Tiled is a general purpose tile map editor. It is meant to be used for editing maps of any tile-based game, be it an RPG, a platformer or a Breakout clone. The program is very flexible, for example there are no restrictions on map size, tile size or the number of layers or tiles. Also, it allows arbitrary properties to be set on the map, its layers, the tiles or on the objects. Its map format (TMX) is relatively easy to understand and allows a map to use multiple tilesets while also allowing each tileset to grow or shrink as necessary later. Ported to Pandora by Canseco.
– Compiled with QT 5.7.0 from latest beta Codeblocks PND.
Sodarunner is a small arcade game by jeeks featuring a thirsty student with the goal to empty out every single vending machine on the campus.
Use B to buy drinks, press start to pause. In the score screen, use up and down keys to change the letters (press left or B when you’re done). Machines with an X over them are empty, the ones with a ! sell special drinks. The student’s current preferred brand will give you bonus points.
Alite is a fan port of the classic Elite from the 80s by Philipp Bouillon. Specifically, Alite focuses on the Amiga version.
Command your Cobra space ship in a fantastic voyage of discovery, adventure, and trade, a supreme test of your combat, navigational and entrepreneurial skills. Trade between countless planets, using the proceeds to equip your ship with heat-seeking missiles, beam lasers and other weapons – corporate states can be approached with little risk, but unruly anarchies may be swarming with space pirates. There is a lot of bounty to be made for the daring pilot. Do you have it in you?
Learn how to fly your Cobra in a series of face-to-face lessons from renowned Commander Quelo and profit from his vast experience. Remember: Black market trading can be lucrative but could result in skirmishes with local police and a price on your head! However you make your money, by fair means or foul, you must blast onwards through space annihilating pirate ships and hostile aliens as you strive to earn your reputation as one of the Elite!
Release notes:
* Alite 1.5.3 hides or dims the menus on (most) Android devices (all those running at Android 4.0 or later). Now the buttons are correctly aligned again.
* Some devices (like the HUDL 2) have slight problems with the immersion mode, so if you notice that your buttons are off screen, disable immersion in the Display Options.
Added Aug 6, 2016, Under:
Tower of Archeos is a PICO-8 game by Benjamin Soulé.
Climb the tower of Archeos and kill the evil sorcerer! Attack group of same kind of monsters, monsters will retaliate but group size don’t affect final damage, so try to destroy large groups first, when your XP need reach 0 you gain a new heart and refill your life + items, Blocked door and chests can be opened by killing monsters next to it, Open a door to climb one floor and reach the 8th floor to fight Archeon.
Added Aug 6, 2016, Under:
GO Game is a GO game by harraps. The game is playable and implement a counting system to display the score at the end of the game. You can comment/uncomment one line of code to display the territories instead.
Release notes:
I’ve updated the game now it’s called pico-go. I’ve implemented your suggestion except for the smaller cursor if the cursor was 5*5 then the goishis should be 5*5 too and there would be a gap between each goishis and it wouldn’t look good. But yeah at first I was frustrated that I couldn’t align precisely the goishis on the board. But now I think it’s fine as it is.
Added Aug 6, 2016, Under:
Floomy by hcnt is a autojumper bouncing game, way up to to top. It features endless random platforms, pickups, deadly obstacles and highscores. The authors highest score is around 5200 at the moment. Can you beat it?

Release notes:
* now only the first entry with the current score should flash ^_^
Added Aug 6, 2016, Under:
Egghunt is a PICO-8 game by syrupneko. It’s all about finding eggs on a bigger area. Can you find ’em all?
Release notes:
v1.1. I added Morning Toast’s recommendation. So instead of saying “items found” or “secrets found” it says how many out of how many you’ve found. I also made a slight change to make ending “A” a little more obvious (but not by much) and optimized a little bit bit of the code.
Added Aug 6, 2016, Under:
Lander on Planet Cheese is a PICO-8 game by boomlinde.

You are stuck on planet cheese. You could slice your way out if only you had a slicer. Luckily you have a slicer detector…
Use the slicer detector (X) to pinpoint the location of the slicer. Hold (O) to lock the camera. The up button will turn on your thrusters, while left and right fires your horizontal course correction engines. You need to refuel every now and then. Luckily the cheese of Planet Cheese can be processed and turned into rocket fuel. Land safely on both foot pads at a low velocity to process cheese.
Added Aug 6, 2016, Under:
Triotos-8 is a PICO-8 game by mickio1. It aims to be a faithful port of the hit game Triotos.
fMSX is an MSX home computer emulator. It will run software written for MSX, MSX2, and MSX2+ computers. Before running fMSX, make sure you place the following MSX system ROMs onto your SD card: MSX.ROM MSX2.ROM MSX2EXT.ROM DISK.ROM.
* Added EPX and EAGLE scaling algorithms using GLES2 shaders.
* Enable “Video | Hardware Acceleration” to see new algorithms.
* Select scaling algorithm via “Video | Scale Video”.
* Added high-quality scanline effects using GLES2 shaders.
* Select effect via “Video | Scanline Effect”.
* Added color raster effects using GLES2 shaders.
* Select color raster effect via “Video | Color Mask”.
* You can combine scaling, scanline, and color raster effects.
This is a free, limited version of fMSX that may show ads and nag you to buy the full version. For the full, ad-free version, get fMSX Deluxe. Or, you can buy any one of the authors other emulators and the fMSX ads will stop.