Wee Basic v1c (NDS Application)

Wee Basic is a BASIC interpretor for NDS.

Changes in this release:


– for/next error on first parse
– let statement not ignoring white space
– assingment not ignoring white space
– boolean functions for if statement not ignoring white space
– boolean expression for if statement returning incorrect value when using brackets
– print statement not handling variables that have a value which is a negative decimal


– added basic graphics:
plot x,y,colour (x,y are coordinates; colour: 1-4 to display, 0 to erase). See pong demo
line x1,y1,x2,y2,colour. See pong demo

– added log(), sin(), cos(), tan() and sqrt()

– cursor moves to the top of the document after load file
– if there is an error in the basic code, cursor will move to the point of (or close to) the error after the program is ended to make it easier to debug
– you can now use up and down (as well as left and right) to navigate in the editor

By with 0 comments v0.99.04 (NES emu for iPhone) is a Nintendo emulator for Apple’s iPhone. uses a modified version of the popular InfoNES emulation core to mimic the 6502 processor in a Nintendo Entertainment System, allowing you to play ROM dumps of games designed for the NES console. ROM dumps are files containing the dumped instruction code from a physical cartridge. In many cases, you are legally entitled to posess a ROM dump of any game that you presently own. ROM images for NES are widely available online, or with the appropriate hardware, you can dump them yourself directly from the cartridge. started as a fork of iPhoneNES v0.01, but has been completely rewritten to run very fast, and with many additional features including full sound, game genie codes, saved games, battery-saved ram support, and full screen support.

Changes since v0.99.02:

[nervegas] Changed Speaker/Headet/Mute button to use colored indicators. [nervegas] Tapping status bar now reloads lists + scrolls to top
[nervegas] Added fourth game genie code slot; sped up game genie a bit
[nervegas] Screen flip to affect on emulation view, not browser
[nervegas] Removed taskbar in landscape mode
[nervegas] Enlarged full-screen mode A/B buttons for landscape view
[nervegas] Enlarged full-screen mode directional pad for landscape view

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MobileFinder v0.9.1 (iPhone Application)

MobileFinder (strictly “Finder” in the iPhone’s springboard view) is a filesystem navigator and launcher for use with iPhones which have been jailbroken.

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LabyrintheDs (22-08-2007) (NDS Lua Game)

Cid2Mizard has released a new testversion of his maze game LabyrintheDs.,361.60.html

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Pandoras Battery (PSP misc)

Those are great news for all with BRICKED PSP’s, but read on your own:

We told you that we’d be releasing an unbricker for the M33 bricks. But then we got to thinking, maybe that just wouldn’t be exciting enough.

Would you like a super special surprise bonus? How about an unbricker for ALL PSPs? Yep, you read that right. We call it “Pandora’s Battery”.

There’s a larger story behind this unbricker, though, and it deserves to be told. It’s the culmination of years of behind-the-scenes research and development by some of the top names in PSP hacking, under the name of the Prometheus project. This group of people, from various development teams, was dedicated to developing and releasing PSP hacks and exploits, with the aim of improving the status of PSP homebrew, and making sure that it was kept alive.

For some time this project was highly successful – many releases from Noobz, C+D and others were direct results of this work. The zenith of this success was the development of this unbricker – which required some amazing technical leaps, including:

1. Reverse engineering of the service (unbrick) mode
2. Development of a technique to change an ordinary battery into a service mode trigger battery (and back)
3. Development of custom IPL code along with a technique to sign that code as authentic.

Even more impressive is that all of the above was achieved without any access to the official hardware or software. With careful nurturing, this unbricker and custom IPL was to become the foundation of a whole new homebrew environment.

Unfortunately something happened to shatter the idyll. Somehow, the unbricker was leaked into the wider world before it was ready to be released. Whether this was deliberate, by one of the team members, or accidental via a security breach is still unclear. The fact is that this unbricker appeared on the black market, being sold for huge prices. As far as we know, it is probably very close to the same software that appears in at least some of the ‘magic unbricker’/’jigkick’ videos.

So, although the time was not right to release this (it would have been wise to wait at least until the PSP Slim release), our hand has been forced. In order to prevent small fortunes being made by leeches, we are giving this unbricker away for free. So – let it be known – if you have paid for an unbricker, then you have been ripped off. I suggest that you take up your grievances with the seller – it should never have been sold. And if you’re unhappy about this being released before PSP Slim – then blame whoever it was that leaked or stole it.

It’s unclear whether or not this is the end for the Prometheus project – hopefully not, but that is undecided so far. In case it is the end, it is worth a quick roll of honour. In alphabetical order:

Adrahil, Booster, Cswindle, Dark_AleX, Ditlew, Fanjita, Joek2100, Jim, Mathieulh, Nem, Psp250, Skylark, TyRaNiD.

And here are their respective C+D (Create and Destroy) nicknames.

Mathieulh = WiseFellow
Tyranid = bockscar
Fanjita = FullerMonty
Joek = CosmicOverSoul
Dark_Alex = Malyot
Chris = Caretaker
Adrahil = VoidPointer
nem = h1ckeyph0rce

Anyway – make sure to read the readme.txt in this release for how to use it, but in brief it works like this:

1. You run a program on a homebrew-enabled PSP that will convert a standard PSP battery into a jigkick battery. Note that you can’t then use that battery normally – so you should use a spare one.
2. You run a program to generate the unbricker memory stick image, built from the v1.5 update EBOOT (note that this, and the custom IPL, means the release is completely free of Sony copyright materials).
3. You run some programs on a PC to install the image to your memory stick.

Now, you have a battery/memory stick pair that works just like the famous jigkick combination (but better) – just insert them into any PSP (even a brick) and the PSP will be reinstalled with the v1.5 firmware. As far as we know, this will continue to work for all future firmwares.

Enjoy! And remember – if you find this useful, please donate to the original developers

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Buenzli 16 (NDS Intro)

Buenzli 16 is an intro for NDS.

Release notes from Raven/Nuance:

Our first tiny release for the NintendoDS. Done entirely during the Buenzli-16 just for fun

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GoSub 2 (22-08-2007) (A2600 Game)

atari2600land has kept on developing the second part of GoSub and released another early preview.

Release notes:

I added being able to shoot the enemies. But what I need help with now is the mini-game. I’m thinking Combat for this time, and I need your people’s opinion on one thing: When the sub hits the wall in the minigame, should it A.) keep ramming the wall; or B.) bounce off and go in the opposite direction? version 18b has the first option and version 18c has the second one. Many thanks to Mike Rideout for helping me with this part. To get to the mini-game, at the title screen, press the select switch until the first digit gets to 2, then press the reset switch.

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GumDrop (XBOX 360 Game)

GumDrops are falling from the sky and you have to pop them…or something like that. It’s a simple, competitive puzzle game supporting up to 4 players on Xbox 360 and 6 players for Windows.

This is really a pretty old release, but still worthy to mention.

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FizzOut (XBOX 360 Game)

FizzOut is a one level racing game with boats.

This project is from January 2007.

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Super Nova Psycko (XBOX 360 Game)

Super Nova Psycko is a space shooter, released in late February 2007.

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