Powder (Build 109) (GBA Game)

POWDER is a roguelike game, which is not a port of an existing roguelike. It is built around replayability and long term ergonomics, not short term learning. Author of this piece of software is Jeff Lait, the PS3 port comes from Bill Blake.


Two new exciting changes in this release. First we have a new spell: Animate Forest, for those who were wondering what the point of the Grow Forest spell was. Second we have the run mode which lets you auto-follow corridors, hopefully cutting your keystrokes substantially.

– Daemon now has the a in the summon daemon spell description. (FEG)
– If a daemon decides not to be summoned, an a is put in the daemon’s name.
– PSP character dumps should now say PSP Version rather than Linux version. (Dave Hong)
– If you were in the habit of quitting without saving, the random number seed would keep being the same between games, resulting in very similar games. For those keeping track, yes, this was caused by my naive attempts to make things *more* random. (Erik Spigel)
– If you manually climb a ladder while autoprompt is enabled you no longer are immediately prompted to climb back up the ladder when you get to the other side.
– New Run command, ‘r’ for SDL users, which will cause you to run in that direction until something interesting happens. You will turn corners if there is only one way to do so. You can interrupt by hitting a key / pressing a button, useful if you find yourself running a closed loop. As the name implies, this is not meant to be some super safe way to explore the map. (PBP)
– Vi keys now support the Ctrl modifier to turn them into safe walk (David Damerell, Cuboidz)
– New spell: Animate Forest (Adam Boyd)
– When level teleporting via Wishing, do not start on same square as a monster.
– Diminishing returns on piety gains when gods already like you.
– List of items in character dump should now match order of list in inventory. (Meddyan, Cuboidz)
– Soul Suck spell no longer grants caster spells or skills that are present only due to items such as staves. (Eilu)
– Creatures that die underground should no longer have their corpse and items float to the surface. (Meddyan)
– Properly assign guilt to party responsibly for filling holes with boulders. (Meddyan)
– Properly credit kills for creatures that die from suffocation from a boulder you place. (Meddyan)
– The support programs now include cstring.h so should compile with the latest gcc. (Joe B)
– Fixed the #define guard in stdafx.h (Malte Helmert)

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S2U2 Customizer v0.05 (PPC Application)

Slide2Unlock2 (S2U2) is a simple lock/unlock application which has the iPhone style slide unlocking. It can be used as a screensaver while you don’t use your device. And it’s has a CallerID function.

S2U2 Customizer is just a initial test to know the responses. Currently changes only to Digital Clocks & Arrows plus an option to backup the current theme & restore the previous theme is available.


Fixed the Show/Hide time bug.
Added option to unset Lock Sound, Unlock Sound, Run after unlock
Added options to change Exceptions

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TouchResponse v0.02 (PPC Application)

This program is a touch driver to handle the touchscreen presses and vibration. A settings program exists to configure how the vibration works. Since this is a touch driver, there is no program you need to run to start it.


– Attempt to resolve compatibility issues with certain phones – Let me know
– Disable while silent option added – may not work perfect

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Christmas DS (NDS Techdemo)

Christmas DS is the first NDS program by maximveron. There is music and snowfall, which can be adjusted.

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SymTorrent v1.40 (Symbian OS Application)

SymTorrent is the first and currently only one BitTorrent client for Symbian OS. It supports downloading multiple torrents at the same time, is capable of both downloading and uploading and can save the status of your unfinished torrents, so you can resume the downloads after restarting the application. You can also check the status of each file inside a torrent along with several other statistics and properties during download.

Currently, SymTorrent is available for mobile devices based on the S60 Platform 3rd edition. Supported phone models include all recently released Symbian OS based phones, such as the Nokia Nseries/Eseries devices and many older models as well.

SymTorrent is free and open source software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.


2008.05.01 – BUG[Green upload icon is displayed correctly (only when there is an active upload in progress)
2008.05.15. – Peers from tracker response are processed correctly (compact response bug)
2008.06.01. – Option to automatically close network connection after downloads has been added
2008.06.13. – Text colors fixed (obtained from theme)
2008.06.13. – Changed line spacing in status and details views
2008.06.13. – Changed the colors in the download status bar: yellow means patially download, green is fully dowloaded
2008.06.13. – BUG[Download path setting dialog pops up two times] FIXED
2008.06.14. – BUG[Network conenction selection dialog popped up multiple times when cancelled] FIXED
2008.06.14. – Error popups are displayed when starting the network connection failes or the network is disconnected
2008.06.14. – Torrents no longer become “failed” when the user cancels the network selection dialog
2008.06.16. – BUG[Application crashes with KERN-EXEC 0 during download] POSSIBLY FIXED (?)
2008.06.16 – BUG[Receiving HAVE message with piece index 0 causes that the peer disconnects] FIXED
2008.06.16. – Piece queuing added/updated
2008.08.26. – Selecting which files of a torrent to download is now possible (in the files view select Download selection)
2008.08.26. – BUG[The download status view is not refreshed after rotating the screen] FIXED
2008.10.18. – S60 5th UI compatibility problems solved
2008.10.19. – Text size on status and torrent properties view changed
2008.10.22. – BUG[IP address is not displayed in status view] FIXED
2008.10.22. – Added warning popups when witing to disk fails or no peers left
2008.11.24. – BUG[Some of the downloaded data is lost after exiting] FIXED (partially downloaded pieces are saved)

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Circus Galacticus (25-11-2008) (A2600 Game)

The setting is a futuristic gladiator tournament, where combatants duel each other to the death for the pleasure of the galactic empire. The game will comprise the player’s fighting career, with the difficulty and rewards ramping up with each match.

Release notes from jrok:

FYI, I have attached yet *another* build, which adds color progression to the enemy sprite and playfield as you advance. It also lengthen’s the range of the enemies beam in addition to making him more aggressive as you get farther in the game. I think that’s gonna be my last update today, because I have to get my butt back to work. Thanks for the encouragement.

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DaedalusX64 WIP (25-11-2008) (N64 emu for PSP)

Chilly Willy, one of the guys who keeps up with developing Daedalus for PSP has come up with work in progress news yesterday. Read on…

Quote from Chilly Willy:

Stupidly huge update committed to svn. 😀

– Added lookup table to the fragment cache lookup function. The original code only checked if the address to be looked up was the same as the last one to be looked up. Otherwise it just went through the entire list of fragments looking for the address. I added a 256 entry table using a hash on the address to help speed this up. Now if Howard can profile this for me, we can see if it was a waste or not.

– Cleaned up the prefs a little since the ROM prefs in particular had the descriptions overlapping the element list. I also changed the audio setting so that you can select synchronous or asynchronous processing of the audio. Synchronous is the old method where everything is done by the main CPU. There may be times when that is better, so now you can select it. So the three audio selections are Disabled, Asynchronous, and Synchronous.

– Big update to the asynchronous audio. Howard and I had been doing a semi-polled method of waiting for the MediaEngine before terminating the RSP task. I made the CPU AddEvent thread-safe so that instead we can just do a single AddEvent when the ME is done. This seems to be better. There are still some roms that don’t work (well or at all) with asynchronous audio, hence the ability above to switch to sync audio.

One note: Switching ROMs is apparently not quite clean yet. I’ve noticed a few ROMs where you have to quit the emulator and start fresh or the ROM won’t work (properly or at all depending on the ROM). The two I’ve noted by name are Wave Race 64 and Zelda:OOT.

Thanks to once again for the news.

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Fuse PSP WIP (24-11-2008) (Spectrum emu for PSP)

Akop Karapetyan has been informed by Carl Murray (author of Fuse) of a new update. Akop plans to update Fuse PSP soon, so all PSP users can enjoy new features such as upd765 FDC emulation.

Thanks to for the news hint.

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CarsDC v0.1 (DC Game Port)

Ron has ported “Cars” over to the Dreamcast.

Thanks to for the news.

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Mind Maze DS (Beta 2) (NDS Game)

NightFox released a second beta of his puzzle game collection “Mind Maze DS”.


Time to update!
Here you can get the lastest BETA of my project Mind Maze.
I wish to be very thankfull to ToniMax and Sue Keruna for the graphic art on the first six puzzles of first minigame.

Hope you like them.

Oh yes, you can exit from any puzzle just pressing SELECT.



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