PocketNES (23-07-2008) (NES emu for GBA)

Dwedit has updated PocketNES, a NES emulator for Gameboy Advance.


* Fixed games which do not initially have last rom page mapped into reset vector area
* Fixed compressed Bio Miracle Upa

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DepanBrew v0.3b (Wii Application)

CashMan ( ) has released a duplicate channel remover homebrew application for the Nintendo Wii. Sometimes when you run import games on your Wii you’ll get duplicate channels. So this homebrew will remove them.

Thanks to brakken / for the news.

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Interview with svpe (Wii misc)

Darkman – forum member at – has succeeded in getting last night a short interview with one of the pillars of Team Twiizer, namely the famous svpe encoder.

In this brief interview an hour, our member was able to treat more taboo subjects: the future Custom Firmware, Channel Homebrew and collaboration between Bushing and Nintendo.

Please head over to tehskeen for the interview.

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xyzzy (Wii Application)

xyzzy is a homebrew application which uses patchmii to download, patch, and use a version of IOS to extract the OTP Encryption keys.

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Wiiload v0.4 (Wii misc)

Wiiload is a method of loading .dol and .elf files over the network. If the icon in the very bottom right of the Homebrew Channel is lit up, it should work for you.

More at Wiibrew…

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Colors (Final) (Fix 3) (NDS Game)

NightFox has released an update of his puzzle game Colors. It plays similar to Columns, where you need to bring three identical colored gems, into a vertical or horizontal row, to let them disappear.

Release notes:


I just started to use EFS 2.0. and recompiled my game to use it. Now my game is in only 1 file. And savegame file it’s built-in also. Now this works also with NO$GBA, working perfect (well, not save), mp3 music too. If you find any bug (it’s first time i use EFS) please report to me. The only thing is now load files takes a little more time.


Download links

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DSFrotz v2.0 (Alpha) (NDS misc)

papafuji updated his Nintendo Z-Machine interpreter “DS-Frotz”.

From Wikipedia:
The Z-machine is a virtual machine that was developed by Joel Berez and Marc Blank in 1979 and used by Infocom for its text adventure games. Infocom compiled game code to files containing Z-machine instructions (called story files, or Z-code files), and could therefore port all its text adventures to a new platform simply by writing a Z-machine implementation for that platform. With the large number of incompatible home computer systems in use at the time, this was an important advantage over using native code (or developing some compiler for each system).

New features:

– games data read directly from your cart
– new input & keyboard features
– new design & multi-size and accentuated fonts
– user customization via the .ini files
– a lot of drawing and input bugs killed

Authors page:

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Bunjalloo v0.6.3 (NDS Application)

Bunjalloo is a web browser for the Nintendo DS. It under active development, and can already display simple pages, follow links and view images.


Fix the flashing when downloading files


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Plasma Pong v1.1 (PSP Game)

Here comes an update to Dark_sabre’s Plasma Pong…


added SND0.at3
added PIC1.png
added ICON0.png
analog support
Even faster gameplay
Multiplayer (second player uses Tri and X)
New BG in game

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Pro X Custom Radio (PSP Application)

ProX brings us an internet radio streaming application for Playstation Portable, with a Zelda theme.

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