XM7Play r2009-005 (NDS Application)

XM7Play by sverx is a simple XM player based on libXM7. It plays XMs and most common format MODs with up to 16 channels directly from your FAT memory card.

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libXM7 v1.00 (NDS misc)

libXM7 is a C library to play XM modules on Nintendo DS using only ARM7 resources (thus freeing your ARM9 from that task).

The use of XMs as a background music in your games allows much more flexibility compared to the old MOD format: more channels, multisample instruments, envelopes, panning and so on. In addition, the XM format is very well known and widespread among composers who compose music using their favourite tracker. Moreover, the reproduction of the tune will not use ARM9 resources as all the necessary elaboration is carried out by the ARM7. With LIBXM7 all you have to do is load the module and fire.


[add] Instrument panning envelope is now supported
[add] Instrument ‘auto’ vibrato is now supported
[add] Amiga frequency table mode (MOD native mode) is now supported
[bug] Effect Hxy (slide global volume) now has memory effect
[bug] Effect EDx (note delay) now retrigs last note and his envelope when specified on a ’empty’ line
[bug] Effect E9x (note retrig) now retrigs instrument envelope too
[bug] Effect Lxx (Set volume envelope position) now starts working in the first tick
[bug] Instrument finetune parameter 3 LSB are now ignored, as in FastTrackerII
[XM7_LoadXM() ARM9 XM loading function:]
[bug] XM7_LoadXM() now doesn’t fail while loading XMs containing multi-sample instrument with 16bits samples in it


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GameUP v2 (NDS Application)

GameUP is a new utility for Nintendo DS that conclude the trilogy of Mik’s Up-Series homebrews (together with OsUp and SkinUP). This new program allows you to take ever your homebrew game archive up to date, giving the possibility to download all the best not-commercial games of the amateur scene. This homebrew works on all the flashcards that support the DLDI due to the direct access to the microSD that GameUP needs (for more info, check out the FAQ section).


* New more clear font
* At the fist startup, GameUP will create a folder (in the root) that will be used to manage all the files Gameup needs (no more bmp and txt files spread into the card)
* Fixed a bug in listing game (repetition of some elements when print out a small list after a bigger one)
* New uploaded games are marked even on the DS through a small green mushroom next to their name into the list so you can see immediatelly what’s new in the game’s archive.

Thanks to and for the news.

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Closed v1.7 (NDS Game)

Cobain updated his homebrew game project Closed to v1.7.

Thanks to for the news.

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Zero Dollar Store (16-06-2009) (PPC Application)

Zero Dollar Store is an application store for Windows Mobile in early development stages.

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Where is v0.6.0 (PPC Application)

“Where is…” is a new GPS program for Windows Mobile 5/6 completely writed in .NET. It gives you distance and direction from your destination without any internet connection or other expensive navigation programs.

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cleanRAM v1.5.5 (PPC Application)

This is an amazing utility which helps you to clean up the wasted RAM memory without having to restart the device and eventually saves a lot of time.


Version 1.5.5 – Fixed: update service small bug fixed – now you can see when you download a beta version + auto find startup folder name fixed (only in case that startupFolder registry value dosen’t exist) + languages files added to cab file (last update: 17.06.09)

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DMenu WIP (Dingoo Linux Application)

Rookie1 is creating a menu system for Dingoo Linux which resembles the default Dingoo menu. The video linked shows it launching Gnu Robbo (from Gadgetoid). Next step is to implement a file choser to pick the rom file name before launching the emulator.


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Light Cycle 3D v2.01 (PSP Lua Game)

SG57 updated his 3D Tron game “Light Cycle 3D”.


* Songs with track names will now be displayed if they are available!

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R6 Save Relocator v1.0 (NDS Application)

The R6 stores a .SAV file for the last played game in the directory of the next chosen game and this directory may well change, which leads to a savefile that cannot be found by it’s corresponding game. This is a problem for each user who likes to store games in different directories, for example in order to sort them by genre or year.

R6 Save Relocator automatically finds deserted .SAV files on your Neoflash R6 and tries to find their correct location and moves them back there.

If R6 Save Relocator just finds one deserted .SAV file for a game, it moves that .SAV file automatically. If it finds more than one .SAV file, the user may select the one that should be used and can either choose to keep the others or delete them from the R6.

The current move is actually a copy and delete afterwards. This is because libfat doesn’t unfortunately support the rename function. Feel free to update the sources if you like!

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