iPhoneeBooks v0.8 (iPhone Application) is a simple eBook reader for the iPhone. It reads HTML and text files stored in your Media/EBooks folder, and is smart enough to enter subdirectories, if, for instance, you’ve broken a book down by chapters.


Preferences pane! Choose your font, font size, navigation bar auto-hide preference, and much more!
Chapter navigation buttons on the bottom toolbar, at long last! Go forward and back without returning to the browser view.
Human-friendly browser sorting! You can use Chapter 1, Chapter 2… instead of Chapter 001, Chapter 002…

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PSP Black Jack v1.1 (PSP Lua Game)

A “Black Jack” cardgame, written in LUA.

Thanks to for the news.

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Waar v1 (PSP Lua Game)

petitpeon has released a battle/war game for PSP, written in LUA.

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SpeccyDS v0.3 (Spectrum emu for NDS)

SpeccyDS is a Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator for the Nintendo DS.


Complete re-write of the GUI.
Improved the touch screen accuracy on some Nintendo DS systems.
Added Quick Save and Quick Load functionality
Added two new keyboard images. A Save keyboard and a Spectrum +2 keyboard.
Added a new global settings screen to replace the old Controls screen.
Added re-definable keyboard controls.
Added border size control.
Removed the maximim file limit on the Load screen. There is now no fixed limit.
Implemented several Z80 undocumented features, fixing the crash in Ghosts ‘n’ Goblins.
Fixed the flags on the Z80 CPI command, fixing the odd behaviour in Scrabble.

Thanks to for the news.

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COW Library (NDS misc)

COW is a cross-platform object-oriented workspace that provides a powerful API for RTTI, serialization, streaming, logging, etc. It also contains a set of storage types(String, List, Array, etc.) and lots of other features. It has been verified to compile for Windows, Linux and the DS.

COW offers a set of features including(but not limitted to):
– RTTI and serialization(XML, later also binary with conversion tools from&to)
– FixedPointMath template class that has conversion accessors for float/int conversion. Should work as fast as the defines from libnds, but is a lot more friendly to use.
– (Serializable) Storage types to replace STL. This saves LOTS of executable size. (array, list, dlist, string)
– (Serializable) Metrics and vector classes with the expected operators.
– A few bit operators.
– Handy ‘tools’ like AutoPtr, platform-independant asserts
– Pattern templates like Singleton and Factory
– A streaming system (filestream and stringstream only atm, filestream is not tested on. This system allows uniform file handling and stream opening (eg. StreamManager::OpenStream(“file://file.txt”, [read/write mode])
– etc.

COW also includes platform-independant unit tests, which help a lot during development. The current project state is beta and although the code design might still change slightly.

Thanks to for the news.

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DeSxpressions v0.1 (NDS Lua Game)

Cid2Mizard has released a “hangman style” game for NDS, but without hanging someone 🙂

Thanks to for the news.

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Necro Quizz (Mulitlanguage) (NDS Game)

Kukulcan has updated his latest NDS homebrew “Necro Quizz”. It’s now multilingual instead of french only.

Thanks to for the news.

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PSP Memory Game v1.0 (PSP Lua Game)

Here comes an updated “PSP Memory Game”.


– now works on custom firmware (tested on 3.52 M33-4)
– new card images added
– minor bug fixes

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Jewel Thief v0.11 (PSP Game)

Use the analog nub to move your player (the thief). The object is for you to steal all of the jewels on the screen without being caught by the good guys who are running around. If they touch you, it’s game over. Take all of the gems on the screen without being caught and you move on to the next level. Currently there are six levels. Once you beat them all, the game will start over. BUT- no two levels are the same, for the gems are placed randomly around the screen… this assures good replay value. The game starts out easy and gets harder as you progress. If you get caught, press start to restart the game.


The last version (v. 0.10) of this game did not run. I apologize for the problem. This update should run correctly.

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LightMP3 v1.4.1 (PSP Application)

Sakya has released a new version of his MP3 player for PSP.


-Added: in the file browser you can activate USB (press SELECT)
-Fixed: display didn’t turn on (if turned off with START) when playlist or directory finish.
-Fixed: bug if you’re using mp3s without ID3 (or only ID3v2). –> Error opening file
-Fixed: shuffle. Now pressing L will go back to previous track

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