Mikhail sent in the following news item:1. Attach a GPS sensor/receiver with 2 wires to the GBA link port 2. Upload up to 20 maps of any size with the provided ROM maker/image calibration program3. The GBA will track the current position by smooth and fast scrolling of the map to hold the current position at the screen center and automatically switches between maps.http://www.msh-tools.com/GBA/gbagps.html
PD Roms has a new hosted page. Dr. Hirudo is console, handheld and computer coder. Be sure to check his projects, it’s truly a very interesting page.http://drhirudo.pdroms.de
Finally the GBAdev.org compo judges, decided which 10 winner games to put on the to be soon produced cartridge.http://2004mbit.gbadev.org/
FluBBa updated his PC Engine emulator for the GBA. Changes:
V7.1 – 2005-01-19 (FluBBa)* Added Super CD-Rom emulation on EZ3 cards.* Optimized VDC write.* Optimized VRAM read/write.
Image provided by: UnknownEGG is a Fenix game similar to PAF, which is another Fenix game :-)”look”ported”PAF”to the GP32 and modified the graphics and probably a few other things which give this new game called EGG.http://www.gp32x.com/board/index.php?showtopic=16967
Licantropo released a new GP32 Fenix game. Due to my lack of spanish I can’t provide more information.http://www.gp32spain.com/foros/showthread.php?s=&threadid=16669
Image provided by: UnknownThe first”GP32″game by Sonic-NKT. In”Falling Rocks”you have control over a starship and you need to avoid the falling rocks 🙂http://www.gp32x.com/board/index.php?act=ST&f=37&t=16999
!Reader by Marco Giorgini is another application allowing you to read textfiles on your GP32. Get it from:http://www.gp32x.com/board/index.php?showtopic=16946
Image provided by: Unknownjoanvr has update”Yetti”. It has much cuter graphics and a couple of other changes.http://www.gp32spain.com/foros/showthread.php?s=&threadid=16659
Skeezix is in update mood… CaSTaway v15.3 has been released. This version has better audio handling.http://www.codejedi.com/shadowplan/gp32.html