LvR (Gameboy Advance)

SMS Advance v1.0 (Master System emu for GBA)

FluBBa has released version 1.0 of his Master System emulator for the Gameboy Advance.

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PSAR Dumper v2a (PSP Application)

PSAR Dumper is a tool to help legal reverse engineering of the PSP system components. It Extracts the contents of the update data file, and saves them as separate files on memory stick.

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DCPang (Alpha) (DC Game)

Here comes a fully playable alpha version of DCPang featuring 25 levels. It lacks of sound, scoring and has a graphical problem. If you still want to give it a go you can find it here:

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FreeSCI (13-10-2005) (Sierra Game Interpretor for DC)

FreeSCI interpretes old sierra adventure games like Larry on the Dreamcast. This is a daily”built”and might not be very stable.

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Interview with Franxis (GP32 misc)

Franxis, author of the GP32 MAME port, has been interviewed.

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PSP UAE v0.40 (Amiga emu for PSP)

“PSP UAE”is a port of”UAE”, an Amiga Emulator, for Sony’s Playstation. Theofficial pagehas not been updated yet, the download will be provided from another page. Changes in this release:

  • Several minor optimizations on M68K and Amiga/PSP graphics.
  • Semi-transparent ( customizable from Config Menu ) full-featured keyboard.
  • Fully configurable button and analog stick assignments from Config Menu/Options ( finally ) : includes flexible assignments of key presses, joystick/mouse buttons to PSP buttons. : includes flexible assignment of Joy0/Joy1/Mouse to PSP Analog stick/Directional Buttons.
  • Auto repeat on menu selections.
  • Adaptive Border Padding ( change from Config Menu )
  • Load / Save / Default configurations ( 2 slots )
  • ScreenSave to .bmp file. ( Assign key from Config Menu/Options, START button by default )
  • Fine mouse movement ( HiRes ) is possible while holding button ( assignment customizable )
  • From Config Menu, press Select to shortcut back to the Amiga.
  • In the Config Menu ( activated by Select ) : Cross (X) is select, Circle (O) is cancel.

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    Unofficial NesterJ r2b (NES emu for PSP)

    “E”has released a new version of the unofficial NesterJ version for the PSP. Nester is a Nintendo 8-Bit (NES) emulator. The release notes are in japanese.

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    Way of the Rain (12-10-2005) (NDS Game)

    Image provided by: SeddyWay of the Rain started as a little physics demo, where waterdrops search their way trough a level. Now its a game, where you have to draw barriers, to show the waterdrops the right way. The game has only 4 levels yet.Seddy is seeking help in creating levels for his game, more information about this on his page.

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    PSPRadio v0.35 pre4 (PSP Application)

    PSPRadio is an radio internet client for the PSP. Changes:

  • Added message queue class for inter thread communications and synchronization.
  • Revamped comm system for PSPApp (PSPRadio) using message q. This solves the problem with callback messaging (thread prio boosting/inheritance from caller, overhead on caller thread, etc. — Also, now polling of buttons/vblank is done in a separate thread. — still work in progress –.
  • Message queue system renamed to event queue.. Everything is now using this, except for vblank.
  • Changes to Logging to show time(in ms) and line numbers.
  • Buffer is updated at 6fps max now (this to not overtax main thread+event handler)
  • Now clear metadata on stream stop (including buffer).
  • more internal refactoring…

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    Calculator DS (NDS Application)

    Image provided by: LienLien has also released a minor calculator for the Nintendo DS. Get the download from his page:

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