else, for that matter) from scratch using Python and Pygame. To run it, you’ll need theoddbot’s python/pygame package.
NEO4ALL is an alternative Open Source NEOGEO/CD emulator for the Dreamcast by Chui&Fox68k. Release notes:
First, you need convert your NEOGEO game roms with convert tool included. Second, toast all files of dreamcast directory and place your converted roms where you want. At the moment, 10 large games have preliminar prefetch for fine playing:
Art Of Fighting. Blazing Star. Captain Tomaday. Magical Drop III. Metal Slug X. Shock Troopers. Aero Fighters 3 / Sonic Wings 3. SNK vs Capcom – SVC Chaos. Tecmo World Soccer ’96. Zed Blade / Operation Ragnarok. Games below 16MBytes can be played without problems, i have tested 44 games. Another games of compatibily list can be loaded, but you will have a lot of cdrom read switching.
See README.txt.
Image provided by: barnesyBalluz is a nice little rubik’s style puzzle game. The aim of the game is to match up the pairs of coloured tiles. You start with an outer row and an inner row. You can rotate both rows together, or use one tool to rotate only the inner row, or another tool to swap the positions of an inner row and outer row tile.http://www.gp32x.com/board/index.php?showtopic=2287
zodttd strikes again! GP2PSX a Playstation emulator for the GP2x has been updated. Here are the release notes:
I’ve updated GP2PSX to version 0.09. It’s a fairly good update though, considering I’ve added a file menu of sorts, and a faster blitter.
Not to mention…Framerate indicator as well as frameskip options! Yay!
But wait…drumroll…there’s MORE! That framerate indicator will now read 60 FPS on some titles!
BUSTER BROS COLLECTION was the first game I tested to run at 50+ (yes PLUS!) frames per second smoothly in gameplay. This is with frameskip at 1 or 3 depending. Not too shabby eh? ;P
I’m testing Final Fantasy Tactics now and there was some graphical issues with the intro screen. Those will be sorted out soon.
Suikoden 1 works now too! I had to slow down the emulator to get compatbility up, and this is one of the newly working games. Otherwise Buster Bros would run at 60 FPS. :/ Also, keep in mind the faster your SD card is, the quicker the ISO buffer will fill, the faster the game will play. I test GP2PSX on a 66X SD card. There’s a 150X card I have my eye on.
There’s plenty of bugs to be fixed, as compatibility is still low. But it’s catching up.
I ask that someone once again starts a compatibility thread for GP2PSX like what was done for the Zodiac version. Hopefully this time we’ll see some working playable games pop up! I’m going to go back to the Zodiac version eventually and fix the bug that was slowing down the emu so much and see if it gets the Zodiac a working PSX emu. If so maybe even hydro thunder will work (nerys!).
So to go into more detail:
1. File Menu – It’s a little corny looking but it works. When GP2PSX loads, you will see a file menu to choose your game. It will only load .Z, .ZNX, and .BIN files. There’s a small bug in it currently that makes it list the .table files without the .table extension. The .table file is always the second file of that name. Anyways, press the X button to choose your game.
2. Games run MUCH FASTER due to a bug I’ve been trying to track down now for ages. It caused the emu to go into a loop doing nothing constantly. This is why the emu went fast but seemed to only show a frame each second.
3. Better support for games – More games are starting to work, or at least begin to.
4. Framerate/Frameskip – Use the volume up/down to change the frameskip. Framerate will appear at the top left of the screen as well. Hope this helps. ;P
5. A faster screen blit / screen stretch – It seems some games I like to play use some of the odder of screen widths the PSX supports, so I kept the stretch function, but made a check to not use it if the screen fits the GP2X, duh.Grab GP2PSX at: http://www.friggingames.com/gp2psx09.zip
Btw, I’ll see what I can do to get the logo put into the emu. It didn’t make it into this build. :/
Next to come:
– HLE for faster emulation and no need for a BIOS
– Better compatibility
– Faster GPU core.There’s still room for improvement, but I think this release will show you a good game or two to play, fullspeed. So things are looking up for the GP2X.
This is not a game yet, but read the author notes:
Let me first start off as this game was done to prove someone at school of my codeing capabilities. As forthe game it’s really dull just deflect the ball as it comes towards your paddle. Great for an Lua Example. .:Upcoming Versions:.-Multi Player Support (Wireless-LAN)-Music Select menu-Smooth Paddle Movement-Random Ball Movements