Super Mario Galaxies WIP (NDS Game)

cid2mizard is still working on his “Super Mario” themed space shooter “Super Mario Galaxies”. The page linked below contains a bunch of screenshots of the upcomming version.

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Gramme DS v0.1.0 (Pre) (NDS Game)

This is a puzzle game. There is a grid of 3 columns and 3 rows. And there are 9 images with 3 shapes and 3 colors. On the right are the next 3 images (from top to bottom). You place the top image into a blank cell by touching the latter. Then a line with certain patterns will disappear and you score. The goal is to score as high as possible.

Line rules:
Vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines with the following patterns will disappear and you score.
1. Same shape and same color.
2. Same shape and distinct colors
or same color and distinct shapes.
3. Distinct shapes and distinct colors.

Score rules.
1 line: 1 point
2 lines: 4 points
3 lines: 27 points
4 lines: 256 points

1. Question mark: Help.
2. Grid: new game.
3. Right images: the next 3 images, top to bottom.
4. High: high score.
5. Score: current score.
6. Number: number of images placed.

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Simon2x (GP2x Game)

Simon2x is a game where you need to remember and replay a sequence of buttons, which increase every round.

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Zoids Quest v0.0.1.1 (GP2x Game Port)

A game in the style of the classic jump-and-run console games. At the moment only a few levels exist, but hopefully as the versions progress more will be added.

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FW 3.80 M33 Easy Installer (PSP misc)

Release notes:

Here is an easy installer!

What do you need ?
– PSP (with fw 3.52 M33.3 or higher)
– Battery 78% loaded
– Kernel acces on 3.XX
– This download :

1) Just drop the map PSP in your root of the Memory Stick
2) Overwrite it (if needed)
3) Start the updater on your psp
4) Reboot and ready!

Have Fun!

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MUX v2.0 (PSP Application)

Release notes:

MUX_2.0_by_KINGSEBO (380 M33 proofed)

You need more PSP/GAME/UPDATE Folders.

Use MUX20:

MUX20 Multiplex your Update-folder.

IN PSP/GAME/MUX20/ you have now 9 Update_X Folders.

Put Update Data inside this folders.
Start MUX20
choose your update_x folder an press O to make a notice like: CFW 3.80 M33-1 or 3.80 M33-2 Update etc….

then choose your Update_x Folder an press X. All Files copy to PSP/GAME/UPDATE, so you can start your aktivated UPDATE over XMB like a normal UPDATE.
After Updating you can delete the UPDATE in the XMB, because you can aktivate it over MUX20 whenever you want, and you have no UPDATE-ICON in XMB.

When runnig MUX20 the first time, the UPDATE folder will backuped to ms0:UPDATE_BACKUP, so you don´t lose data.
Credits to:
Dark_ALeX, psp2dev, bumuckle, Team3GO ,smokescreen, QJ, BUM BUMMANIAC, Ralf Richter, Murat, Maria and Peter….

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Bad news from Erica Sadun. The application “” is cancelled, due to various problems. gave you the possibility to send a piece of music to a database, which tried to identify it and give you appropriate information on it.

Here are what Erica Sadun said:

After talking to Gracenote, I have discovered several things. First, that their Track ID service is not available for noncommercial licensing. Second, that the costs for commercial licensing is beyond the amount to which I can possibly be committed to.

If you don’t mind spending $1 a shot, you can use your iPhone for music ID. Dial #43 (that is #ID). You won’t be charged for songs that the service fails to identify.

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Virtual Dieter (A2600 Game)

A new game from atari2600land is out: Virtual Dieter.

Dodge the food coming at you. If you touch a food, your stomach grows bigger. You get one point for each group of food you let pass to the other side. The game ends when your stomach gets to the other side of the screen.

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ScummVM DS v0.11.0 (Beta 3) (NDS misc)

Release notes:

Hi Everyone,

Here is a third beta version of the 0.11.0 release of ScummVM DS. It needs lots of testing, since there are so many games that I don’t have time to do much of it myself. So please download it. Please post, even it it works fine!

The new scaler makes text a lot more readable, at the expense of some slowdown in some of the newer games.

New function keys should make all the AGI games playable.

This is a beta release, therefore there are not full instructions. This is designed for those who already know how to use ScummVM DS. Full instructions for the older version 0.10.0 are provided on the ScummVM DS website. Please refer to these instructions, as this beta works in mostly the same way.

Also, I have been told that the same code which runs Day of the Tentacle and Sam & Max can also run some of the earlier HE games, so I have added these to the list below. They seem to work fine. Please test them too!


– Fixed CPU scaler in FM Towns games
– Enabled use of CPU scaler in menus even when turned off in the game
– Fixed function keys F5 and F7 in AGI games.
– Rearranged DS Options Menu to make things clearer and not allow conflicting options to be selected together

– Future Wars and Gobliiins now work again
– Swapping the screens while the software scaler is enabled no longer causes odd effects

– New games supported: Elvira 1 and 2, Waxworks (Amiga version)
– Software scaler for improved image quality. Turn it on using the DS options screen (press select during the game). Thanks to Tramboi and Robin Watts for this feature!
– Function keys added to virtual keyboard (used in AGI games)
– Plenty of bug fixes

Supported Games

Build A:
Manic Mansion
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Passport to Adventure
The Secret of Monkey Island
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Day of the Tentacle
Sam & Max Hit the Road
Bear Stormin’ (DOS version only)
Fatty Bear’s Birthday Surprise (DOS version only)
Fatty Bear’s Fun Pack (DOS version only)
Putt-Putt’s Fun Pack (DOS version only)
Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon (DOS version only)
Putt-Putt Joins the Parade (DOS version only)

Build B:
Beneath a Steel Sky
Flight of the Amazon Queen

Build C:
Simon the Sorcerer 1/2
Elvira 1/2

Build D:
Sierra AGI games
Gobliiins 1 – 3
Bargon Attack
Ween: The Prophecy
Future Wars

Build E:
Inherit the Earth

Build F:
The Legend of Kyrandia

Download it here:

Thanks to for the news.

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Waves v1.1.1 (iPhone Application)

Francis released an update ot his application Waves.

Waves is a small toy for your apple iPhone or iPod touch. You can select a predefined image or your own wallpaper and you can touch the screen to generate some wave effect over the image. A floating button can also be added in order to generate the effect in the different screens of the device (i.e. the picture app).

Release notes:

Hi, There is a sporadic problem with the 1.1 version of Waves causing sometimes some troubles during the device reboot when the floating button is enabled.
That’s why a 1.1-1 version has been put on the installer in order to remove it from your device before I can make a fix.
The download is currently removed from this page too.
Sorry for the troubles.

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