Super Geometry Dust v1.0.4.1 (Pandora Game)

Super Geometry Dust by wermy is a Geometry Wars / Super Star Dust HD mash-up for Pandora.

Super Geometry Dust - First Release


New Features/Enhancements:
– New enemy: laser-shooting enemy that follows you up to a certain distance from you, and then fires on you
– New enemy: laser-shooting turret, which is stationary and fires at you when you are in range
– New bomb: decoy bomb (press the L-trigger to use), which attracts enemies and explodes after a few seconds. Be warned: these are hard to earn, so use sparingly! 🙂
– Various small gameplay tweaks

– Enemy-spawning delay when playing multiple games in a row has been fixed
– Inability to take screenshots in the menus (and high score table) has been fixed

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Lightning v1.00 (PSP Game)

You’re a tiny thunder fellow trying to pass through some king of dangerous thunderstorm!


– Main menu theme cleaned
– Congrats sfx now played a little earlier
– 4th level’s background color made darker
– Damage color set to blue

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Twistex (Vectrex misc)

Twistex by Orb is a small effect for Vectrex in just 256 bytes!

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Puzzle Square (25-05-2011) (PSP Game)

Puzzle Square by chus is a sliding puzzle game for Playstation Portable.

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BAGPlug (Release 3.3 Fix 1) (NDS Application)

BassAceGold updated his replacement Supercard DSTwo plugin menu “BAGPlug”. It’s really only of use for DSTwo owners, others can ignore this plugin!

Release notes:

Released fix 1 for 3 – 3 which just fixes some copy and paste issues. First post has been updated with the fix included in the normal package rather than a stand-alone download.

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A7800DS2 v1.0 (A7800 emu for NDS)

A7800DS2 by alekmaul is an Atari 7800 emulator for Nintendo DS to be used with a Supercard DSTwo flashcard. The emulator tiself is based upon Prosystem. The difference between the DS (not DSi) version is, that this DS2 version is full speed but the sound is not good.

A7800DS V1.0

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Rockbox v3.8.x.4 (Pandora Application Port)

Rockbox is an open source firmware for mp3 players, written from scratch. It runs on a wide range of players.

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The Living Dead v1.2 (NDS Game)

Walk around and shoot zombies. Shoot at them with guns, stab them with knives, blow them to smithereens with explosives, and block them out with barricades. Earn cash from attacking zombies to buy health, repairkits, perks (will be added later), map specific features (in later updates) and weapons.

Thanks to for the news.

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Cherophobe v1.0 (NDS Game)

Cherophobe is an original FPS in which you must defend yourself against the unending assault of smiley faces. For every Smiley face that you defeat you will be rewarded with ten points (the high score is automatically saved when you die). Your health drains away when a smiley face is too close to you and when you run out of health the game restarts. Scattered around the environment are health packs which will raise your health. There are also boxes containing additional ammo. Like the smiley faces the health packs and ammunition will infinity re spawn but always in random places that are out of view so you will need to continue wandering around the map to find them.

Thanks to for the news.

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KubikDS v0.71 (Alpha) (NDS Game)

KubikDS by Quent42340 is a platform game with very simple graphics and currently two levels.

Thanks to for the news.,5062.0.html

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