Beat2X is a Dance Dance Revolution like game for the Wiz.
Release notes:
Beat2X is a StepMania-like game for GP2X. It consists of several levels, each one based on one tune, where the user has to press the right buttons in sync with music.
Note: You have to get music packs on the gp2x archive.
No change to source for wiz version from the gp2x source.,0,0,0,27,178
POWDER is a roguelike game, which is not a port of an existing roguelike. It is built around replayability and long term ergonomics, not short term learning. Author of this piece of software is Jeff Lait. Pickle ported POWDER to the Wiz.
Added Aug 8, 2009, Under:
Neko Project II emulates a NEC PC-9801.
Now has modifiable controls.
Added Aug 7, 2009, Under:
One More Music Player Client is a music player by Coder_TimT.
0.4.0 adds Now Playing and new Menu among other things…,0,0,0,6,2177
Added Aug 7, 2009, Under:
A simple yet addictive game, just point and click on two or more connected and identical ‘chunks’ to ‘munch’ them up.
– New Icon for HBC
– Changing sizes is now easier (larger clickable area) also shows amount of pixels
– Skinning support works!! ( currently I use png files, ico’s will load but wont be pretty 🙁 )
– Last known Skin will try to auto load, on failure it goes back to internal default.
– To create a skin: add a directory, fill it with background.png, 1 through 10.png, cursor.png (all files are optional! 😀 items not found will default back to old style)
Added Aug 7, 2009, Under:
Neko Project II emulates a NEC PC-9801.
Release notes:
Neko Project II Wii is a port of the PC-9801 (PC98) emulator, Neko Project II. It was brought to life by the fantastic progress on the SDL-Wii port by Tantric. Neko Project II was originally written by YUI.
This is a very early version, and is the bare minimum needed to play a game. When you start Neko Project II Wii, you will be presented with a dialog to load disks. Press B to continue past this dialog.
There is 1 file that is required by Neko Project II Wii. This is the font.bmp file. It must be placed in SD:/PC98/DATA/ as font.bmp. Floppy and Hard Disk images must be stored in SD:/PC98/ROMS/
To get the last built version, there is a directory on the Neko Project II Wii Git called np2hbc. Copy this to SD:/apps/ and put the files required by Neko Project II Wii on the SD card, and go!
In order to build Neko Project II Wii, you will need the latest devkitPro, libfat, and SDL libraries. You will also need to slightly patch SDL, to expose the vmode variable. I’ll leave this up to you to figure out 😉
Retrogaming Times Monthly #63 is available. RTM is a retro magazine, sometimes with focus on homebrew things.
Content of this issue:
01. Press Fire To Begin
02. Retrogaming News
03. High Score Monthly Profile
04. Show Report: California Extreme 2009
05. RTM Idiocy: Blissful Ignorance And Dangerous Knowledge (Act 3) |
06. Apple II Incider – Marble Madness |
07. All Eyes On Blaster Master 2 |
08. The Thrill Of Defeat: The Ugly Duckling |
09. Modern Retro – Bionic Commando: Rearmed |
10. Old Wine In New Bottles: Capcom Classic Collection Volume 2
11. Videological Dig – The Vid Kid
12. Laughing Pixels
13. Gaming Advertisements
14. Game Over
maRk2512 updated his game QuirkDS. It’s a remake of the old GameBoy game “Kwirk, A-mazing tater”.
Release notes:
Another Update! Sorry for the lack of updates – i’ve a lot to do with my new house, but the end is near…
– Select your native language in titlescreen (two languages at the moment)
– Music in titlescreen.
– Soundfx during game.
This version includes only 20 maps to play.
The final version will get 136 maps!! (All maps from Kwirk, A-mazing tater and Puzzle Boy/PC-Engine)
I’ve made a extra nightshift to create them all.
If anyone have some better soundfx – please post a mail. Every help is hearty welcome.
You can download the actual version on my first post!
Thanks to for the news.
Rookie1 updated his menu system for Dingoo Linux which resembles the default Dingoo menu.
Release notes:
Greetings! Attached is Dmenu 0.3. From the changelog for 0.3,
– Fixed a display bug where the menu items above the mainmenu are overlapping
– Execute programs directly instead of via ‘/bin/sh’ to reduce memory usage
– Re-structured config files to add theme support and reading config from application directories. See readme.txt for details.
I have changed the config file handling to support multiple themes, and search other directories to include additional config files. Games/Emulators/Applications can come with their own dmenu.cfg and these will be automatically included in Dmenu as long as they are in the search path. Check readme.txt in dmenu directory to find out more.
As usual, post your suggestions/requests/bug reports in this thread. Enjoy 🙂
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