LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Adventures in Mega Drive Coding Part 2: Tiles (Genesis misc)

Andrej Preradovic of Ohsat Games teaches us how to program the Sega Genesis! Read Adventures in Mega Drive Coding Part 2: Tiles.

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Nintendo Switch boots Linux (Switch misc)

fail0verflow show us a Nintendo Switch, booting into Linux.

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Killer Heads of Lettuce v2018.02.06 (WIP) (A2600 Game)

Chris Read aka atari2600land works on a second game for the Channel F called Killer Heads of Lettuce. It’s sort of like a cross between Asteroids and Space Jockey. In the game, you shoot heads of lettuce in your spaceship.

Further notes:

You can move the spaceship up and down, and I made a variable for lettuce speed and it seems to be working okay now. It’s set to 1, but if I set it to 2, it goes faster. The object of the game is to keep the lettuce from reaching the far right of the screen. I’m still working on this game. You can shoot with the fire button, but the missiles can’t shoot the lettuce because I haven’t gotten that far yet. So, what do you think?

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The Incredible Platformer v1.0 (iOS Game)

The Incredible Platformer is a fresh iOS game from the Austrian developers at Impossibru. In this combination of physics machine puzzlers and traditional platformers, use the provided items to guide your player(s) safely from start to exit. This game is free, has no ingame advertising and you don’t have any ingame purchases as well. It’s a totally 100% free game!

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fMSX v5.2.2 (MSX emu for Android)

fMSX is an MSX home computer emulator. It will run software written for MSX, MSX2, and MSX2+ computers. Before running fMSX, make sure you place the following MSX system ROMs onto your SD card: MSX.ROM MSX2.ROM MSX2EXT.ROM DISK.ROM.


* Added remaining time display during replay.
* Fixed replay rollover mechanism.
* Added shadow underneath the time display.
* Settings activity now uses black/white UI setting.
* Switched Settings to Material Design on Lollipop+.
* Fixed native crash when saving state.
* Fixed several other possible sources of native crashes.

This is a free, limited version of fMSX that may show ads and nag you to buy the full version. For the full, ad-free version, get fMSX Deluxe. Or, you can buy any one of the authors other emulators and the fMSX ads will stop.

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ColEm v4.2.4 (Coleco Vision emu for Android)

Marat Fayzullin updated his Coleco Vision emulator ColEm for Android devices.


* Added remaining time display during replay.
* Fixed replay rollover mechanism.
* Added shadow underneath the time display.
* Settings activity now uses black/white UI setting.
* Switched Settings to Material Design on Lollipop+.

This is a free, limited version of ColEm that may show ads and nag you to buy the full version. For the latest, full, ad-free version, with better joystick, network play, and the ability to share your saved game play with other users, get ColEm Deluxe.

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Speccy v4.6.2 (Spectrum emu for Android)

Speccy is a Sinclair ZX Spectrum home computer emulator, but also emulates a Sam Coupe. It will run software written for Spectrum 16k, 48k, 128k, +2, +2A, +3, Timex Sinclair, Pentagon, and Skorpion home computers.


* Added remaining time display during replay.
* Fixed replay rollover mechanism.
* Added shadow underneath the time display.
* Settings activity now uses black/white UI setting.
* Switched Settings to Material Design on Lollipop+.

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Mystic Searches (WIP) (Commercial) (NES Game)

The New 8-bit Heroes are working heavily on Mystic Searches for the NES. In this open journey through a unique fantasy world, the young vagabond musician Julian strives to avenge his mentor and undo the deceptive actions of the rogue sorceress Amriya. Solve complex puzzles. Explore a mysterious mythology full of foreign races and monsters. Navigate through perilous platforming. Gain a wide array of magical abilities. Learn the song of the world. Become the hero by restoring control of the supernatural elements to the Mystics before the imbalance leads to the catastrophic end of the natural world!

Pre-Orders are welcome, starting from US$ 40, excluding shipping.

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Land Gruber (PICO-8 Game)

The aim of the game is to Land Gruber collecting as many coins and notes as you can on the way down. Happy trails! A PICO-8 game by BurningOut.

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Kung-Fu Master v2017.10.18 (WIP) (SNES Game)

Antihero Soft are working on a remake of Kung-Fu Master for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System.


Option screen is done. Next step is having a first level playable with (only) grabbing enemies. #kungfumaster for #snes #snesdev #indiedev

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