Colossal Cave Adventure (also known as ADVENT, Colossal Cave, or Adventure) is a text adventure game, developed originally in 1976, by Will Crowther for the PDP-10 mainframe. The game was expanded upon in 1977, with help from Don Woods, and other programmers created variations on the game and ports to other systems in the following years. [Text from Wikipedia]

– Added coll pause after a page of text (press A to continua)
– Changed text color to green
– Added possibility to swap color to white with R+UP
– Added possibility to swap again color to green with R+DOWN
– Started formatting textes to the narrow 3ds screen
– Starting the game with R pressed, forces an update of the game data on SD (needed to load the new formatted textes)
Puzzle3DS is a simple memory game for the 3DS by trainboy2019. All you have to do is memorize the pattern shown on the bottom, then when the indicator in the top left is green, repeat the pattern.
Release notes:
Made the patterns more random. Thanks, @MaiconErick
cpasjuste updated his port of pFBA (portable Final Burn Alpha) for the Nintendo Switch. FB Alpha is an Arcade and Console emulator.
* switch: fix audio 🙂
* switch: add 4 player support. When joycons are not docked (multiplayer), use “L STICK” button press for start or coin instead (+) or (-)). All players share the same button configuration for now.
* switch: fix a random crash on exit (hopefully)
* switch: lower font size
* switch: use linear filtering as default option (faster)
* pfba: fix button textures not deleted when changing menu
* pfba: fix version not correctly handled on some platforms
* pfba: fix missing rom path slash on new config
REminiscence is a re-implementation of the engine used in the game “Flashback: The Quest for Identity” made by Delphine Software and released in 1992. REminiscence was created by Gregory Montoir, ported to Nintendo Switch by cpasjuste.
Installation (Switch):
* copy “REminiscence.nro” from “” to “/switch/REminiscence/” folder
* copy “DATA” folder from “” to “/switch/REminiscence/” folder
Thanks to Nintendomax for the news.
Added Mar 29, 2018, Under:
The Slime Pit for PICO-8 is by guerragames‘ first release for this fantasy console. Kill as many slimes as you can before they get you.

Conway’s Life for Game Boy by NovaSquirrel.

Release notes:
This uses pretty much the same algorithm as my NES version, and is about as fast for a 32×32 grid. If you’re running on a Game Boy Color you can change it to double speed mode so it’ll go faster.
Added Mar 29, 2018, Under:
Owen still works on Newo Fox for Nintendo’s Wii.

Water effects are in!
Added Mar 29, 2018, Under:
Space Survival is a PICO-8 game by Kagei. Obstacles fly through space, keep your spaceship save!

Added Mar 29, 2018, Under:
SlipWays is a PICO-8 game by krajzeg. Drag the map around using the right mouse button or the SDFE keys. Click to drop a wormhole that will become your starting point. Then click and drag to find some planets, which you can colonize with your chosen industry type. Drag from planet to planet to connect them with a slipway. Try to connect planets that make stuff with planets that need it. Buy structures by dragging them from the bottom-right corner. Research technologies from the top-left corner. Click the heart symbol to check your score.

Added Mar 28, 2018, Under:
Picoban is the first PICO-8 game by Carlos Pedroso. It’s a sokoban style game with 15 levels, it features deadly traps, gems and lasers!