Point And No Click v0.4 (Wii Game)

A game in french language… due to “out of french” error, no closer description 🙂

Thanks to for the news.

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UFO Racer (10-06-2010) (Wii Game)

UFO Racer is going to be a UFO themed racing game. It’s currently in early stages.


I started working on a racing game. I’m borrowing graphics for it from an older game I made for PC over 9000 years ago but I’m programing it again from scratch and this time its going to be 2D with a top down perspective and made for Wii.

The steering is controlled by tilting the wiimote (just like you do for Excite Truck or Mario Kart). I’ve never done anything using the accelerometer before but it was actually really easy to implement and already works fairly well although I’ll probable tweak to turning speed later. You hold down the 2 button to move forward.

Another thing that’s somewhat new to me are the rotating sprites. The rotation of the ship is pre rendered but the track is actually rotated in real time. SDL (my primary game development library of choice) sadly doesn’t actually have any built in support for rotating surfaces but luckily there is nothing that cant be accomplished with a few get/put pixel functions and a little bit of math. It will never be as fast as it would be if it was done with GRRLIB but it is already running at a tolerable frame rate in the high thirties and I’m hopeful that I’ll be able to get a bit more speed out of it.

Its just a test demo and I don’t really recommend you bother with downloading it yet but I figured I would share what I’ve been doing.

Thanks to for the news!

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South Africa World Cup 2010 DS Manager v1.01 (NDS misc)

South Africa World Cup 2010 DS Manager is a manager / calendar application for the World Cup in South Africa.

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World Cup Pocket 2010 v1.0 (PPC Application)

Fans of the ongoing football World Cup in South Africa might be highly interested in this little application!

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FootballMonitor v0.33 (PPC misc)

FootballMonitor is a Football (Soccer) Monitoring Service which alerts you when a team is playing and on score updates. Configurable for teams, and frequency of update. Works with lots of major leagues round the world.


Changed method of choosing teams/competitions
Slightly changed graphics

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fixOperaFlash v1.5.4.20 (PPC Application)

This tool will automatically install and configure everything you need to run your Opera with Flash support. With other words: No need to install Flash Lite… Yes, just Plug&Flash!

Tested and working with:

Opera 9.5 builds:
1522, 1938, 1957, 2392, 15233, 15529, 15613, 15746, 15750, 16070, 16277, 16643, 16702, 16844, 16983, 17518, 17658, 17775, 17963, 18152
Opera 9.7 builds:
35166, 35267, 35393, 35432, 35443, 35461, 35523, 35541, 35758


* Flash Library version
* added Registry backup/restore functionality
* improved Opera10 support
* improved Flash version check
* fixed Maximum allowed tabs slider’s value set
* fixed Disk cache slider’s value set
* fixed some minor bugs

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RadarFree v1.7.7 (PPC misc)

RadarFree is a real-time GPS speed camera alert application for Pocket PC & iPhone. With more than 18000 fixed speed cameras and all real-time mobile cameras in Europe, RadarFree is the best fellow traveler who warns you on every camera approach.

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Wallpaper Changer (WaPaC) v1.3 (PPC Application)

Scheduled wallpaper changing on WM’s Today and on Sense.


* The program is now compatible with CHT 1.8.X. You can change the wallpaper of the Home tab, All tab and CHT Lockscreen.
* When you plug your phone to USB with Mass Storage settings, and the needed folder is not available to the WaPaC (or you deleted a selected folder), the app not crash.
* Context menu added to the Selected Folders list to remove folders (if the folder is not available anymore, etc.)
* The application is pops up a warning in the case you not select any UI, when you want to save the settings (not when you uncheck all).

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ThrottleLock v0.8 (PPC Application)

ThrottleLock is a pattern based lock application, fully skinable and with multilanguage support.

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SimplePiano v4.2 (PPC Application)

As the name suggests it’s “SimplePiano” is a simple piano application.


11.06.10(4.2): Added some exception handling during initialization and a vga skin for the Default skin. Fixed the link in to point to here

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