LvR (Gameboy Advance)

OutcaST (21-07-2011) (Beta) (Atari ST emu for Caanoo)

skeezix is still alive and kicking. As proof of his status, he ported the Wiz sources of OutcaST, an Atari ST emulator, over to the Caanoo. As the port is still in beta stage, please give feedback so he can improve everything.

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MilkyTracker v0.90.85 (Caanoo Application Port)

MilkyTracker is an open source, multi-platform music application for creating .MOD and .XM module files. It attempts to recreate the module replay and user experience of the popular DOS program Fasttracker II, with special playback modes available for improved Amiga ProTracker 2/3 compatibility.,0,0,0,6,751

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Interview with Futublock (misc)

Another BAFelton interview: This time with Futublock, coder of Panta vs. Dragon (aka El Tesoro del Dragon).

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Interview with Traylorpark and Crow_riot (misc)

BAFelton interviews the creators of Paper Wars, Traylorpark and crow_riot.

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Speccy v1.7.2 (Spectrum emu for Android)

Speccy is a Sinclair ZX Spectrum home computer emulator. It will run software written for Spectrum 16k, 48k, 128k, +2, +2A, +3, Timex Sinclair, Pentagon, and Skorpion home computers.

Before running Speccy, make sure that you place the following Spectrum system ROMs onto your SD card: ZXS48.ROM ZXS128.ROM ZXS128TR.ROM TRDOS.ROM


* Now compatible with Android 2.2 (Froyo).
* Added Sony Xperia Play buttons.
* Application now free.

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ColEm v2.6.3 (Beta) (Coleco Vision emu for Android)

Marat Fayzullin ported his very own Coleco Vision emulator ColEm for Android devices. As the program is still in beta testing, it’s free for the moment.


* Now compatible with Android 2.2 (Froyo).
* Added Sony Xperia Play buttons.

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fMSX v3.5.4 (Beta) (MSX emu for Android)

fMSX is an MSX home computer emulator. It will run software written for MSX, MSX2, and MSX2+ computers. Before running fMSX, make sure you place the following MSX system ROMs onto your SD card: MSX.ROM MSX2.ROM MSX2EXT.ROM DISK.ROM. For now the emulator is in beta stage, which means there is no charge for it.


* Now compatible with Android 2.2 (Froyo).
* Added Sony Xperia Play buttons.

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GP2X Hardware Library v1.00 (Beta) (GP2x misc)

GP2X Hardware library allows developer to access the hardware features of the GP2x. Software emulation is provided on PC through SDL.,0,0,0,19,2888

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Console Shooter (Beta 2) (Wii Game)

Console Shooter by Bigboss is a “Space Invaders” style game with monochrome graphics for Wii.

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iMAME4all v1.7.1 (Arcade emu for iPhone)

iMAME4all is a iOS universal app done by David Valdeita (Seleuco), port of MAME 0.37b5 emulator by Nicola Salmoria & TEAM for all jailbroken iOS devices (iPad HD, iPhone 4G , iPod touch and older) and it is based on GP2X, WIZ MAME4ALL 2.5 by Franxis.

It emulates arcade games supported by original MAME 0.37b5 plus some additional games from newer MAME versions. This version emulates over 2000 different romsets.

iMAME4all running on iPhone 4


Version 1.7.1: Improved iON’s iCade Support, Bringing iMame4all up to App Standards

Thanks to for the news.

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