ndsMandel (NDS misc)

ndsMandel is a fractal browser for the NintendoDS. It’s been compiled on a Dell Inspiron 1501 using devkitPro 1.4.4 and PAlib 070717beta. It currently features the world famous Mandelbrot set displayed as a fractal, aka Appleman which is infinitely browsable and whose colour and details (how many different steps within the iterations are marked) is customisable.;topicseen#new

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DJ Drops (27-07-2007) (PSP Techdemo)

DJ Drops is a techdemo which adds 2 more effects.

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MAME GP2X v4.6 (Arcade emu for GP2x)

Franxis has updated his MAME port for the GP2x.


– Improved the System 16 driver (MAME 0.36b1): Several new System 16 games are playable (Moonwalker, Shadow Dancer, etc).
– Added the Sprite Manager support, required for the new System 16 driver.
– Updated UPD7759 sound core (MAME 0.36b1), to improve the digitized sound in the System 16 games.
– Rainbow Islands has been fixed (MAME 0.36rc1).
– Renegade has been fixed (MAME 0.36b6).
– Modified romsets: MAME 0.36b1: alexkidd, aliensyn, altbeast, astormbl, aurail, dduxbl, eswatbl, fantzone, fpointbl, goldnaxe,
hwchamp, mjleague, passshtb, quartet2, sdi, shinobi, tetrisbl, timscanr, tturfbl, wb3bl, wrestwar.
– New romsets: MAME 0.36b1: altbeas2, atomicp, bodyslam, goldnaxa, hangon, moonwlkb, quartet, riotcity, shdancer, shdancrj,
shinobl, tturf, wb3.
– Modified romsets: MAME 0.36rc1: rainbow, rainbowe, jumping.
– Updated the ClrMAME Pro DAT with the updated romsets.
– Fixed the “stuck” USB joypad problems. Thanks to Ark and TelcoLou.

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Virtua Peanuts – Evolution (NDS misc)

Virtua Peanuts – Evolution shows descriptions of 28 consoles/handhelds.,842.msg6412/topicseen.html#new

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Pong (NDS Game)

And here comes a “Pong” game!,844.msg6411/topicseen.html#new

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Lecturo-Quizz (NDS Game)

Kukulcan has released a new quiz game for the NDS.

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Maestro (Alpha 1) (NDS Game)

Maestro is a game written by DevilDog. A detailed description is available in french language at it’s release thread.

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YAPR v1.55 (PSP Lua Game)

YAPR is a Pokemon RPG themed game.


fixed most/all boundry errors (so now you cant walk into blank space)

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DSFile v0.5 r2 (NDS Application)

calcprogrammer1 has updated his file browser for NDS once again.


Copying shows a status display, removed init code that crashed when slot-2 is not inserted, Y is a sort of refresh, but it doesn’t work well (for inserting a slot-2 card after program is running).

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YouTubed-2x (26-07-2007) (GP2x misc)

Gets videos from YouTube and transcode them to GP2X compatible video files. Also supports P*rn*Tube.

Usage: [options] URL(s),0,0,0,17,2284

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