LISP for NES (NES misc)

neslisp is a LISP compiler suite for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It compiles LISP code to assembly code for the 6502 processor architecture.

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DaedalusX64 (Revision 636) (N64 emu for PSP)

DaedalusX64 is the continuation of the original Daedalus PSP port by StrmnNrmn and other contributors. It is a GPL Open Source project.


[~] Updated About Screen.
[~] Added message boxes for reset settings confirmation.

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Riot Tag-Team Coding Competition 2011 (misc)

The Riot Tag-Team Coding Competition has start and might be of interest for you if you own a Caanoo, Wiz, Pandora and/or Dingoo running Dingux. There is no limit to genre, but it has to be a game, new and original, so no ports or emulators. You have to submit by the end of 25th June 2011. For more information, visit the official page.

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GENS4ALL (Preview 3) (Genesis emu for DC)

The more emulators, the better. Especially if they are for systems such as the Dreamcast! Thanks to Chui, here comes a Genesis/Megadrive emulator and as you can see from it’s video, it works quite great!

Dreamcast GENS4ALL Genesis/Megadrive emulator

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Downfall (Jaguar Game)

Downfall was inspired by Spike Goes Down for Vectrex and Man Goes Down on VCS, both by Alex Herbert. It is not intended to be a port or recreation, just the teams imagining of a falling/gravity game idea.

The object of Downfall is to guide your character through a never-ending chasm on a series of platforms, carefully avoiding rising above or dropping below the viewable area of the screen. Reboot have released the game free for download in ROM, BJL, and CDI format. The source code to the game is also freely available to download from the Downfall website.

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X-pired v1.01 (Caanoo Game Port)

X-pired is an action-puzzle game written in C using SDL, SDL_mixer, SDL_image and SDL_gfx libraries distributed under the terms of GNU GPL. The goal of the game in each level is to reach the exit square, avoiding exploding barrels and other deadly stuff.

Caanoo port done by Hardyx.

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OpenConsole #1 (misc)

OpenConsole is an Italian .pdf magazine specialized to report about open-source consoles news. Issue #1 marks the initial start.

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Sailor Moon R Plus (16-04-2011) (GP32 Game)

Sailor Moon R Plus” is part of “Sailor Moon: Destiny Revival” a five-part fan-made game series using the Beats of Rage game engine. The Super Nintendo games are recreated and improved to include new characters, new powers, more levels, in addition to original cinematic and all-new voice talent. The ultimate goal of the “Destiny Revival” is to complete the game series with the future releases of Sailor Moon S, Sailor Moon Super S and Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars.,0,0,0,11,1101

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DCaSTaway (RC 7) (Atari ST emu for DC)

Chui updated DCaSTaway, an Atari ST emulator for Dreamcast other other consoles/handhelds.

Dreamcast DCaSTaway Atari-ST emulator


Fullspeed with sound.
Fast and accurated (FAME) Motorola 68000 core by Fox68k.
Hardware scaled resolutions.
Dreamcast SD-Card support for savestates and disk changes.
Supports MSA & ST disks images.
Mouse & Keyboard Dreamcast supported.
Virtual Keyboard with triggers L-R.
X button Map a ST-key using X button under Virtual Keyboard.
Joystick is emulated with digital pad + A,X buttons.
Mouse is emulated with analog pad + Y,B buttons.
Crystalline sound without lag.
SH4 exceptions catched for stability.
Superthrottle mode for speed up intros and loading time.
Save disks changes to VMU.
2 floopy drives emulated.
ZIP support.
Filemanager with subdirectories access.
Complete menu with ‘start’ button: load, frameskip, reset…
2 joysticks emulated.
Under PAL dreamcasts ask 60-50Hz selection.
Multidisk support.
Overscan bottom border render.
Atari ST video 50/60Hz switch support.
Close to 100 % compatibility.
TV filter using OpenGL (not for Dreamcast).

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The Last Mission Remake (23-03-2011) (Dingoo Game)

d_smagin is working on a SDL remake of “The Last Mission”. The original game was published by Operasoft in 1987.

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