LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Sindibad v1.0.6 (Android Game)

Sindibad is a new platform puzzle game by Oasis Pixel. Help Sindibad to solve his financial situation. Luckily you just found a dungeon with treasures, but to open the chest you need all keys. While collecting the keys make sure you don’t die. Sounds easy, as usual, but can be very tricky at times.

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Snake (15-01-2018) (GB Game)

Yvar de Goffau is know to few as developer of Atari 2600 games. While keeping up the challenge is important, he switched over to the Game Boy and surprises us with Snake. Some of you might tell now, well… yet another Snake. This snake tries to be different, offering smooth graphics at 60hz, a proper difficulty curve and multiple selectable levels.

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GodMode9 Explorer v1.5.1 (3DS Application)

GodMode9 Explorer by d0k3 is a full access file browser for the Nintendo 3DS console. It gives you access to your SD card, to the FAT partitions inside your SysNAND and EmuNAND and to basically anything else. Among other functionality you can copy, delete, rename files and create folders. You can find the source here.


[fixed] Building proper CIAs from 3DS files
[scripting] New HelloBranching.gm9 sample script by Kazuma77
[scripting] New strrep, fdummy and fill commands
[scripting] New not command (best used as in if not …, elif not …)
[scripting] filesel command now also allows browsing dirs

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WoxelCraft v0.0.7 (Wii misc)

WoxelCraft by DaeFennek is a 3D Voxel Engine and a basic clone of Minecraft for the Nintendo Wii.

Key features:

* Menu
* Single player
* World: 50×50 Chunks(16x16x16)
* Savegame using SD Card

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LvR (GBA Game)

LvR by quisseh is a Game Boy Advance game for two players at the same time. Player 1 grips the left half of the GBA and controls the L button, while player 2 grips the right half and controls R.

Five levels, each with unique environments and challenges:

* catching fruit as it falls from trees
* sneaking past a sleeping bad guy without getting caught
* invading a vault to steal jewels
* fighting to stay aboard a raft
* helping librarians put away books

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The Retro Hour EP105 – Crystal Quest to Carmageddon (misc)

The Retro Hour is your weekly dose of retro gaming and technology news, views and interviews from the UK.


This week we have a rare interview with Stainless Games CEO Patrick Buckland, the highs and lows of the Carmageddon series, Crystal Quest and Apple gaming.

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Moonlight v2.2.1.04 (Pandora Application Port)

Moonlight allows you to stream your collection of Steam games from your PC to another device. Moonlight (formerly known as Limelight) is an open source implementation of NVIDIA’s GameStream protocol. This PND now use Moonlight embedded, a native client. Ported to Pandora by ptitSeb.


* Switched to upstream Moonlight-embeded
* Using latest sources
* Revamped gtkdialog to add a more options
* Nubs are now configuration in the dialog
* Streaming Texture is now optional

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The Retro Hour EP104 – SEGA and Amstrad Memories (misc)

The Retro Hour is your weekly dose of retro gaming and technology news, views and interviews from the UK.


Plenty of Sega and Amstrad memories with Daniel Ibbertston AKA Slopes Game Room. New Gameboys, battery advice and text adventure talk.

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RetroArch v1.7.0.0 (Multiple Emus for Pandora)

RetroArch is a modular multi-system emulator system that is designed to be fast, lightweight, and portable.

List of included libretro cores:

NES: FCEU, Nestopia, QuickNES
SNES: PocketSNES, SNES9x-Next
GBC: Gambatte, TGB Dual
GBA: Meteor, VBA
Genesis / Sega CD: Genesis Plus
Saturn: Yabause (Very slow!)
Playstation: PCSX-ReARMed
Atari 2600: Stella
Chip8/16: Maxe
Arcade: iMAME4all, MAME078, Final Burn Alpha
Mednafen cores: PCE-Fast, WSwan, PSX
Natives: NXEngine (Cave Story), PrBoom (Doom)

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Secret Maryo Chronicles v2.0.0.04 (Pandora Game Port)

Secret Maryo Chronicles is an Open Source two-dimensional platform game with a design similar to classic computer games. Ported to Pandora by ptitSeb.


* Repackage to add missing libs

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