Status V (misc)

Good and bad news… first the bad ones. We only have enough money to keep PDRoms alive for the next 2 months (without domain costs and without covering the loss I had with the sponsor of PDRC#3).

All the sponsoring income we ever had, has now disappeared.The good news – Our coder is still heavily developing the code for the new PDRoms and it’s comming along well.

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Status IV (misc)

Finaly we are working on the new PDRoms internal code, recoding will take around a month, re-adding everything from scratch will take two months. It might get december and for whole january I’ll be on vacation in asia.

I think we can target February 2006 as new start for PDRoms, any earlier re-launch would be even a surprise to me.

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Massive and very complete NDS Archive (NDS misc)

If you are looking for an almost complete source of any NDS homebrew ever released, you should point your attention to the page linked below, you won’t regret it. Great work guys, hope we can have a kind of co-operation when PDR is back on track 🙂

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Beer Belly Bill 3: Grillieren (GBA Game)

Bill is having a barbecue, and of course it’s up to you to serve delicious meat to him! This game won the Buenzli 15 Game Development Competition.

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The Last Seal (GBA Game)

Sascha Brandt and Roman Schaub have released a pretty impressive GBA game which was planed for a commercial release, but is freeware now.It’s a point-and-click adventure where you take control over a hero called Russ Kimble.

Experience one of the biggest GBA-adventures ever produced. Where other classic titles feature about100 locations, The Last Seal features more than 180 locations split up into more than 500 detailed rendered screens, with character-animations exceeding the magic 1000-frames-barrier!

Give it a go and feel free to donate them for their hard work.

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Status III (misc)

Before anyone hopes that we continue with the news for now, wrong thought. I was just in the mood to post. PDRoms will be fully back on track when the new design and the new code is ready. I think we can target November for a re-opening, whith a month break in January.

To tell more about the system: Everyone will be able to register with PDRoms. If you have a valued name, you get access to the news-module and can post things on your own, which will appear after a moderator has checked everything.

As the main code has not started yet, we still accept user wishes regarding the functionality.


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ST-Sound GP2X v0.1b (GP2x Application)

ST-Sound GP2X is an Atari ST music player. It plays music stored in YM-files. This version is based on Aylet gp2x and uses the ST-Sound engine of Arnaud Carre.,0,0,0,6,1678

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Xor v1.03 (GBA Game)

Version 1.03 of Xor is now available for download.

This version fixes the problems in three of the new Procyon’s Mazes maps. Two of them could not be completed and a third had map quadrants missing. All have now been tested in this new version and can be completed.

Thanks to Mick Waites for the news.

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Copyright Infrigment (misc)

By request of”Robert L. Hunter, IV/Entertainment Software Association”I had to remove the Fangame”Donkey Kong by FJSantos”which was an Open-Source, one Level GBA homebrew.

If you happen to host this on your pages too, please remove it.In case FJSantos is reading that, you might modify the game and re-release it so they can’t complain about it anymore.


PS: If you happen to find any suspicious or problematic material on PDRoms, please let me know. It’s not a problem at all to remove things upon request, but don’t bitch around by talking about taking the whole site offline!

Update 25.07.2006
I finaly got the”reading confirmation”of my response from the ESA, wow that took a while. So once again I want to point it out: If any suspicious material is found, send a mail to webmaster(at) and it will be removed as soon as I got notice of it, which usually takes not more than 10 hours.

Also consider titles which have similarities to commercial titles as fangames and not as agression against anyones copyright or trademark. No one on PDRoms intends to steal someone elses property and spread it in any form. We have not done this in the past and we will not do this in the future.

Update 27.07.2006
I’ve recieved the following lines by brad_yo today:
This is very short but here the thing the Entertainment Software Association had a DK fangame remove but Entertainment Software Association is just a anti-pirate group and does not have any copyrights over DK (Donkey Kong) only Rare & Nintendo do and their for the game should have not been remove. Anti-pirate groups have no right to bug people over what ain’t their business and the DK fangame was wrongly removed no copyright holder should ever be obeyed when it come to copyright.

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Status II (misc)

The PDR-Team is still alive and still kickin’. The main-layout has been finished but needs some re-touching to grant a proper, modern and easy to navigate page. We probably target end of autumn 2006 for a new start.In other words, we’ll be back… and it’s just a question of weeks 🙂

Kojote&The PDR Team

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