PSP-HUD v2.02 (PSP Application)

This is a plugin for PSP CWF 4.01M33-2 (not tested on earlier versions) that displays some basic info on screen.

Such as:

– CPU/BUS speed and CPU usage
– notification on CPU speed change
– battery status (percent and time left)
– local time
Besides displaying info on screen this plugin can:
– change CPU speed
– take a screenshot


– changed option ‘SHOW HUD’, besides switching off HUD display it is used to switch between display methods
– new every info part has it’s own custom position
– moving analog stick in menu, when positioned on FPS,CPU,BATTERY or TIME, will automatically switch that item to custom position

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Dodge the Squares v1.2 (PSP Lua Game)

Dodge the Squares coded by dan369:

Quote from dan369:

After thinking about what i’m gunna do next, i thought hay! Why not pick up dodge the Squares? Actually what i did today.

Well i haven’t released anything in a while so i’m glad i can dust of the cob-webs. (so to say) so WHAT’S New:
-Added a Whole New Mode Retro, You ovadide falling evil squares But don’t forgot to save your blue friends
-Added Analog Support In both modes.
-Changed the Whole Code around.
-Added Optional Difficulty to Retro
-Killed the flashing bug when you die

Things to do
-Maybe another New Mode?
-Music (taking from mso:/Music or mso:/PSP/Music)

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LUAir Hockey v0.21 (PSP Lua Game)

This game is based off of Air Hockey, which was made off of a pong game made with the help of the Evilmana tutorials.


-added analog stick support for 1 player

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Kojotes Vacation Mode Activated (misc)

Dear visitors,

once in a while even a Kojote deserves vacation. I am heading off to Asia for a few weeks and definitely try to keep my online time as low as possible (56k dial-up ain’t fun anyway if you are used to 4mbit minimum).

KEDO ( ) will take over the news. I am not quite sure how much and how regular he will post so let’s hope for the best. In the last few days he showed great support, I consider this a good sign 😉

Heading off for the airport in less than 30 hours, many things to arrange, many things to fix – usual headache.

Have a nice day all!

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Video-Interview with EvilDragon (Pandora misc)

EvilDragon, one of the guys behind the Pandora, has been interviewed.

The 15 minutes long interview is available on a quite few places so you may pick your favorite at the Techvideoblog page.


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TehSkeen – Server issues solved (misc)

Our collegues at TehSkeen solved their server issues. The page is noticeable faster and it’s a pleasure again to surf there.

TehSkeen is known for console modification and homebrew news, which makes it an interesting addition to everyone’s bookmarks.

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Wiz modification comming up (Wiz misc)

A few people were not happy with the two D-Pads, which looked quite odd for most of us.

Gamepark Holdings decided to work out minor things, but these will result into a shipping delay of few weeks.

Read on what Evildragon told us earlier today:

Some of you may know GPH and me are currently at the IFA exhibition in Berlin.
We had quite some conversations during the last days – and I’m really happy to announce the following:

The 2nd DPad of the Wiz will be replaced with 4 proper buttons! AND the 2.5mm headphone jack will be replaced with a 3.5mm one.

So the only flaws I could see with this system will be fixed!
On the downside it means that the release of the Wiz will be delayed for 30 days (so it will be shipped in November), but I think that’s best.

If you like that decision, you can use this thread to thank GPH, as they will be reading it!

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Menu Loader Clone (Wii Application)

This is a clone of the original menu loader, but it has not all of it’s patches.

Thanks to for the news.

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FCE Ultra GX v2.0.0 (NES emu for Wii)

Tantric has released a new version of FCEUGX a Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) / Famicon emulator for the Nintendo Wii. He’s added a lot to the emulator including full support for the Wii’s unique motion sensing controllers, loading from DVD, USB and SD card plus priliminary network (SMB) loading.


* Complete rewrite based on code from SNES9x GX and Genesis Plus GX
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, and Classic controller support
* Button mapping for all controller types
* Full support for SD, USB, DVD, GC Memory Card, and Zip files
* Game starts immediately after loading
* Load/save preference selector. ROMs, saves, and preferences are
saved/loaded according to these
* Preliminary Windows file share loading/saving (SMB) support on Wii:
You can input your network settings into FCEUGX.xml, or edit
fceuconfig.cpp from the source code and compile.
* ‘Auto’ settings for save/load – attempts to automatically determine
your load/save device(s) – SD, USB, Memory Card, DVD, SMB
* Preferences are loaded and saved in XML format. You can open
FCEUGX.xml edit all settings, including some not available within
the program
* One makefile to make all versions

Thanks to brakken / for the news.

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MahJongg Wii v0.4 (Wii Game)

MahJongg Wii is an extremly polished free MahJongg solitaire game for the Wii.

Release notes:

(02Sept2008) The game in shuffle mode, also notice a different tile layout (butterfly), the new count of matching tiles remaining, selectable tiles slightly lighter that unselectable ones and new true type style font for time, etc.

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