LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Mega Tomb of Dracula (WIP) (Genesis Game)

Mega Tomb of Dracula by Matteusbeus is very close to see daylight! The digital game will be available for free!

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The Retro Hour EP106 – DMA Design (misc)

The Retro Hour is your weekly dose of retro gaming and technology news, views and interviews from the UK.


We gets the highs and lows of DMA Design with Steve Hammond. The story behind Lemmings, Hired Guns and the scrapped sequel, the strained relationship with Psygnosis and the origins of Grand Theft Auto.

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SDLLopan 3DS v1.0 (3DS Game Port)

SDLLopan is a classic remake of Linux Lopan (a Mahjong clone) by Dave Ashley. nop90 invested couple of days to get this ported to the Nintendo 3DS. Like other Mahjongg games, you try to remove all the pieces. To remove pieces you must select a pair of pieces with the same drawing.

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Antiyoy v1.21e (Android Game)

Antiyoy is an Android game by Yiotro. It’s a turn-based strategy with simple rules.


– Added diplomacy (disabled by default, to turn on go to ‘skirmish – more’)
– Added fog of war (disabled by default, to turn on go to ‘skirmish – more’)
– Added music (thanks Derek Bryant)
– New campaign levels
– You can now choose your color in editor
– Bug fixes

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Mbrane v1.0.1 (Android Game)

Mbrane is a game of stunning simplicity and elegant complexity. Harnessing the power of Sudoku, Mbrane transforms the puzzle into a multiplayer, deterministic strategy game of pure skill. In the same class as games like Chess, Go & Othello, Mbrane takes strategy to a new level. Gameplay combines the excitement of Risk with the purity of Chess in a classic contest of power & influence.

Unlike Sudoku, an Mbrane starts out empty. Players vie for control of territory by placing numbers on the gameboard. The numbers carry value, and skillful placement is the key to victory!

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Speccy v4.6.1 (Spectrum emu for Android)

Speccy is a Sinclair ZX Spectrum home computer emulator, but also emulates a Sam Coupe. It will run software written for Spectrum 16k, 48k, 128k, +2, +2A, +3, Timex Sinclair, Pentagon, and Skorpion home computers.


* Fixed PSG sound rendering in Nigel Mansell’s GP, etc.
* Fixed running files from the WoS browser.
* Fixed native crash when saving state.
* Fixed several other possible source of native crashes.
* Fixed desktop icon placement.
* Fixed crash when passing “file://” URI via desktop icon.

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Ghost Hitch v3.2.3 (Android Game)

Ghost Hitch is an Android game by PlayHouse Games.

Ghost Hitch - Announcement Trailer

The Ghost Squad needs your help to rescue all the baby ghosts that were kidnapped by evil toys. Guide Norman and his friends through levels full of puzzles and quests to solve. Rescue the baby ghosts, avoid dangerous obstacles and enemies, collect stars, unlock new characters and defeat the bosses!


Take your ghosts through an ominous and thrilling adventure when they enter Psycho Maze, the final “Ghost Hitch” area, which features ten brand new levels, one new playable character, two new Special Powers, one evil boss and a handful of secrets, including one that only an insightful explorer will be able to uncover!

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ColEm v4.2.3 (Coleco Vision emu for Android)

Marat Fayzullin updated his Coleco Vision emulator ColEm for Android devices.


* Fixed native crash when saving state.
* Fixed several other possible sources of native crashes.
* Fixed desktop icon placement.
* Fixed crash when passing “file://” URI via desktop icon.
* Fixed high frequency PSG noise (dynamite sounds in HERO).
* Fixed DropBox crash when app folder has subfolders.
* Any virtual (android-16) and disabled (android-27) devices are ignored.
* Switched to the latest android-27 SDK.
* Now using Android build tools version 27.0.2.

This is a free, limited version of ColEm that may show ads and nag you to buy the full version. For the latest, full, ad-free version, with better joystick, network play, and the ability to share your saved game play with other users, get ColEm Deluxe.

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fMSX v5.2.1 (MSX emu for Android)

fMSX is an MSX home computer emulator. It will run software written for MSX, MSX2, and MSX2+ computers. Before running fMSX, make sure you place the following MSX system ROMs onto your SD card: MSX.ROM MSX2.ROM MSX2EXT.ROM DISK.ROM.


* Fixed desktop icon placement.
* Fixed crash when passing “file://” URI via desktop icon.
* Fixed DropBox crash when app folder has subfolders.

This is a free, limited version of fMSX that may show ads and nag you to buy the full version. For the full, ad-free version, get fMSX Deluxe. Or, you can buy any one of the authors other emulators and the fMSX ads will stop.

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Silver Valley v1.0 (Master System Game)

Already back in October we have mentioned eruiz00’s game Silver Valley. Just end of 2017 the first public version has seen daylight. There is also a long discussion thread available, which you might want to read or maybe you just want to leave feedback as well.

It’s a mix of Castlevania, Kid Icarus and Wonderboy in Monsterland featuring over 60 levels including boss fights. The game can be difficult at times, just as you would expect from an authentic game. If there would be something like the Master System homebrew game of the year 2017, this production would have possibly got the title.

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