This is a small application volDeus is developing and will evolve into a full-fledged skin editor for Spb Mobile Shell 3. At the moment it only has the ability to change panel backgrounds (among some other helpful tool options), but it has a decent GUI and is unique in that it does not overwrite any changes that have previously been made to your copy of MS3 by other skins or widget packs.
— 1. Scrolling bug fixed.
— 2. Added two more slots to the Images panel.
— 3. Now includes original artwork by volDeus and MoonCat.
— 4. Images are now more evenly distributed throughout available panels.
— 5. All images are now converted to optimal format for MS3 performance and low memory use.
— 6. Added “Global Background” image slot and panel option.
— 7. Added standard panels; Contact – Select Picture, FaceBook Contact Selector, FaceBook Picture Selector, FaceBook Sign-In, Spb Menu Items.
— 8. Replaced “Restart MS3” menu item with expanding menu including; Status, Stop, Start, Restart.
— 9. Added “Select All” and “Select None” buttons to the “Panels” tab.
— 10. Removed “Vertical Slide” image slots and changed corresponding panels to full-screen, fixed backgrounds.
— 11. Added link to home forum thread in about page.
— 12. Other minor bugfixes.
This small application is developed for everyone, who like to have a fast access to music albums stored on the memory card. Instead of launching a player, browsing it’s library for an album and playing it, you can play any album directly from the Sliding Panel.
Added Jun 23, 2009, Under:
Create, Rotate, Scale, and Move your shapes in a race against the clock to match as many shapes as you can! Every match you make holds off the clock with a time bonus, but as the targets move faster and faster, it becomes more and more difficult to stare down fate.
* 3 Modes of difficulty with differing time bonuses and target creation speeds
* Keep track of your high scores for each mode
* Fast-Paced, Intense Fun!
*This is an ad-supported version of ShapeShifter. For a version without ads, search for ShapeShifter*
Added Jun 23, 2009, Under:
paddleNball is a very simple Pong like game.
Added Jun 23, 2009, Under:
Cana is a fun puzzle game where you slide tiles to unscramble pictures.
Added Jun 23, 2009, Under:
Seiken released WiiSPACE for Nintendo Wii.
WiiSPACE is an original retro-themed spaceship shoot-’em-up supporting up to 4 simultaneous players for co-operative play. Features include powerups, bosses, high scores, and an aiming system allowing independent movement and targeting.
Version 1.0 was released on 22 June 2009. I’d like to wait a little while before putting this on the homebrew browser (to fix any bugs that might have slipped through the cracks)
This unofficial project consists of a proxy server that scrapes to provide the data via RESTful JSON API. The other component is an Android application that can query the server to display live bus information on an Android phone.
Added Jun 23, 2009, Under:
Remake in J2ME of the old snake game from Nokia mobile phones.
Added Jun 23, 2009, Under:
Microlog is a small logging library for Java ME (J2ME) like Log4j. It has support for logging to console, file, RecordStore, Canvas, Form, Bluetooth, a serial port (Bluetooth, IR, USB), Socket(incl SSL), UDP, Syslog, MMS, SMS, e-mail or to Amazon S3.
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