RTS – A touch of War v0.5 (NDS Game)

“RTS, A touch of War”has been updated. It’s a strategy game in settler style for the Nintendo DS.Changes:

Update. v0.5

  • Added a menu, you can now select Right/Left handed(hit R/L for a shortcut instead of using the touchscreen).
  • B/Down(right/left handed) is kill all selected units again.
  • Added options for 0-3 AI’s in the game, they’re all hostile towards each other, so it’s still easy to win.
  • Fixed fog of war not being cleared when a unit is killed… Again…
  • Slight fog of war speed improvement.
  • Added a countdown for units being made in buildings.

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    Ladybug (13-01-2006) (A2600 Game)

    johnnywc is working on a Atari 2600 remake of the game Ladybug (similar to Pacman). Get details and the download from the release thread at atariage.com

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    Knights Tour (PSP misc)

    Algorithm to demonstrate one of the interesting puzzles of chess. This program demonstrates the problem originaly puprosed by the mathmatician Euler. The puzzle is this, can the chess piece known as the knight move around a empty chess board and touch each of the 64 squares once and only once. This demonstrates a solution to this problem. Press the Space bar to move the knight, and press the enter key to return the board back to normal.( for PSP use triangle in place of space and circle in place of return )

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    Phamicom GP2X v0.3 (NES emu for GP2x)

    Madelman has updated his Nintendo NES emulator Phamicom for the GP2x. Changes:

  • Implemented savestates
  • Switched to PAL mode by default
  • Deleted some unused code

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    SMSAdvance v1.4 (SMS emu for GBA)

    FluBBa has updated his Master System emulator SMSAdvance. Release notes:

    Added support for fake sprite collision, fixes most games which use sprite collision.

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    PSPone (Alpha Build) (PSX emu for PSP)

    Release notes:

    I’ve decided to release another ALPHA version of the PSPSOne emulator as a demo so everyone can see how much the speed has progressed.

    No BIOS is required for this demo, I’m using the internal HLE Bios built into the emulator. This is the same Paradox demo I released last year, except this runs much faster.

    Some techinical info:

    -This version is running with the interpreter CPU core, not the recompiler.
    -This is running with full 256×256 textures (I can get better speed with 64×64 or 128×128 textures)
    -No sound
    -Partial debug loggin enabled
    -partially optimized build

    I’ll add a fps counter to all future versions so you can see speeds for yourself. Remember that this Paradox demo was designed to test the very limits of the Playstation.

    Just so there is no misunderstanding, This ALPHA demo is hardwired to play a single psx demo file that I have provided, It will NOT run a game in it’s current state. I plan to release a playable BETA version very soon that has a GUI, mapped controls, and the ability to select and load psx/bin/bin.gz files.

    Also, would someone with a 2.0 check to see if it works?

    Please remember to donate!

    Comment welcome.…

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    Sudoku2x v0.5 (GP2x Game)

    Yoyo+ has updated his Sudoku conversation for the GP2x. Changes:

  • themes support (available themes : default red, green, blue, gold and bamboo), you can create your own theme by creating a directory in ./themes. (Missing pictures will be taken from the default theme).
  • Scribble support ( 4 maximum by square) : use Y
  • Enable or disable mistake correction

    Warning : previous savegame will not work with this version !!


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    Lost Puzzle Box v0.2 Beta (PSP Game)

    According to it’s author this is a”Trippy puzzle game for XBOX,Windows,Unix,and PSP!”.

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    Iso Fractal Demo (PSP Techdemo)

    Image provided by: lostjaredlostjared has released another single effect demo for the PSP, now it is an iso fractal.

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    Lily and the lost Angel v0.00001 (GBA Game)

    Image provided by: NhutNhut is currently developing a Jump’n’Run style game for the Gameboy Advance. It’s very early in development but you can already download an alpha.

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