Virtual Jaguar (17-02-2006) (Jaguar emu for PSP)

PLynx has released a port of”Virtual Jaguar”a Atari Jaguar emulator to the PSP. Everything is pretty slow but it’s a start. You will require a jaguar bios, which is NOT included with the archive. Do not ask us or the author for such a file.

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RIN (Homer) v2.0 (GB/C emu for PSP)

Homer has released an updated version of RIN, a Gameboy and Gameboy Color emulator for the PSP. The core is based upon Mr. Mirakachis RIN. Changes:

  • Savestate thumbnails
  • Local background selector (Press X while selecting a bmp file)
  • GB Type (Allows you to select which type the rom should be played as)
  • GB Color (Select which colors the GB rom should have, instead of grey)
  • Local Menu Color Configuration
  • Both option in Key mode
  • Each rom has it’s own configuration file

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    MAME GP2X v1.6 (Arcade emu for GP2x)

    Franxis has updated his MAME (Multiple Arcarde Machine Emulator) port for the GP2x. Changes in this release:

  • New option to configure GP2X clock frequency. Thanks to Hermes PS2R for the CpuCtrl library.
  • New option to save game configurations.
  • New versions of DrZ80 and Cyclone cores, with some compatibility improvements. Thanks to Reesy.
  • Hardware video scaling fixed in some games with big screen resolution (Spy Hunter, Paper Boy, Toobin, Super Sprint, etc).
  • Sound improvements in some games with video frequency different from 60 Hz (Green Beret, Iron Horse, Juno First, Popeye, etc).
  • Added a new frontend graphic skin created by Sike, dedicated to Warriors of Fate.

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    iR Shell v1.0 (PSP Application)

    iR Shell allows you to launch application (UMD games or homebrew) via it’s basic shell interface. The current version only multi-task between the launched application and the Shell/iR Commander. You switch task by pressing the the hotkey (Left Trigger+Select). For example, you launched a UMD game from iR Shell, playing through half of it, switch to iR Commander and change a TV channel, switch back to the UMD game and the game will resume at the point where you left.You can also choose to take screen snapshots on any UMD games or homebrew applications. Unlike other currently available snapshot tools, this one is highly compatible to most UMD games and homebrews. A Bitmap graphics picture viewer is incorporated into the shell. Currently, it only supports 8bit or 24bit color with 480 x 272 resolutions only, ideal for viewing snapshots.The built-in iR Commander is an Infra-Red Universal Remote Control software. It allows you to control various home appliances and other infra-red based equipments. It has built-inIR codes (Pronto Hex Codes) for over 2000 devices. If you can’t find the one you need from the supplied IR codes, you can download additional codes from It has IR codes for over 6000 equipments. The iR Commander allow user defined remotes via RDF text files. It supports bitmap graphics and key macros.Future version of iR Shell will incorporate more built-in functions into the shell and allow you to task switch between them. For example, task switch between UMD game / Music Player / Video Player / iR Commander, etc.

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    PSPRadio v0.38.05 (PSP Application)

    PSPRadio has been updated to a new pre-release. This program allows you to listen to online radio streams.

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    PSP Helicopter v0.80 (PSP Game)

    Shatterdome has updated his Helicopter game, press up to increase your flight height and don’t press anything to lower it. Don’t collide with objects. That’s it.

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    DosBox v1.0 (DOS emu for GP2x)

    Bjimba has ported DosBox to the GP2x. Release notes:

    I looked into various options: porting one of its clones, running it under the already-ported Bochs emulator, rewriting from scratch… I finally had some success by porting DosBox to the GP2X platform. It’s similar to Bochs in that it is a software emulation of the Intel CPU, but it also directly provides the DOS infrastructure, and is designed primarily for DOS games.

    Well, it works well enough for me to play BlockOut, so I’m making what I’ve done so far available for download here.It’s definitely for people who like to fiddle, since you really have to rewrite obscure text configuration files for every game you want to play, and you have to creatively map the GP2X buttons to enough keys to make the game playable.

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    ONScripter (18-02-2006) (PSP misc)

    ONScripter is a NScript-Interpreter for the PSP which allows you to play visual novels.

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    PSP Golf v0.2 (PSP Lua Game)

    Laurin has updated his (Mini)Golf game for the PSP. It’s written in Lua and requires it’s runtime libs. Release notes:

    his new release hasn’t got any new maps, just some new features of the”game engine”. I’m currently searching for”map painters”because I haven’t got that great graphical talent.

    Feedback is appreciated! (to the author of this game)

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    DSOrganize v1.4 Beta (NDS Application)

    DSOrganize is an Organizer Suite for the DS. Changes:

  • Added new translatable field”Unknown”Redesigned text display library to handle foreign characters without crashing.
  • Added captions to homescreen buttons when not in english mode.
  • Fixed bug where pressing back in config mode did not always go back home.
  • Fixed a bug where calendar view didn’t update Day Planner underlines properly.
  • Fixed issue with slow calendar load times (I think)
  • Added customizable keyboard layout to languages files, as well as special keyboard mode.
  • Added visual feedback when typing on the keyboard.
  • Fixed Prev Field/Next Field under Configuration not responding to touch.
  • Fixed calendar dates spilling over onto buttons at the bottom.

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