LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Block Smash (DC Game)

ZMaster has released a Lumines like game for the Dreamcast a bit over two weeks ago. Here are the release notes:

I’ve been working on a Lumines like game for the DC over the past few weeks. The game takes the basic idea from Lumines and is called ‘Block Smash’ but I don’t know in what extent you can call it a clone of Lumines because I never played the original one However, all the artwork and content has been created by myself or under permission of the respective owner and is not stolen from anywhere. The game features 12 Levels/Skins, Sound FX&Music and VMU support (to save your Highscore and current level).

Feel free to send him feedback

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Pirate (A2600 Game)

Image provided by: UnknownGuide your character, avoiding snakes and Chuck LeDuc, and gain the treasure of the pirates. Tap the joystick in the direction you want to move. The fire button on the joystick is used to pick up/use items, and fight. The game is turn-based.

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Colony 7 (A2600 Game/Techdemo)

Image provided by: CybergothCybergoth has released the first preview of his game Colony 7. It’s not yet playable and still pretty raw.

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Flow (A2600 Game)

seemo has created a new game for the Atari 2600. Release notes:

Hi Everyone,here’s Flow, my new game.You have to put red sticks around the blue (cpu) sticks.Move the flashing indicator with joystick in port A, and add sticks pressing FIRE.To score, the sum of red sticks above/below/to the left/to the rightof a blue cell must match the value of the blue cell.When this happens, the blue cell changes color.There’s a running indicator, looping through the matrix : you will see how many loops it has to do, before score is computed, on bottom left corner of the screen.If you change color of every cpu cell, the loop counter will be forced to 0 and a bonus will be added to your score for every unused loop.Every time the loop counter reaches/is forced to 0, new cpu cells are added to the matrix.Game ends when the entire matrix is full of cpu cells.Simone

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Podfather (GP32 Demo)

Image provided by: SdwSdw has ported an ipod-demo by the group Hooy-Program over to the GP32. Since the iPod is only 160×128, the demo runs either in a small box, or zoomed in 2×2 mode – press ‘select’ (once the demo is running) to switch between these two modes.

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HaCKaH v1.0.2 (PSP Game)

MadButch has updated his Tetris game”HaCKaH”. Changes:

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the mirrored L block from appearing.
  • Fixed a big that prevented the 2nd Next Block display sound from ever being played.
  • Fixed a bug where the Settings and HiScores weren’t saved on Bios 1.0 PSPs.
  • Added a download for people with the v1.0 bios (

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    Dots (PSP Lua Game)

    Image provided by: flattspottShine realized a game idea of flattspott and now we have a new puzzle game for the PSP. Check it out at:

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    HaCKaH v1.0.1 (PSP Game)

    MadButch has released a conversation of his PC-Tetris game”HaCKer”to the PSP and called it”HaCKaH”.

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    Goomba v2.3 (GB emu for GBA)

    Goomba is a Nintendo Game Boy Emulator that will allow you to play the old Nintendo Handheld classics on your Gameboy Advance, even with rumble pack support!

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    Murdoc v0.2 (Mr. Do Arcade emu for GBA)

    Murdoc is a”Mr. Do”(Arcade) game emulator for the Gameboy Advance. The emulator comes without the required commercial”Mr. Do”board dump.

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