LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Vectoroids (28-08-2005) (GP32 Game)

Image provided by: ChuiChui updated his SDL library port for the GP32. Beside this he also updated the SDL based GP32 gameport of”Vectoroids”.

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Defendguin (28-08-2005) (GP32 Game)

Image provided by: ChuiChui updated his SDL library port for the GP32. Beside this he also updated the SDL based GP32 gameport of”Defendguin”.

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Stella DS v0.41 (A2600 emu for NDS)

Stella DS is a port of the Atari 2600 emulator Stella to the DS. So far it supports loading and executing ROMs, an optimized framebuffer, and joystick controls via the D pad and A button. Changes:

8.29.05 – Preliminary sound work.
Split project into ARM7 and ARM9 parts. Waded through the TIA/SDL sound source code. It’s going to be tough.

On the other hand, I added support for the Game Select/Reset switches so that games such as Adventure are playable. Use the L and R buttons respectively to invoke the switches. In addition, the screen is now scaled 1.5x horizontally to almost fill the whole bottom screen.

I’ve noticed the recent publicity that I have been getting. Thanks for supporting my project! As requested, I am now numbering releases and naming them accordingly. Stella DS 0.41 is the current version. Grab it from the downloads section and enjoy!

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Portable Pong v0.2 (PSP Lua Game)

Arag7 has released a new version of his homebrew Pong game for the Sony PSP, based on Karma’s pong game coded in LUA. This new build features a couple of new themes.

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viDeoconverterS (27/08/2005) (NDS Application)

Image provided by: beersleepbeersleep has released a video converter for the Nintendo DS. It’s an executable capable of creating a .ds.gba out of an .avi file, both in high quality and low quality for your choice.

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Stella DS v0.4 (A2600 emu for NDS)

Stella DS is a port of the Atari 2600 emulator Stella to the DS. So far it supports loading and executing ROMs, an optimized framebuffer, and joystick controls via the D pad and A button. Changes:

8.28.05 – Framebuffer optimized. Version 0.4

The emulator has been quite optimized and plays at a smooth playable speed now thanks to a faster framebuffer drawing routine. I will continue to work on it though and add sound.

I need to order a Wifi card to do more complete experimentation because there’s pretty much no hope at all of getting a replacement Neo Flash.

Thanks GPFerror and DesktopMan for some help with the DS graphics code. Feel free to try some optimization of your own! 🙂

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Dope Wars (18-08-2005) (DC Game)

Kamjin has updated”Dope Wars”. Most of the change are not visible to the player. Dope Wars is a game where you deal with Drugs and probably other nasty things. Thanks to Wraggster for the news.

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TheMinigame Project v1.1e (GP32 Fenix Games)

Quiest has released an updated version of his Fenix game collection. This release adds a minigame shooter called”Shmupster”.

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MAME GP32 v1.7 (Arcade emu for GP32)

Franxis has updated his MAME emulator port for the GP32. Changes are :

  • Added Cyclone M68000 ARM ASM core. Developed by Dave and some bugs fixed by Reesy and Notaz. Version 0.0080 released by Notaz. Thank you all!. This means big speed boost in M68000 games: Snow Bros, Karnov, Gauntlet, etc. Thanks also to Una-i for his help compiling Cyclone.
  • New supported games: Rastan (ok), Rastan Saga (ok) and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (gfx errors).
  • Alignment optimizations added in next cores: I8039, I86, M6808, M6809.
  • Internal change: M68000 games are now in a separated executable (m68000.fxe).

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    gpSketch (GP32 misc)

    Image provided by: gp32spain.comZeNiTRaM has coded a sketch-painter board for the GP32.

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