Quake2x Wiimote v0.1 (GP2x Game)

Quake2x Wiimote is a modificaton of Woogal’s original Quake2x port for the GP2x, which adds the possibility of playing Quake2x with a Wiimote. A Breakout Box and a USB-Bluetooth-Adapter is required.,0,0,0,20,2090

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Okiwi (Alpha 1) (NDS Application)

Okiwi is a free web browser for the Nintendo DS. Alpha 1 has been released. Happy testing!

Some notes:

– The file can be unpacked directly to the root of the flashcard, that is, Okiwi directory must be just under the root.

– Inside this there’s the fonts directory, which contains three TrueType font files for the different character families, and also those fonts prerendered at different sizes (*.okf) and some other which contains tables needed to associate character bitmaps with their Unicode codes (*.okm). The extensions stand for Okiwi Font and Okiwi Map, respectively. If these fieles are deleted, the software will generate them again from the TrueType fonts, so each one can use the typography he/she likes more. The included fonts are Bitstream Vera.

– By now the only way to move along the document is to drag it with the stylus.

– The only working buttons by the moment are: the first, which will allow in a future to enter an URL, and the last, which allows to set the zoom level.

– By misfortune, the other displaying mode I wanted to include, with a general view in a screen and a zoomed one in the other, isn’t there yet.

– The icons have been designed by my brother. Actually, he has created some variants, but I’ve had to choose one of them. In future versions they will be able to be selected.

– As I said, DLDI is used. Released files are patched for SuperCard Lite. If you have another device, you’ll have to use the patcher with the corresponding patch for your flashcart.I think this is a prosiming result.

By the way, thanks to Nintendo Users for hosting the file. The link will be changed one of these days, since, due to tecnical issues, it’s not in its definitive hosting.

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Snake DS v0.095 (NDS Game)

Beda has released version 0.95 of Snake DS. It’s a typical Snake game with erotic backgrounds.

Update: 20 March 2007 – 01:57am

The version numbering seems to have changed. Version 0.95 is Version 0.095 now.

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Matrix Runner (GBA Game)

This game is inspired by William Gibson’s Neuromancer book and it’s sequels with a bit of influence from the likewise inspired RPG, Shadowrun.

You play the role of a hacker in the future, a ‘decker’, jacking into the global computer network ‘The Matrix’ with a direct brain link that enables you to experience the computer network as a virtual reality.

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DCaSTaway rc5 (Atari ST emu for DC)

DCaSTaway is a Atari ST emulator for the Dreamcast which runs pretty well. The authors are Chui & Ron.

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Project JDS v1.0 (NDS misc)

Project JDS helps you learning the basics of the japanese language.

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Ghosts’n Run v1.0 (Ghost’n Goblins Arcade emu for NDS)

Ghost’n Run is an emulator running on the Nintendo DS for playing the Arcade version of Ghost’n Goblins.

This version requires the commercial ROM arcade set, which is NOT included. Please do not ask the author or the PDRoms staff for this file.

Sound and highscore saving is not implemented yet.

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SensitiveDS (NDS Game)

SensitiveDS is a puzzle game by spinal.The gameplay is simple and addictive.SensitiveDS is compatible with DSMotion Card.,3890.0.html

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RiverCrossingDS v0.30 (NDS Game)

RiverCrossingDS is a game by MangledLftThumb where you have to cross a river. It’s a puzzle game and had it’s last update yesterday.

[March 17, 2007] – v0.26
Fixed issue w/ puzzle #22.
Removed call to PA_SpriteTouched (which was having problems on the DblSized sprites) and created my own function (as per Mollusk’s suggestion).

[March 17, 2007] – v0.30
A few more puzzles.
Fixed minor issues w/ new Touched() function

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Phidias (17-03-2007) (NDS Application)

Phidias is a drawing program for Nintendo DS with DLDI supported. It saves images at Windows Bitmap file.

New stuff in this version:
-Support different resolutions
-Loading and editing saved images (can not load images with too big resolution)
-Zooming with A/B-buttons
-scrolling with D-Pad
-Reset view with START
-Eyedropper tool
-Paint Bucket/Flood Fill tool
-Tools size is now on X/Y-buttons because D-Pad is used for scrolling
-Clear renamed to “New” and it now fills the image with white instead of selected color
-Undo is now also in SELECT-button
-Tools work much faster now but they might seem slower when using the biggest resolution

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